Not defending Ocean...enough of that goes on...however:
He didn't start another was already his...his story. Someone else was doing it until they Ocean decided to do it himself. The visuals improved and the story was changed somewhat. Given the two stories are so connected, Ocean decided (his right to do so and didn't personally bother me) to update WIAB to try and match SG...and also change some story elements to match his revised script of SG. (I also think, my opinion, we have had so much SG to coincide with events from WIAB and will be like this going forward, but that's just a theory of mine).
if going to whine like a 12 year least about stuff that is correct (like is stretching himself thin between both a problem por not, which so far it has been I agree but I don't think that will be a problem now going forward).Personally I'm anti SG as this was the better Vn and story until he took over SG himself so hoping now most of the reworks are done that things move along again at a nice pace.