THe previous version had good and bad cops, Krayt, Miru's ninja clan, the bikers, the Zane's and the Organisation, who was working with the bad cops. The bikers, Zanes and good cops were mostly collaborating. Miru's clan was unknown as to their goals. It's safe to say thes power structures/relationships are irrelevant now, only the outlines remain. Asavera is Leia's competition, not affiliated with Krayt or Leia, but in competition - that why Willi sent Asavera's 'regards' to Krayt by the knocked out member. We have no idea what Asavera does yet, other than a nightclub owner that is also watched closely by the police. Asavera might be on the pimp side manipulated by the organisation to antagonise Leia, who knows? I think the Church/Organisation is rather a political thing that uses the church structure for cover, so yes, I agree with you there, it's most likely coordinating Krayt and Asavera because Leia is in there way.
In the old version Abigail asks Willi why Leia called him, as it had been a year since Helen's accident - the implication was Leia called him because she can't handle what is going on despite her appearance of confidence. That fits with my theories about Helen having gotten used to not speaking, it's been a while.
In the old version, Donna seduced him to blame him for rape, but then fell pregnant with his child. The organisation would have terminated her, she hides the prenancy test to avoid being found out so they think she is still useful. I think she ends up with the Zanes as the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of vibe. They know from then they can trust her because she's out of options. We also don't know if Donna is married, ends up keeping her surname or what. She might not be Revera yet in this version.
I think Mon was joking about Dana preparing a defense - Mon said Leia is way too clean, so the police don't have anything they can use right now, so no need for a lawyer yet. Jorge disappeared after getting feisty at Leia's club, but no one knows where he is. Maybe He will find Summer
Also notice that Emilio has tatts in SG but seems pretty clean in WiaB - maybe he spends time in prison too?
Harbour was a villian, but not necessarily the main one. There's a beach house or something with an unseen man who seems to be the main villian. THe girl or Donna (depending on whether you let yourself be seduced or are set up by the blonde) seem to report directly to him.
All the stuff from the old version is not canon anymore, but it's still a good way to second guess the way Ocean plots and thinks.