4.20 star(s) 198 Votes


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I hadn't thought of a mini cinematic for Steam/GoG, and you're right about that. We need one with a big punch, those dupes are not going to come alone, we have to show the animated Katie to make them fall for it.

As for season 1 of WIAB, he had already said it was going to be 8 episodes, and I think it says so on Steam. (yes, it still says that on Steam)
View attachment 4482955
As for the simultaneous release or not, I think it depends a lot on how big the wishlist is on Steam. I also know that the wishlist grows if it has an estimated release date, so maybe there will be some news about it.
And I have also noticed that the SS numbers are up (well, no, I was told they were going up) and if I interpreted what I was told correctly, they are WIAB numbers, and perhaps to underpin that growth, it is a simultaneous release.
We often talk about consistency with the story and the character models, but the most important consistency for Ocean is communication and making the game exciting/bringing anticipation. While he's excited about the workflow he hopes for the workstation, people get genuinely excitedbecause they see he's passionate about the game despite the loss of patreon etc. At least, that's how I'd read the increase in numbers. Or, the leak of Leia's setshows that people just want them some content.

Either way, if the subs numbers are up, that'll help him feel like he's moving forward. Impetus is a great thing.


Jun 24, 2024
Damn I can hear the potential coming from this thread of the howling of sirens the sound of water flowing from hoses the bangs of stun grenades and the smell of pepper spray if ''Nika the Emo'' working dick is significantly bigger than ''Will the Chad''. Ocean needs to really think about this decision it looks like the range of unforgivable sins


Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
I guess if he changes the macro name for the series to the Williverse we'll know if Willi will be the pillar upholding the whole kit and caboodle :coffee::sneaky: I personally like the idea of the 'family' being part of each story, kinda like Dan Mitchell's Ghostwritten book - each new chapter had a single character or event from the last but was separate, and there was a daisy chain of events and separate stories. Probably easier to do in an AVN than a regular novel. In this sense, I don't need Willi or Leia to have a significant part in SG, because they're part of the backdrop (maybe, maybe not). At least so far, SG and WiaB have enough separation, the fan theories are th only things finding connection where there might be none. I've been making a big effort lately in my own mentality to focus on what I am told by the stories I play, rather than what I assume or what is suggested - it's the only real way to deal with the fact I've played the games before they were reworked.

Oh yeah, about lying - I only think of things through the filter of the story. The whole chain of whispers about what the dev said when things have been nuked from orbit in this thread, in discord etc ...I just decide not to care about the politics of the game. It is up to Ocean to keep his subs happy, not me. I can't keep them happy for him, and it's his job. There's also so little chance for a dev to just issue a throwaway comment on discord or a forum etc and it just be off the cuff. Everyone can screengrab now, so everything is Official™ and Serious™ to the point the dev can't say anything for risk of someone showing him the screengrab.

About Leia vs Mon, Leia literally has a childish grudge against Willi, and mentally she fed it to become full blown depression. Willi isn't responsible for Leia's dependency, he's only responsible for leaving. After he left, Leia spent the time reliving how she would punish him at some point. There is no way she is not being vengeful over a childish grudge. Compare that to Mon - Willi took her virginity and left her as a literal cum dump. She shows amazing restraint, and less violence towards him than Leia. Leia has the potential to be a great character for the plot, but she's excessive, manipulative, and generally unpleasant. There's maybe two scenes where she doesn't have her thorns out, or at least retracts her claws for a polite conversation, but thy always come back out.

What William did to Mon is far far worse than what he did to Leia, based on what we know right now. The fact that William doesn't know what happened to Mon after he did that suggests it wasn't long after he creampied Mon that he left Wollust. Maybe there was time for something even more serious between him and Leia, but that sort of stuff could get the game banned pretty much anywhere if it was shown, so it's incredibly unlikely.

There's still more story to be revealled, but people demonise Willi for running away and breaking the family etc. There's only so far that punishment/vilification can go. Katie forgets sometimes that she's holding a grudge, Leia doesn't. This doesn't mean I think Katie is an angel, but she is willing to engage with William and talk openly. Leia's looking to score points and get the upper hand rather than be honest. I think that will play into the way the story develops. But nowhere in the game does it say I have to like her :coffee::sneaky:
To be honest I never gave much thought on HOW the story will connect, I sure they will and William and the Zanes are gonna be part of SG and the other games - if they ever come- but there is 100 ways of doing it and is the type of thing I am happy to wait play out than try to guess. Maybe William will be a Stan Lee like character and show up, look at the camera, wink twice and you will know that this story only exists because he fucked someone 50 years ago. I like your idea, but I also like the idea of the story being one big story, and I also like the idea of them being their own thing existing on the same world. There is not a right way to do it.

Oh I agree, I was not suggesting he does that. I just don't like this idea. Authors can trick me any time with their story, but when they are given Word of God they should not lie or trick the audience to think one thing or the other. I also agree about being easy to be confronted with a lie, but people still do, not always in a malicious manner. I really don't think Ocean does this, just as a argument " the author lying to us" is one that I am not found off.

LEIA. Sorry, did not wanted to give the impression that you SHOULD like Leia, was just joking. That there is characters that we can like and hate is a praise for Ocean skill. I mostly agree with you about Leia being childish and vindictive that she is obsessed with William, narcissistic tendencies - to be charitable. Leia is all that. But we are 3 chapters in, we don't really know what William did and what they were back then. I am holding judgment on Leia, and we already had a more moral debate on the matter. Regarding the drugs and prostitution. Can a imoral person be a good person ? Maybe. I just think that Leia has much more to her than hurt twin roommate, or at least I hope so.

MON. I have a different view on her than you do. Mon did not moving on. Mon is in denial. She can't even recognize William presence, much less the she is slept with him, " I have nothing to compare". I don't think that a lack of violence response is necessary is a good signal here, granted Monica seems a more balanced person than Leia and I get your overall point. Leia is a bitch.

Taking about being a bitch. KATIE. Just kidding. I do like Katie. But I do find her dynamics far too tiresome and quite frankly far more childish than Leia's. Katie is one character that changed much with the rework. For what I remember from the OG she was a full bitch and then we heard her sad story. Never really cared much for her there. New Katie is like hot and cold, she teases but does not like to be teased back, is really pleasant at moments and deeply annoying at others. In the rework she is more of a balanced character, she does not take all the blame for William leaving as she did in the OG, but she is not guilt free. That said, I am more suspicious of her than I am of Leia, Leia shows herself you know that you can expect anything from her, I can at least respect that. Katie seems... I don't have the English word. I just find more hard to trust her than I do Leia, I know what expect of Leia, I don't of Katie. She comes across to me as a entitled brat that will trow fits if do not get what se want.

William. Is a dick but I like him.

Let's dust off the other important topics: this is log week!
*workstation: while we know he won't receive it until next week, we may have the final specs.
*numbers?: maybe?
*Katie emergency render: yeah ;)
*cinematics: maybe it's time to know more or less if there will be cinematic or just animations.
I think this week will be a conservative log. Focused on phone and coding, some workstation news but I am not expecting much. Once he got the Workdstation I think he will speak more about renders count.

Damn I can hear the potential coming from this thread of the howling of sirens the sound of water flowing from hoses the bangs of stun grenades and the smell of pepper spray if ''Nika the Emo'' working dick is significantly bigger than ''Will the Chad''. Ocean needs to really think about this decision it looks like the range of unforgivable sins
I mean, if Nika is a Zane he has either to surpass William or rejecting him entirely. I find the former a more interesting story than the first but we will see. Having him as a nobody we have much more possibilites, but being a Zane I can only see this two. Given that Ocean is a Star Wars fan I would not be surprised if he has his own Skywalkers, with strong on the Chad Force.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2020
To be honest I never gave much thought on HOW the story will connect, I sure they will and William and the Zanes are gonna be part of SG and the other games - if they ever come- but there is 100 ways of doing it and is the type of thing I am happy to wait play out than try to guess. Maybe William will be a Stan Lee like character and show up, look at the camera, wink twice and you will know that this story only exists because he fucked someone 50 years ago. I like your idea, but I also like the idea of the story being one big story, and I also like the idea of them being their own thing existing on the same world. There is not a right way to do it.

Oh I agree, I was not suggesting he does that. I just don't like this idea. Authors can trick me any time with their story, but when they are given Word of God they should not lie or trick the audience to think one thing or the other. I also agree about being easy to be confronted with a lie, but people still do, not always in a malicious manner. I really don't think Ocean does this, just as a argument " the author lying to us" is one that I am not found off.

LEIA. Sorry, did not wanted to give the impression that you SHOULD like Leia, was just joking. That there is characters that we can like and hate is a praise for Ocean skill. I mostly agree with you about Leia being childish and vindictive that she is obsessed with William, narcissistic tendencies - to be charitable. Leia is all that. But we are 3 chapters in, we don't really know what William did and what they were back then. I am holding judgment on Leia, and we already had a more moral debate on the matter. Regarding the drugs and prostitution. Can a imoral person be a good person ? Maybe. I just think that Leia has much more to her than hurt twin roommate, or at least I hope so.

MON. I have a different view on her than you do. Mon did not moving on. Mon is in denial. She can't even recognize William presence, much less the she is slept with him, " I have nothing to compare". I don't think that a lack of violence response is necessary is a good signal here, granted Monica seems a more balanced person than Leia and I get your overall point. Leia is a bitch.

Taking about being a bitch. KATIE. Just kidding. I do like Katie. But I do find her dynamics far too tiresome and quite frankly far more childish than Leia's. Katie is one character that changed much with the rework. For what I remember from the OG she was a full bitch and then we heard her sad story. Never really cared much for her there. New Katie is like hot and cold, she teases but does not like to be teased back, is really pleasant at moments and deeply annoying at others. In the rework she is more of a balanced character, she does not take all the blame for William leaving as she did in the OG, but she is not guilt free. That said, I am more suspicious of her than I am of Leia, Leia shows herself you know that you can expect anything from her, I can at least respect that. Katie seems... I don't have the English word. I just find more hard to trust her than I do Leia, I know what expect of Leia, I don't of Katie. She comes across to me as a entitled brat that will trow fits if do not get what se want.

William. Is a dick but I like him.

I think this week will be a conservative log. Focused on phone and coding, some workstation news but I am not expecting much. Once he got the Workdstation I think he will speak more about renders count.

I mean, if Nika is a Zane he has either to surpass William or rejecting him entirely. I find the former a more interesting story than the first but we will see. Having him as a nobody we have much more possibilites, but being a Zane I can only see this two. Given that Ocean is a Star Wars fan I would not be surprised if he has his own Skywalkers, with strong on the Chad Force.
Obviously me being me, I'm going to stop and talk about Katie.:love:

While your observation is quite accurate (I think that is the author's intention) it is worth mentioning things that should lead us to that. I'm going to start with just from the rework for here, then a bit of the old WIAB.
Katie is a teenager, unlike the other characters, she should and has to behave the way she does. She is still a child, who has gone through a traumatic event that she may have caused (we don't know the whole story yet).
Besides, she is written in such a way that you should realize that she doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't have the necessary resources to be at the height of a sarcastic confrontation, she only knows how to give direct blows of “rage”. And this is more noticeable when she is surrounded by other characters, her interactions with Zoey, with Miru, Mon, Dana, all show a girl in essence “good” (with all that that can mean in the WIAB universe) but above all, clueless.
In the old WIAB, she seemed like a hurricane, a force of nature, but seeing her again after the revelation of her story, you should (or that's the intention) see her differently, a hurt girl who didn't really know how to fight, and who needed to walk away so she wouldn't do the same thing again. "I killed my roommate.""everyone hates me, so I hate me, too"
The difference between the two approaches is the time given for things to happen. From the violent turn in the old WIAB to the more serene approach of the new one.

As for the log, we are at the end of January, if the optimistic vision is close to reality (i.e. March/April) we are in time to receive more conclusive news, it is necessary to put an approximate date to those Steam/GoG pages for example.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
Obviously me being me, I'm going to stop and talk about Katie.:love:

While your observation is quite accurate (I think that is the author's intention) it is worth mentioning things that should lead us to that. I'm going to start with just from the rework for here, then a bit of the old WIAB.
Katie is a teenager, unlike the other characters, she should and has to behave the way she does. She is still a child, who has gone through a traumatic event that she may have caused (we don't know the whole story yet).
Besides, she is written in such a way that you should realize that she doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't have the necessary resources to be at the height of a sarcastic confrontation, she only knows how to give direct blows of “rage”. And this is more noticeable when she is surrounded by other characters, her interactions with Zoey, with Miru, Mon, Dana, all show a girl in essence “good” (with all that that can mean in the WIAB universe) but above all, clueless.
In the old WIAB, she seemed like a hurricane, a force of nature, but seeing her again after the revelation of her story, you should (or that's the intention) see her differently, a hurt girl who didn't really know how to fight, and who needed to walk away so she wouldn't do the same thing again. "I killed my roommate.""everyone hates me, so I hate me, too"
The difference between the two approaches is the time given for things to happen. From the violent turn in the old WIAB to the more serene approach of the new one.

As for the log, we are at the end of January, if the optimistic vision is close to reality (i.e. March/April) we are in time to receive more conclusive news, it is necessary to put an approximate date to those Steam/GoG pages for example.
Oh I agree. I don't hate Katie, I quite like her, I just don't have the patience to deal with her. Leia at least is fun, she teases, she pulls back, she gives in. She might fuck yours brains out or your whole life up. Katie just throws tantrums. I understand her age, and her backstory, I am not indifferent to it, I just do not have the patience for it. She should not talk a big game if she can not back it up. And then when you respond to her she just set fires in everything. At least in the OG she could back up. I too am unsure if she regrets doing whatever she did, she might feel guilty of its consequences but I don't think she regrets the doing. Problem here is that we don't know what happened and why it happened. So you might like Katie more and William and Leia are the real bad guys on the other way around.

I mean, are we optimistic ? I am less sure, the updates only seems to grow bigger. For this log I am not expecting much, but when he sets up the station I think he will evaluate how much work he has to do and how much time will take to do it, right now he can't.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2023
Dunno why everyone loves NTR content except me but this 10 out of 10 story is ruined cuz of the damn NTR content
Then, why did you do NTR content if you dislike it so much?

Honestly, the only thing I can see that would ruins the story, that would be because Ocean will keep changing it so much, that it would 100% be a new game at this point.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2022
just a shame that SG and WIAB as they both grow story wise will take so much longer to update now because of more LI's and different directions the story can go for both VN's. being that both stories are getting deeper into the story there are going to be so many choices or routes it will take between a year to 2 years maybe to update and the fact one guy is creating both at the same time . although when the updates finally hit the market there is definitely hours of play time to both , the wait still sucks lol.
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Active Member
May 23, 2023
just a shame that SG and WIAB as they both grow story wise will take so much longer to update now because of more LI's and different directions the story can go for both VN's. being that both stories are getting deeper into the story there are going to be so many choices or routes it will take between a year to 2 years maybe to update and the fact one guy is creating both at the same time . although when the updates finally hit the market there is definitely hours of play time to both , the wait still sucks lol.
Even the DEVLOGS are taking a long time


Jan 19, 2020
Dunno why everyone loves NTR content except me but this 10 out of 10 story is ruined cuz of the damn NTR content

i love ntr only if the ntr'd person gets to hit it eventually. it's the build up to that climax. idk, i guess i like the naughty aspect of it. it's a complete turn off if it's literally just cuck simulator all the way with no victory or redemption arc. that's the difference for me.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
To be honest I never gave much thought on HOW the story will connect, I sure they will and William and the Zanes are gonna be part of SG and the other games - if they ever come- but there is 100 ways of doing it and is the type of thing I am happy to wait play out than try to guess. Maybe William will be a Stan Lee like character and show up, look at the camera, wink twice and you will know that this story only exists because he fucked someone 50 years ago. I like your idea, but I also like the idea of the story being one big story, and I also like the idea of them being their own thing existing on the same world. There is not a right way to do it.

Oh I agree, I was not suggesting he does that. I just don't like this idea. Authors can trick me any time with their story, but when they are given Word of God they should not lie or trick the audience to think one thing or the other. I also agree about being easy to be confronted with a lie, but people still do, not always in a malicious manner. I really don't think Ocean does this, just as a argument " the author lying to us" is one that I am not found off.

LEIA. Sorry, did not wanted to give the impression that you SHOULD like Leia, was just joking. That there is characters that we can like and hate is a praise for Ocean skill. I mostly agree with you about Leia being childish and vindictive that she is obsessed with William, narcissistic tendencies - to be charitable. Leia is all that. But we are 3 chapters in, we don't really know what William did and what they were back then. I am holding judgment on Leia, and we already had a more moral debate on the matter. Regarding the drugs and prostitution. Can a imoral person be a good person ? Maybe. I just think that Leia has much more to her than hurt twin roommate, or at least I hope so.

MON. I have a different view on her than you do. Mon did not moving on. Mon is in denial. She can't even recognize William presence, much less the she is slept with him, " I have nothing to compare". I don't think that a lack of violence response is necessary is a good signal here, granted Monica seems a more balanced person than Leia and I get your overall point. Leia is a bitch.

Taking about being a bitch. KATIE. Just kidding. I do like Katie. But I do find her dynamics far too tiresome and quite frankly far more childish than Leia's. Katie is one character that changed much with the rework. For what I remember from the OG she was a full bitch and then we heard her sad story. Never really cared much for her there. New Katie is like hot and cold, she teases but does not like to be teased back, is really pleasant at moments and deeply annoying at others. In the rework she is more of a balanced character, she does not take all the blame for William leaving as she did in the OG, but she is not guilt free. That said, I am more suspicious of her than I am of Leia, Leia shows herself you know that you can expect anything from her, I can at least respect that. Katie seems... I don't have the English word. I just find more hard to trust her than I do Leia, I know what expect of Leia, I don't of Katie. She comes across to me as a entitled brat that will trow fits if do not get what se want.

William. Is a dick but I like him.

I think this week will be a conservative log. Focused on phone and coding, some workstation news but I am not expecting much. Once he got the Workdstation I think he will speak more about renders count.

I mean, if Nika is a Zane he has either to surpass William or rejecting him entirely. I find the former a more interesting story than the first but we will see. Having him as a nobody we have much more possibilites, but being a Zane I can only see this two. Given that Ocean is a Star Wars fan I would not be surprised if he has his own Skywalkers, with strong on the Chad Force.
100% there are myriad ways Ocean can have the Zane presence throughout. My main thought is that they will be in the background in SG, with things like Bella's story arc not really touching on the Zanes. Or maybe it does, with the Holgerson's - we know Stefan is still good with Zoey, is Zoey still good with Katie? The difference for me is that like it is now, in SG those connections are all in the background, we don't really know how Zoey feels about the events in SG, and I don't think we will. The WiaB characters will be the backdrop, and pop in and out like Ocean will pull a good character model from the background whenever he needs a new character. The actual story of the series will surely have an overall path for what happens to the Zane's but it doesn't have to reflect the Zane interest as the major plot in any of the games other than WiaB. We might see the rise and fall of the dynasty occuring side stage.

I think rgards lying, some people take everything as a serious promise, and don't know some things are throwaway comments. That's why the internet is difficult, the /s only goes so far. When a dev has a sense of humour, the dev might troll some of their subs/patreons. Right now I kinda see Ocean doing that on discord when talking about SG LI's fetishes. Some of it may be true, some of it maybe exaggerated, but he's teasing people who simp for a LI. Then you have statements where a dev has 100% intention, but they miss. Or in the form of the story, everything is told the way the MC believes the world is, but Helen might get her voice back and drop some bombshells. Truth is overvalued in storytelling. I much prefer integrity, even if it isn't always possible. In this sense, Ocean had a choice with WiaB, to stay true to his original vision and have the game nuked, or to stay as true to the feeling and intent of the game and make the changes that keep that sense of danger/shame/taboo valuable. Can he succeed? Well, there was no guarantee he'd succeed in the first way even if it didn't get nuked. His original plan might have sucked and ended up a basic fuckfest. This is the path forward, for better or worse. He has also not chosen to make the story a boring "MC chad's everyone into his harem."

So people in the game can misspeak, people in the game can misdirect, Ocean can be cagey in devlogs - if it's all in order of serving the game's continued development, I'm good. The only lies I'm not fond of are people saying they have xyz when they haven't and I paid in money or emotions.

About Leia: although we don't know, we do know that William wasn't around long after he creampied Mon. He doesn't know what happened after that. We don't know what happened that caused him to flee. So in that sense we don't know if Mon was dealt with in a worse way than Leia. I can only assume that Leia and Willi didn't do anything, like they didn't in the original. Leia's childishness about the grudge and her tantrums seem more along those lines - she mentally has gone back to who she was when Willi is around, all her adult armour gets broken. That's all we see anyway. Good or bad as her choices may be, I'd probably write her off as being in the too hard basket. Coming back to reconcile and be a support because she needs Willi ...to be a punching bag? Sorry, I would go for fixing things with everyone else and I wouldn't play along with her revenge. That's all in the past even if it has to be dealt with now. Which leads me to...

Katie: despite being younger, she has the more mature response. She accepts William is back, and basically is around him each day, bumping into him and going through the rollercoaster of trying to decide how to respond. Does she respond from hurt, do they team up (the spiders were ridiculous, but Willi purposefully tried to find a way to break her ice with that ridiculous planning), do they socialise with a moderate truce? Do they joke with each other? Katie's finding her equilibrium MUCH faster than Leia. Dylan had an emotional breakdown and is just glad. Katie has reservations, but to go back to what they had before also had fighting the whole time, callous jokes etc. So in some ways Katie has just picked up where she left off, and there's only a couple of moments where she has actual outbursts. Most of it is her trying to find a sense of equilibrium with the Willi she doesn't know. Leia doesn't seem interested in finding out who Willi is now, she seems more interested in bullying him for who he was when he left.

Mon: Yes, she's in denial, but I don't see that as a problem. When Willi first sees her, she is angry, but she doesn't get as violent as Leia, she also doesn't act like she's in denial. From that point she tolerates him because he's around. She also has to uphold the law because of her job, so she keeps her emotions in check. Regards the comment about nothing to compare - that could easily mean Ben has never done it with her, that he's not at that point of the relationship, or she doesn't want to compare him against Willi in front of Willi - she might just want the easy out of that conversation that is repulsive to her. Or it could be she is simply so used to avoiding that discussion that she just stays silent about it, public denial rather than psychological avoidance. Either way, she's acting incredibly level headed for the amount of injury Willi did to her reputation. Leia's reputation isn't anything to do with Willi.

And Willi, I think he's a lot more than people give him credit for. I think Ocean's trolling us with his chadness, just like Willi's trolling Leia by acting as a meathead (because she doesn't want to know who he is, but focus on the past).

Obviously me being me, I'm going to stop and talk about Katie.:love:

While your observation is quite accurate (I think that is the author's intention) it is worth mentioning things that should lead us to that. I'm going to start with just from the rework for here, then a bit of the old WIAB.
Katie is a teenager, unlike the other characters, she should and has to behave the way she does. She is still a child, who has gone through a traumatic event that she may have caused (we don't know the whole story yet).
Besides, she is written in such a way that you should realize that she doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't have the necessary resources to be at the height of a sarcastic confrontation, she only knows how to give direct blows of “rage”. And this is more noticeable when she is surrounded by other characters, her interactions with Zoey, with Miru, Mon, Dana, all show a girl in essence “good” (with all that that can mean in the WIAB universe) but above all, clueless.
In the old WIAB, she seemed like a hurricane, a force of nature, but seeing her again after the revelation of her story, you should (or that's the intention) see her differently, a hurt girl who didn't really know how to fight, and who needed to walk away so she wouldn't do the same thing again. "I killed my roommate.""everyone hates me, so I hate me, too"
The difference between the two approaches is the time given for things to happen. From the violent turn in the old WIAB to the more serene approach of the new one.

As for the log, we are at the end of January, if the optimistic vision is close to reality (i.e. March/April) we are in time to receive more conclusive news, it is necessary to put an approximate date to those Steam/GoG pages for example.
As I mentioned above, I think the key part of Katie's reworked character is she starts from where she and Willi left off - the casual bullying/arguments between them, the pointed jokes etc - then realises she's glad his back, but doesn't want to admit it. Of course there's the part of her that is hurt because he left, and those outbursts happen when she loses control. I like that she starts from a more human approach. Leia has now taken the role that Katie filled in the old version in a way, Leia is the one trying to do bad things to William, or at least imagining doing them.

Still, Ch4 starting where 3 left off will change quite a bit of my opinions, I'm sure.

Dunno why everyone loves NTR content except me but this 10 out of 10 story is ruined cuz of the damn NTR content
This is why you can turn it off and play without it.

Even the DEVLOGS are taking a long time
What, they're not two weeks apart? They're probably more reliable now than they have been.
Last edited:


Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
100% there are myriad ways Ocean can have the Zane presence throughout. My main thought is that they will be in the background in SG, with things like Bella's story arc not really touching on the Zanes. Or maybe it does, with the Holgerson's - we know Stefan is still good with Zoey, is Zoey still good with Katie? The difference for me is that like it is now, in SG those connections are all in the background, we don't really know how Zoey feels about the events in SG, and I don't think we will. The WiaB characters will be the backdrop, and pop in and out like Ocean will pull a good character model from the background whenever he needs a new character. The actual story of the series will surely have an overall path for what happens to the Zane's but it doesn't have to reflect the Zane interest as the major plot in any of the games other than WiaB. We might see the rise and fall of the dynasty occuring side stage.

I think rgards lying, some people take everything as a serious promise, and don't know some things are throwaway comments. That's why the internet is difficult, the /s only goes so far. When a dev has a sense of humour, the dev might troll some of their subs/patreons. Right now I kinda see Ocean doing that on discord when talking about SG LI's fetishes. Some of it may be true, some of it maybe exaggerated, but he's teasing people who simp for a LI. Then you have statements where a dev has 100% intention, but they miss. Or in the form of the story, everything is told the way the MC believes the world is, but Helen might get her voice back and drop some bombshells. Truth is overvalued in storytelling. I much prefer integrity, even if it isn't always possible. In this sense, Ocean had a choice with WiaB, to stay true to his original vision and have the game nuked, or to stay as true to the feeling and intent of the game and make the changes that keep that sense of danger/shame/taboo valuable. Can he succeed? Well, there was no guarantee he'd succeed in the first way even if it didn't get nuked. His original plan might have sucked and ended up a basic fuckfest. This is the path forward, for better or worse. He has also not chosen to make the story a boring "MC chad's everyone into his harem."

So people in the game can misspeak, people in the game can misdirect, Ocean can be cagey in devlogs - if it's all in order of serving the game's continued development, I'm good. The only lies I'm not fond of are people saying they have xyz when they haven't and I paid in money or emotions.

About Leia: although we don't know, we do know that William wasn't around long after he creampied Mon. He doesn't know what happened after that. We don't know what happened that caused him to flee. So in that sense we don't know if Mon was dealt with in a worse way than Leia. I can only assume that Leia and Willi didn't do anything, like they didn't in the original. Leia's childishness about the grudge and her tantrums seem more along those lines - she mentally has gone back to who she was when Willi is around, all her adult armour gets broken. That's all we see anyway. Good or bad as her choices may be, I'd probably write her off as being in the too hard basket. Coming back to reconcile and be a support because she needs Willi ...to be a punching bag? Sorry, I would go for fixing things with everyone else and I wouldn't play along with her revenge. That's all in the past even if it has to be dealt with now. Which leads me to...

Katie: despite being younger, she has the more mature response. She accepts William is back, and basically is around him each day, bumping into him and going through the rollercoaster of trying to decide how to respond. Does she respond from hurt, do they team up (the spiders were ridiculous, but Willi purposefully tried to find a way to break her ice with that ridiculous planning), do they socialise with a moderate truce? Do they joke with each other? Katie's finding her equilibrium MUCH faster than Leia. Dylan had an emotional breakdown and is just glad. Katie has reservations, but to go back to what they had before also had fighting the whole time, callous jokes etc. So in some ways Katie has just picked up where she left off, and there's only a couple of moments where she has actual outbursts. Most of it is her trying to find a sense of equilibrium with the Willi she doesn't know. Leia doesn't seem interested in finding out who Willi is now, she seems more interested in bullying him for who he was when he left.

Mon: Yes, she's in denial, but I don't see that as a problem. When Willi first sees her, she is angry, but she doesn't get as violent as Leia, she also doesn't act like she's in denial. From that point she tolerates him because he's around. She also has to uphold the law because of her job, so she keeps her emotions in check. Regards the comment about nothing to compare - that could easily mean Ben has never done it with her, that he's not at that point of the relationship, or she doesn't want to compare him against Willi in front of Willi - she might just want the easy out of that conversation that is repulsive to her. Or it could be she is simply so used to avoiding that discussion that she just stays silent about it, public denial rather than psychological avoidance. Either way, she's acting incredibly level headed for the amount of injury Willi did to her reputation. Leia's reputation isn't anything to do with Willi.

And Willi, I think he's a lot more than people give him credit for. I think Ocean's trolling us with his chadness, just like Willi's trolling Leia by acting as a meathead (because she doesn't want to know who he is, but focus on the past).

As I mentioned above, I think the key part of Katie's reworked character is she starts from where she and Willi left off - the casual bullying/arguments between them, the pointed jokes etc - then realises she's glad his back, but doesn't want to admit it. Of course there's the part of her that is hurt because he left, and those outbursts happen when she loses control. I like that she starts from a more human approach. Leia has now taken the role that Katie filled in the old version in a way, Leia is the one trying to do bad things to William, or at least imagining doing them.

Still, Ch4 starting where 3 left off will change quite a bit of my opinions, I'm sure.

This is why you can turn it off and play without it.

What, they're not two weeks apart? They're probably more reliable now than they have been.
Fully agree, this was the point that I was trying to get across, SG does not need to be a Zane story, we have wiaB for that. But theÿ will be part of it.

Regarding lying I too agree with it. I was not talking about the cut of the IC content but since you have brought it up, while I understand his reasons and they are valid, I can't say that is not a let down. IC has all the problems that IC has, and even if it was forces outside of his control it is a let down to the audiences in general. Just imagine the people waiting years to have Miru being fucked by Dylan learning that NTR was cut out of the game, because the branching was too complicated ? I understand it and don't fault Ocean for changing the story - whatever way he does it- but is a letting down.

I will try to answer both Leia and Katie as I fully agree with William. I agree that Katie is more open, but why would she not be ? Was Leia that William abandoned not Katie, if anything Willian coming back is a plus. She can't be fault that he is gone because he is back. Katie does not have grounds to be unhappy with him back beyond holding a childish grudge. And this is with William trying to finding a comon place with her and he has reasons to not liking her. Back to Leia. I also agree but Leia has a reason to be mad at William, she clearly thought she could handle having him around but she doesn't. She was the one that William hurt, she was the one left alone. Sure, does this make being a pimp okay ? No, but it justifes her behavior to William and William tries to get under her skin insted of finding a comon ground as he does with Katie. Only when he learns that Leia give up on living when he left that he tries to understand her. So yes, Leia is a bitch. But she has a reason to be a bitch to William

I largely agree. She is more balanced, and of everyone she has the more mature response, but I don't believe that you live with someone and do not fucked that someone even once. That is why that the comment seems off to me. Sure is a awful thing and I get not wanting to talk about it, but at the same time I find odd how she just ignores the whole situation.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2021
Would someone be kind enough to tell me a little bit of the history of this game please? The models look quality and the LI's are nice but the synopsis does not give me much incentive to try it.

And how is the NTR in the story ?


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
Would someone be kind enough to tell me a little bit of the history of this game please? The models look quality and the LI's are nice but the synopsis does not give me much incentive to try it.

And how is the NTR in the story ?
Oh jeesh Bird....

*takes deep breath*

Ocean started WIAB...but then giot a friend to do SG for him (regium) who was basically not up to task. Ocean did more and more and effectively by the end of Ch2...regium had left and Ocean took it over himself completely (it's his story).

WIAB suffered from the SG reworks...paid more money....continued to plod along with WIAB....Miru became scarier....NTR here, NTR there...Miru haunts your dreams nightmares....SG continues...WIAB gets a rework....much improved...

Miru now crazy hot...and not crazy....MC hates his family...accident...AGAGGGGHHHHHHH....sis calls...oh pls come home...whaaahh waahhhhh you get the picture...WilliChad comes home...reuintes with his family errr...landlady....umm...whoever she is now....lil sis still hot as fuck....best AVN girl around....momma whale all sad...umm...I mean landlady....shady shenaniginzies....megachad still a megachad...self reflection....sister hates Miru (who we now all love).....SG hits Steam, Ocean forgot he had a better VN to develop....

Renders renders renders.....MOAR RENDURZ....Blah, not stopping...WIAB my baby....but SG making three times the money...wahh taxes ...workstations ...boobs...TAXES!!!!....more BOOBS....

Here we are.

(NTR barely developed in the rework).
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