It is overtly supported in the games. The Zane family is the only recognisable part of WiaB to be present in SG from the first chapter, other than Wollust being Wollust. We have the earrings and we have Ayua, and we have ZPR. Even before Ch5 we have Katie's car, Katie's name, Ayua's family fighting style, etc. The Reveras only get mentioned in Ch 4.5 by Mila, and although the Petrovas are there the whole time, we haven't seen any confirmed Revera or Petrova in WiaB.
So yes, 100% there is a focus on the Zane family. We even have teasers of Gefritzel in SG.
This doesn't mean the family dynamics of the Zanes are central to SG though. We don't know that at all. What is central to SG is NIka developing mental health (or not), and what is central to WiaB is Willi repairing his fuckups (or not). I can imagine that the effort Willi will have to make to repair things with Mon *should* be a greater effort than patching things up with Leia, other than we've already seen that Mon is a normal human and Leia is a vengeful harpy who revels in her perceived pain.
About lying, all authors of stories are liars, that's why they work in fiction. There's no such thing as written truth when it comes to stories. It's the consistent lies that stand the test of time. Ocean's at least more plausible than what I read in the news some days
The important thing is it WAS the story Ocean chose to tell, but WiaB got nuked, and he's had to rethink it. There is no guarantee he'll do X, Y or Z to provide development stability. We'll see how it goes. The least plausible outcome is trying to keep it a mystery for the whole game. Everyone on screen knows the dynamic, but we don't? That'd be the chicken burger choice for every interaction.
And you're right, it wasn't a fan obsession headcanon like in some other threads of this site, it was in the unpatched version from memory. Even before patching, we had Noji Cyrus. But the story has changed, which means we get future chapters, and hopefully Ocean will get better at telling lovely lies ...I mean storytelling
The Zane "bloodline" theory hasn't existed in any game - bloodline means descendants, and only
Donna got potentially pregnant, and that is old and no longer part of the game even if it might be. But the Zane family is the only point of continuity CURRENTLY in both games. That is a thing. As far as your idea of the unoofical foster family/friendzone, that's not what Ocean said in his redacted devlog. Because it's here but not on SS, it's hard to say if the leak was doctored by the leaker (nudge nudge wink wink). Regardless, the future relationships will be defined, and Ocean has specific roles. I gave up trying to work out which roles they will be as a good story teller can make at least 27 plausible origins from what we have now. The problem we suffer is we don't know the majority of the story, and we only look to what fits what we've seen. Ocean is able to manipulate the future of the stories to fit his adjustments, so he'll add details that we can't currently notice, or that we think are silly.
You've come to SG since the rework then, I'll not try to persuade you otherwise, as we're now in a post SG rework world. Only post rework truths apply. Most people arguing otherwise have played each release of the games before the reworks, and it's hard to unsee or unlearn details, when the new details are like the old details but only slightly different.
This isn't the way to think about it. Rather why do Nika and Nami feel terrified about a race against impossible odds? Whatever Ocean intends there is something they feel is inherently a problem that will be used to bring them down. Because this is a Wiab thread though, I'll stop there. Ocean might have a similar mechanism in WiaB for Katie and William, and if he does, it essentially becomes the same story with different skins. So I'll hope for more ingenuity and variation.
Also chill on the personal attacks. You don't want to cross the line into personal attacks and kink shaming. I'd dare say 100% of the incest stories on this site are unrealistic and fetishised to the point of ridiculousness - it's no wonder that games like WiaB that appeared to deal with the shame aspect of it in a slightly more realistic way would get attention.
At the end of this discussion, we're still left without a ch4 that will provide a hint of whether Leia and Willi are still Zanes. If they're name stays, we can assume at least a basic level of the names of the characters. That's a good outcome for now.
She was Noji Cyrus. That's why she is now Noji Miyazaki. See you here in June, or later today ...whichever comes first
This is the way. Bella, responsible for all the shit in Wollust from when it all begain.
I told you about the lake, there is the elder god thing that makes all plot holes plausible. IT is the benefactor, and IT's thoughts and desires are beyond comprehension. We say a lake, but it's story bending abilities are as vast an Ocean
sorry not sorry!