
Oct 28, 2021
What role does that leave for Jolina?

Scenario a) MC has to leave Monica (even if that means Dizzy has to share money with him, but as mentioned maybe asshole Donald wanted to make double sure the MC is not with Monica and family and gets the money)
Jolina romancing the MC makes sense, but why would she be so abrasive and downright hostile at first when he first asks her out? That could have seriously discouraged him. She would be a lot more welcoming of the idea, she would fawn over him. And why would she involve Jenna with anything? That makes no sense.
Jolina being hostile towards MC at the beginning makes a lot of sense. Jolina is not some average looking woman so fawning over MC would be too suspicious especially that mail to Monica was sent from her's cafe

And the Beach House is already confirmed to be 100% the MC's property, no matter what, the lawyer explicitly confirms that the 100k, the car and the Beach House will be the MC's, no matter how things with Monica unfold. So I find it unlikely that Bella's victory condition hinges on the Beach House or the MC letting her stay there. Which would also be a very lame condition, the other two conditions we know about come at a great personal cost. So maybe Donald wanting Dizzy to be the MC's girlfriend / mother of his kids could be that personal cost.
I don't think that beach house has any meaning unless copy of the will was hidden there. There is possibility that Donald would want Dizzy to become MC's girlfriend. If Mc would forgive her after will reading then he will get Donald's "second hand" woman which he would take as sign of his superiority. If Mc won't forgive her then their relationship is destroyed forever which Donald would find amusing.

But if it's pregnancy or to be in a romance with Dizzy... Jolina would not help at all, unless Jolina herself is Dizzy, or maybe Donald had a threesome with her and Bella and both are Dizzy. If Bella is Dizzy then what could she gain by her ally (Jolina) romancing the MC? Unless her condition is to simply make sure the MC is not with Monica and family, then having an ally could make sense. But why would Jolina then first shoot the MC down when he asks her out on a date and why would she involve Jenna with sexual activities, maybe encouraging a throuple with MC, Jolina and Jenna?
Donald having threesome with Jolina and Bella is possible but I doubt it.
I think that Bella's(if she is Dizzy) conditions are worst of all 3. I think that Elaine condition is to get house while Bella's is to prevent it. Jolina's role in it is to help Bella in poisonig MC's relationship with Elaine.
I think that Donald's master plan is to destroy any potential relationship between MC, Bella and Elaine. Perhaps he also want to shape MC in son he would be proud of.
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Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
Donald having threesome with Jolina and Bella is possible but I doubt it.
I think that Bella's(if she is Dizzy) conditions are worst of all 3. I think that Elaine condition is to get house while Bella's is to prevent it. Jolina's role in it is to help Bella in poisonig MC's relationship with Elaine.
There is a logical fallacy in this. Elain and Bella's conditions would be mutually exclusive and therefore there couldn't be a 3 heirs shared legacy scenario which would, instead, seem a concrete possibility. Now, of course, it's not granted so that condition might even be.

I think that Donald's master plan is to destroy any potential relationship between MC, Bella and Elaine. Perhaps he also want to shape MC in son he would be proud of.
Well, sure the point of Donald's scheme is for MC to choose money over beloved people, and therefore, in D's vision of things, become stronger. Both Monica and Elaine could be motherly figures if not lovers, and that's what Donald despise the most. No wonder he the condition should put distance from MC and the two women.

About Jolie, she, in legue with Bella, was my first choice as Dizzy but in chapter 22 she could actively be cut off the game completely. Of course, it could be yet another deception and another red herring from the devs, yet at the moment i would discard her.


Engaged Member
Oct 9, 2017
I think that Donald's master plan is to destroy any potential relationship between MC, Bella and Elaine.
If that's all he is after that would be some pretty weak sauce. But he's already playing his little games that he will see no end to. The guy is already dead after all so at best he got to pat himself on the back before he croaked. Unless he is not dead at all he is already doing it for nothing but to stroke his ego one last time. That's why I don't bother with his shit, just go with it as part of the story. I knew that one of Elaine's conditions was most likely to get the house but I gave it to her anyway. I couldn't care less about it and I'm not playing his games. At least not when I'm given the choice as a player.


Dec 3, 2021
Jolina being hostile towards MC at the beginning makes a lot of sense. Jolina is not some average looking woman so fawning over MC would be too suspicious especially that mail to Monica was sent from her's cafe
It WOULD make a lot of sense, except she clearly states that she saw him as a creep... Being there with Jenna and hitting on her. Most women would, I think. Although she was definitely flirting with him up until that point, so I wonder. We know that Jolina is proficient enough on the computer to find and defeat Jenna's hack, so it makes me take anything about the coffee shop with a grain of salt.

I don't think that beach house has any meaning unless copy of the will was hidden there. There is possibility that Donald would want Dizzy to become MC's girlfriend. If Mc would forgive her after will reading then he will get Donald's "second hand" woman which he would take as sign of his superiority. If Mc won't forgive her then their relationship is destroyed forever which Donald would find amusing.
I hadn't thought of that one, but I rather doubt a copy of the will would be hidden there... However, following that line of thought, something else could certainly be hidden there and possibly Bella knows what it is, if not exactly where it's located. (Mayhap a box of cash good old Donald didn't want Uncle Sam knowing about.) Perhaps buried somewhere on the private beach? It makes for an interesting plot device.

Donald having threesome with Jolina and Bella is possible but I doubt it. I think that Bella's(if she is Dizzy) conditions are worst of all 3. I think that Elaine condition is to get house while Bella's is to prevent it. Jolina's role in it is to help Bella in poisonig MC's relationship with Elaine.
I think that Donald's master plan is to destroy any potential relationship between MC, Bella and Elaine. Perhaps he also want to shape MC in son he would be proud of.
And there's the wild card in the whole game, what are the conditions "Dizzy" must meet? I rather doubt Donald wanted all three of them to win so Dizzy having to sabotage the other two would be interesting and plausible indeed. The one person in a position to sabotage both MC and Elaine is of course none other than Bella.

All in all, there has to be a `good` ending where everyone gets what they want. If Elaine is on the level with her promise to make sure MC is taken care of... He could give the house to Elaine, forfeit his own share by not breaking contact with Monica, Katie, and Jenna... This would add it to Elaine's share... Being on good terms with Elaine would mean Bella's attempt to sabotage Elaine and MC fails, which would then add THAT to Elaine's share...

Elaine delivers on her promise to MC, gives him his share once all is said and done... And gives some to Bella since they're sisters and all.

Well, that's the wishy-washy ending at least. :D

To Machete: Yes, you can cause Jolina to leave... But that doesn't mean she has to stay gone. This is one of those games where you never will be sure until the very end.

All of this give me the idea for Where the Heart is part II... It would deal with the lawsuit someone is sure to file to contest all the nonsense Donald put in his will. :ROFLMAO:
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Sep 21, 2019
And there's the wild card in the whole game, what are the conditions "Dizzy" must meet? I rather doubt Donald wanted all three of them to win so Dizzy having to sabotage the other two would be interesting and plausible indeed. The one person in a position to sabotage both MC and Elaine is of course none other than Bella.
Dizzy's condition can't be something like sabotaging the other two, because in that case at least one of the claimant will succeed in their condition no matter what. Either Dizzy sabotages MC/Elaine in which case she wins everything, or she fails and one or both of them get the money. This would make the whole animal charity clause pointless.

Also, one of the devs just recently stated that Dizzy's condition is closest to Donald's true wish, so I doubt his true wish would be to sabotage MC and Elaine, cause in that case he'd just give everything to her in the first place.

All in all, there has to be a `good` ending where everyone gets what they want. If Elaine is on the level with her promise to make sure MC is taken care of... He could give the house to Elaine, forfeit his own share by not breaking contact with Monica, Katie, and Jenna... This would add it to Elaine's share... Being on good terms with Elaine would mean Bella's attempt to sabotage Elaine and MC fails, which would then add THAT to Elaine's share...

Elaine delivers on her promise to MC, gives him his share once all is said and done... And gives some to Bella since they're sisters and all.
I just don't see any ending where both Elaine and Bella get along. Bella has done nothing since day 1 but shit on Elaine and ultimately try to get her kicked out of her home. And if Bella really is Dizzy, then that means she slept with Donald, so she ain't getting a single red cent from Elaine.


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
This is certainly what Donald is aiming to achieve. And the will is the incentive he thinks the MC may require to become an asshole like him.
I think we underrate (just a bit) the kind of father Donald is. Is him a borderline psycho asshole? Absolutely. Is him the kind of father anyone would want? Hell no. Yet in his twisted view of things he never really gave up on his son and this insane legacy is the proof. He wants MC to man up for his own good. He doesn't see himself as a pointless asshole, but as a pragmatical man that can be ruthless most of the time, but he gets the work done and he's succesfull by his own means. So, on his point of view, making MC more like himself is in the best interest of MC and it took a lot of effort on his side. It's a distorted form of fatherly love in the end.
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Jul 25, 2017
Monica, Jenna, Kate, are main characters, along with Debbie, Lily and Wanda for the purely erotic part of the story.
Angel and Theresa, characters designed to confuse and create suspense in the tale.
Jolina, Bella and Elaine are characters aimed at the part concerning the will.
Jolina gnerated doubts and confusion, due to the time when she showed Mc the video and photo in the kitchen of Elaine and Bella or similar.
Bella is the golddigger and her purpose is to make Mc reconcile with Elaine and not allow Elaine to have Mc give her the house, get Mc away from Monica after having them reunite , instilling doubt in him about Monica(when she brings some of her stuff back to Mc).
Reacquaint Mc with Elaine and then distance him from her.
MC's conditions: leave Monica and daughters, do not give up the house to Elaine and have no relationship with her, keep Bella at a distance.
At this point one might think that Bella's job is to test and ascertain that Mc is as Donald would like him to be, cynical and coldly calculating( refusing Elaine the house, leaving Monica and the daughters, not accepting Bella in his beach house). It sounds like a treatise on psychopathology, but Donald is nothing more than that.
Since we are now close to discovering the truth, these are hypotheses,whether right or wrong and that's all,.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I think we underrate (just a bit) the kind of father Donald is. Is him a borderline psycho asshole? Absolutely. Is him the kind of father anyone would want? Hell no. Yet in his twisted view of things he never really gave up on his son and this insane legacy is the proof. He wants MC to man up for his own good. He doesn't see himself as a pointless asshole, but as a pragmatical man that can be ruthless most of the time, but he gets the work done and he's succesfull by his own means. So, on his point of view, making MC more like himself is in the best interest of MC and it took a lot of effort on his side. It's a distorted form of fatherly love in the end.
a sports car, a beach house and €100,000....

I believe that this puts Donald at the top of the father many people in the world would like to have


New Member
Oct 18, 2021
More theories... good good. Although nobody seems to have picked up on one of my last hints.
Guess I can throw another bone on the pile, but this is the last!

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There is a very high possibility of me speculating just the finest bullshit here. But if not, I guess you're talking about the condition that Greg mentioned at the end of ep19, saying that if any inheritor share his/her conditions with other beneficiary then their rights over the inheritance become null and void. Later, in ep22 if you invite Bella to the BH she tells MC that Elaine told her explicitly about her conditions, in addition to MC's conditions, the latter a bait which MC buys and says "yea correct", which worries me that it can be considered as the MC accusing his own conditions and therefore at risk of losing everything (if Bella is the third one, and specially if she's the viper). But on this last point, it would make no sense that Cheeky wants MC to blow away his money so easily (should have at least given the option to choose actions and the yellow "big decision" warning) so maybe this was not big deal. Or maybe it really is, and part of the plot soon to come is an adventure of its own to reverse this dumb move.

Anyway, if I understood this correctly, then there are two options:
a) Elaine is the one aware of the conditions from the start, thus the cheater, but if according to Greg the sub-clause was not to reveal her conditions then she practically gave up every and each right of hers over the inheritance consciously, which not only is in detriment of her own interests, but also contradicts the story told by Bella who mentions a lot of treacherous actions which would have no logic (also controverting how Greg and the fortune teller depicted this "third" person, i.e. the "viper"). Unless, remembering Greg's words, this condition was put upon *some* of the beneficiaries, not mentioning whom specifically, so maybe Donald excluded Elaine from the sub-clause, hence she can comfortably speak about it. But even then, as the bomb dropped by Ace says, if the conditions put upon Elaine were vindictive, then it's very unlikely to let her speak so freely about her conditions, something that she was always reluctant to do precisely because of the clauses (if not for other hidden reason). So that leaves us with a second option which is:
b) Bella just made up this story mentioning the conditions of everyone else, practically revealing herself as the one who knew all the conditions beforehand, thus confirming she's definitely the viper.

If this analysis is correct and we do Occam's Razor then the identity of the viper is evident.
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Mar 19, 2021
Remember the time Donald mentioning in his messages to mc something about Elaine's gonna flip her tits out if she finds out who the third person is. I think from Elaine's knowing Donald has interactions with only 2 girls of all the girls in the game, Bella and Monica, but if that isn't the case Elaine shouldn't be so fucking pissed knowing that the third person was a stranger to her. Normal pissed is what would have got at that moment.
Now coming back to Monica and Bella, if Monica was indeed the 3rd one i think Elaine should be rather surprised and a little hurt of getting lied at by Donald instead of getting pissed given how dad had her convinced that he absolutely hated her since Monica was the reason that caused Donald and MC's mom relation to fall apart. And now that leads us to the last person left to be the viper. I mean what more reason should one need to get fucking pissed at than finding out that the man one married was fucking her own sister for God knows how long and was fucking important enough to him to actually get included in the will. Pretty sure this could be the only scenario that could get enough rise out of Elaine that Donald was talking about in his messages.
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