Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Yeah, that's a solid list i agree with mostly. The only one i'm still hung up on is Lily. From reading others opinions here i've kind of changed my mind. Originally i thought she was likely Dizzy but i'm not as sure of that anymore but there's still something that's not quite sitting right with her for me. I don't want her to be anything other than she presents herself as, she's awesome as is. Something just still bothering me about her.
You're more paranoid than I am. :D She's what, 18-19? I suppose MC's dad could have knocked up her mom during a prostate check at the hospital. :sneaky:

Not sold on that idea.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
You're more paranoid than I am. :D She's what, 18-19? I suppose MC's dad could have knocked up her mom during a prostate check at the hospital. :sneaky:

Not sold on that idea.
Haha, i'm not paranoid if i'm not wrong. ;) (I likely am though with her) But it is the hospital connection and the "Dizzy" name reaction that mostly fueled my suspicion but it could very well be a red herring.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Haha, i'm not paranoid if i'm not wrong. ;) (I likely am though with her) But it is the hospital connection and the "Dizzy" name reaction that mostly fueled my suspicion but it could very well be a red herring.
WIth everyone throwing themselves on MC's dick who knows? Could be anyone for that matter but some look more likely than others.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
It's logical that all three in the will have conditions involving the MC since the game is about him.

MC we know has to stay away from Monica, Katie and Jenna.
Elaine most likely has to bring MC to live with her/marry her or something.
#3 I dunno, has to keep MC away from Elaine/make MC stay with #3 (could be Monica)?
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
The email was written by Elaine who must have known in advance about the conditions of the will and tried to send MC into Monica's arms to make him lose EVERYTHING.
That would only make sense if she wasn't also also flirting with him.

If she wanted him to lose everything she would still be mean to him but she gave him the beach house which would move him away from Monica and also wants to advance in a relationship with him which would also move him away from Monica.

but first he has to fuck ELAINE and prevent her from taking the house.
Fucking Elaine wouldn't prevent her from taking the house.

and if MC sets up an animal center in Debbie or LIly's name some of the money will go to his center and Dad will squirm in his grave because MC screwed him.
How did the MC screw him?

He'd be the one losing money.

He would still need to comply with the conditions of the will to get the money only now he'd have less money and be giving it to someone else for no reason.

The only person being screwed would be the MC.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
and if MC sets up an animal center in Debbie or LIly's name some of the money will go to his center and Dad will squirm in his grave because MC screwed him.
How did the MC screw him?
will conditions.jpg look here and read


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
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New Member
Nov 17, 2017
I had a thought that might be another twist. We know the dad enjoys screwing with his son's life from beyond the grave. What if he's going to do it with the conditions of the will by making the actual conditions of the will be different than what he specified the Lawyer read to his son.

Perhaps the father was proud that he left his father's house at 18, gave his own father the middle finger and never looked back and wants his son to do the same to himself to prove he's a man. Maybe the conditions of the will are reversed and if he does break contact with Monica and the kids he will actually get nothing. While it sounds implausible at first, because, we know the father and Monica hate each other, but it could make sense if the father thinks the son is lazy (which it seems he does), and thinks his son will just go for the money because of that. It would prove the MC is lazy and instead of getting the money he thinks he is getting by blowing off Monica and the Girls he ends up with Nothing! No Money!! and Monica and The Girls despise him for leaving them for money.

On the other hand, if he says screw the money and does maintain a relationship with Monica and the girls it proves he isn't just after the money, and that he is giving the middle finger to what the dad wants.

It could be reversed with Eliane as well. Perhaps she read the initial draft and that's why she sent the e-mail getting the MC close to Monica but then later found out the conditions are reversed and that's why she suddenly changed her mind, gave him the beach house (to get him now away from Monica) and why she's seducing him.

I wouldn't put it past the dad.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I had a thought that might be another twist. We know the dad enjoys screwing with his son's life from beyond the grave. What if he's going to do it with the conditions of the will by making the actual conditions of the will be different than what he specified the Lawyer read to his son.

I wouldn't put it past the dad.
That's possible, MC hasn't actually seen the will. Even so that will be clear at the reading of the will when he has to decide what to do.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I had a thought that might be another twist. We know the dad enjoys screwing with his son's life from beyond the grave. What if he's going to do it with the conditions of the will by making the actual conditions of the will be different than what he specified the Lawyer read to his son.
Theories like that are great but wills are legally binding documents. They are by the letter meaning you can't have different conditions than those stated or the whole will could be contested in court and the recipient would get all money without needing to honour any conditions.

Even game worlds need to follow some rules.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
I repeat, how did the MC screw the dad, he still loses the money.

He would still only be screwing himself.
The poster before said that Debs and Lilly could set up an animal shelter hehehe....therefore...they would indirectly get the money (as the will states if everyone goes to the animals).
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Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
I thought I made myself clear.
First option: Mc forgoes the money and keeps Monica Katie and Jenna + 100K the beach house and the car.
2option: MC forgoes Monica Katie and Jenna and during the year breaks the deal back to them and loses 10% of the money he should still have had.
3 Option: 5 pet centers in the name of Debbie Lily Monica Katie and Jenna, accepts the conditions leaves Monica Jenna E Katie and after a few months breaks the contract and returns to them. What's going on?
The 10% he's supposed to get every year won't go to Elaine and Dizzy but to the animal centers.
MC's got five of them, think about it, his father's money goes to him, and indirectly to Monica Jenna and Katie.
Think of her father's "happiness."


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
3 Option: 5 pet centers in the name of Debbie Lily Monica Katie and Jenna, accepts the conditions leaves Monica Jenna E Katie and after a few months breaks the contract and returns to them. What's going on?
The 10% he's supposed to get every year won't go to Elaine and Dizzy but to the animal centers.
MC's got five of them, think about it, his father's money goes to him, and indirectly to Monica Jenna and Katie.
Think of her father's "happiness."
Not how charities or wills work.

Charities need to be approved beofre any kind of funding can happen. You can't just open shelters in peoples names and have will money transferred to them.

Also any money "donated" to that charity/shelter can't be used for personal reasons. The animals would be really happy assuming they got approved but he'd still only be screwing himself.

The government and their taxes would fucking love him.

It would also mean they now have to run 5 animal shelters which are heavily monitored and hope the girls forgive him for forcing them into a shitty situation in which absolutely no one has won ..... except his dad because MC not only screwed himself but the people he cares about. The dad would be throwing a grave party, he couldn't have planned that shit any better.

I spent years having to study crap like that when I was going to be a lawyer, granted my love of catering won in the end but i'm still doing courses, haven't fully given up on the idea just yet....

Reason I say that is it seems some of you think wills and legal documents are just minor things to be casually overlooked and pointless loopholes found in them.

Again, I know it's a game but it still needs rules or annoying sluts like me stick our oars in and tell people that isn't how it works because DAMMIT, this is the internet.

TL;DR, sure you can loophole money into charities but they need to be approved and charities are regulated.

No matter how the game plays the MC's dad has already won. He has people second guessing each other and running all over jumping at shadows all for money he doesn't need anymore.

Filtering money into charities/shelters doesn't help anyone. That money is tied up and will only help keep rescues alive and the taxman happy.

It's also a LOT of work which would either require them to do it all themselves or hire people to do it which would probably take up most of those "donations".

All the while the dad is sat infront of a nice warm fire drinking warm beer (because hell, get it? It was a funny) and laughing at his moron son thinking he could cheat the system that was designed to stop that very thing.

Yes i'm aware the tl:dr was almost as long as the long part and I don't care so there rssssssppppbbbb (that was me blowing a raspberry at you)
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