Mod QSP Abandoned Whore Life [v0.372] for Girl Life [Last update: 13.05.2021]

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Unnecessary ... well depends.
Thematically high heels do not totally fit the premise of GM.
They are about cheap, affordable clothes and high heels generally are anything but cheap.

Plus due to the overhaul there are far more clothes in the game right now than there were a couple of month ago.
Personally I love the new goth shop in pushkin :love:
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Aug 24, 2017
Unnecessary ... well depends.
Thematically high heels do not totally fit the premise of GM.
They are about cheap, affordable clothes and high heels generally are anything but cheap.

Plus due to the overhaul there are far more clothes in the game right now than there were a couple of month ago.
Personally I love the new goth shop in pushkin :love:
Well, its always the same problem: some players (and modder apparently) see no point into investing ressources (mainly time) into clothes system (that as i remmember was already rich imo from 0.7 versions) instead of providing or develloping more exisisting or new contents (and i guess more porn stuff and developping side storylines), especially if the overhaul "damages" the saves and annoy players that already didnt care much about having few cloth shops options, even if it just take 2 min to change old save with new clothes system. Its more problematic when it affects mods, and here it doesnt take 2 min to fix it.

That said, i'm really indifferent with gl focusing on clothes while personnally not caring much about it, since it can bring you more fun and happiness and that the game is still developping. Mostly because i'm genuinely thankfull (ie not just as a posture) for the time those people from gross to gl team via julzor (whose mod if my favorite) spent that allow me to spend in my turn much hours and that time spent have a particuliar value this last year in wich i've been forced to stay home unactive.

By the way, does anyone knows what is this kovid thing i keep hearing about everywhere?


Jul 23, 2017
Yeah - I'm pretty much on the "I don't care about the realism of the shop inventory in my Pron-Game"-camp...
The stagnating development of the content is what made whore life and a few other mods so interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Well ...
technically Girl Life is a life simulator with focus on porn and not a fully fledged porn game.
You can turn off certain elements that "get in the way of sex" like eating, drinking, caring about your weight, sleeping, ... via cheat but many things are still there.
Housing, Reading, Learning (school, attributes, skills, ..).
Nothing of the above is an integral part of a porn game. It may be part of the story or flavor.

Hell you can with luck and skill "survive" large parts of the game with your virginity intact.
Not very interesting but a "pure sveta run" is nevertheless possible. In a fully fledged porn game it's not.
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Aug 19, 2019
It's so unnecessary imho to do that ... but i'll try to find a way to update my mod, but it's really annoying.
Maybe the Belys have a clothes/shoe shop as part of the 'legitimate' side of their business; or maybe they have some stolen gear that Sveta can buy.


Jul 23, 2017
Maybe the Belys have a clothes/shoe shop as part of the 'legitimate' side of their business; or maybe they have some stolen gear that Sveta can buy.
Maybe they buy that stuff for her during her first days for going the extra mile ;)
Oct 29, 2019
The only reason I would see and totally agree with overhauling the clothes would be this- making so it is no longer random chance what shoes/clothes/underwear/or accessories you get on a visit. Personally having to visit a store XXX number of times (consider XXX a ridiculous number) is one of the most annoying aspects of the game especially if you want to find a specific article of clothing or shoes or whatever. I would much rather have a more limited selection for each store but maybe more more stores, or only putting enough "clothes" in each store as you can display in a single visit to the store. As far as return trips to each store well... even in this game clothes wear out or get stolen or even ripped at times so return trips are necessary to stay dressed. Also defiantly would have have preferred all this time spent on a IMO UNneeded clothing update we could have gotten much larger content updates.

But I am not a Dev or on the dev team and since they let me play their wonderful game for free ... well I takes what I gets. That being said WL is still heads and shoulders above any other storyline in the game and I am very much looking forward to future content.

P.S. @ Brannon .... Brah I think you missed to point of playing a porn game.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Nope I did not.

Girl Life is a life simulator with focus on porn.
That is fact and not opinion.

As said strongest argument for Girl Life being not a fully fledged porn game is that you can avoid most sex.
Basically you have three options in GL. "Yes", "Not now" and "No".
In Porn games you have two options at most. "Yes" and "Not now" but mostly you have only "Yes".
The options are not always conversation options but mostly actions.
For instance sveta can simply not go to the porn studio.
Or sveta can simply walk away if she hears commotion in a hotel room while working there.

Another simple example.
Which porn game you know of has a full hunger system?
Yes. Full.
You can die of starvation in Girl Life.

The overhaul of the clothing system in the main game is unnecessary for a porn game but not for a life simulator.
Is it an improvement? Yes.
Does it fix all flaws? No.
Is it finished? No.
Oct 29, 2019
Is it an improvement? Yes.
Does it fix all flaws? No.
Is it finished? No.
Really only want to address this part of your post the rest I respectfully agree to disagree and also agree with to but getting into that is too drawn out and complicated so meh yeah GL is a life simulator yeah hunger and thirst is a thing. Still in IMHO (opinion not fact) its a porn game.

so Is is an improvement ... somewhat but not really and it is not a needed or necessary improvement as far as I know the clothes were fine before just the pictures were a little wonky IMO this did not need to be a major project but maybe something worked on in the back ground slowly. And I still say having more clothes for a store than can be displayed in one visit is a waist.

Does it fix all flaws ... Didn't expect it to honestly this game is still a work in progress and judging by how things are going it is going to be that way for a long time. That not a dig just a statement and personally I am glad it is going to exist for so long

Is it Finished... Well duh bub no part of that game is finished (see above) the game is still growing and thats awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Two decades ago was considered a porn game. If the esrb were to rate the game today it would get a T and not a M. Possibly even an E.

Something similar is going on here.
Girl Life is focused around porn but it is not the sole purpose of the game. THAT is the reason I would not classify it as a mere porn game.
With Whore Life enabled it's a different matter as with that it can be considered a porn game as it is next to impossible to have a "normal" life.

What I was referring to was the clothes overhaul is not finished. They are still more or less in the middle of it.
The clothes system was not "fine" before. The improvement started way before the last stable version and still is far from finished. Or were you always able to sort for quality or only show clothes that were not bimbo/prostitute before?


Aug 11, 2018
Brannon how about making one shop where you can buy bimbo and prostitute outfits + hih heels? on one way it segregate clothes + too mods creators can help because it didn`t move fro thees shop?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Go to the forum or the discord for Girl Life and make that suggestion. Kevin Smarts can tell you where and why that is. He is the community leader for Girl Life.
You will find that already has been asked/suggested a couple of times and was decided to have the clothes separated by shops. For now at least.
It is possible later in the clothes overhaul there would be some kind of second hand shop or specialized shop for this, though.


Aug 19, 2019
In the latest dev release, there are two shoes in G&M which are described as "high heel": #27 and #30. My Sveta hasn't reduced her inhibition enough to test whether they work for Whore Life yet though.
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Oct 29, 2019
Two decades ago was considered a porn game. If the esrb were to rate the game today it would get a T and not a M. Possibly even an E.

Something similar is going on here.
Girl Life is focused around porn but it is not the sole purpose of the game. THAT is the reason I would not classify it as a mere porn game.
With Whore Life enabled it's a different matter as with that it can be considered a porn game as it is next to impossible to have a "normal" life.
Still in IMHO (opinion not fact) its a porn game.

If Your going to get snooty and be a Fact Nazi at least recognize when someone is stating a OPINION.

I stated ... clearly that I was expressing an OPINION not a FACT and it is mine and I am allowed to have it ... even if I am wrong and you disagree. Which is fine. And while I recognize you are more correct in your assessment of the game GL that I am you post came of as condescending and with a great big helping of the SWJ attitude "I am right and your are an idiot". So therefore I ask this you if someone express an opinion you disagree with state you disagree and let it go stop treating clearly stated opinions as fact, nothing pisses me off more than people treating opinions as facts or demanding that I agree with them.

Also if this was not your intention you need to work on how you word things.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
#1 In not a single word you mentioned anywhere before that you expressed your opinion. Now it is convenient for you so you say you did.
#2 I am wording things how I like and not how anybody else likes.
#3 If stating facts is condescending to you you must have been (or still are?) a lovable person in school.

If you play or see nudes in a game that does NOT automatically make it a porn game.


Aug 24, 2017
No need to raise blood pressure. Its quite pointless.

Brannon, you like the clothes overhaul, fine. As i said earlier, i'm happy if it can make you or someone else happy.

You mentioned perspective. Please try to understand other's, then: we find the clothes overhaul unnecessary because its doesnt bring much improvments to the game the way we play it and most importantly, it complicates greatly the work of modders that have to spend a lot of time just to make things work as before.

Heres is our (or at least mine) frustration: the devs spend time into developping aspects that not only doesnt bring much to my gameplay but overall pertubate it to the point it may discourage modder whose works are my favorites.

You find it a improvement. Fine. Please understand that i don't and respect my opinion as you want yours to be respected. You can word things the way you want indeed, but once again understand that the peremptory way you do can be irritating and felt condescending by people.

That said, i'm not demanding anything, and if gl team wished to turn the game into a girl life simulator (sarcasm intended, no offense), its theirs choice, their game. I won't find interest into playing it but still be thankfull for the work they did.

I would be disappointed for wl tough.
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Apr 8, 2018
Guys, I reaaally aprreciate your opinions regarding necessity (or not) of the clothes update.
But maybe you should stop spamming? Pretty please?

Everytime I enter the thread, I hope to see some updates regarding the mod.
NOT the continuation of the week-long arguement... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
The clothes overhaul is an improvement over the previous system.
I never said that this is good or needed for furthering the game, only that it is not unnecessary as claimed.
It is not necessary for this mod as it only creates (minor) inconveniences but the game itself needed it.

The big fallout following the attempting at implementing monetization of the game and making it look like a good thing for players caused many core developers and contributors to jump ship and leave Girl Life.
Not least of which is Julzor whose departure may or may not have something to do with that issue but it correlated time-wise.
Honestly it seems that blow was a big one to the games development as it slowed down tremendously.
Oct 29, 2019
time spent on a IMO UNneeded clothing update we could have gotten much larger content updates.

Still in IMHO (opinion not fact) its a porn game.

#1 In not a single word you mentioned anywhere before that you expressed your opinion. Now it is convenient for you so you say you did.
I am only addressing this part of your post because it is a blatant false hood then I am done with you the rest of your post was unnecessary; and what is worse you know too. but that being said the part above your quote is quoted DIRECTLY from my my two previous post where I CLEARLY stated both times I was expressing and OPPINION.

You clearly need a refresher course in reading the kings own English.




Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
*Looks at grammar and spelling over the last posts*

Well ... it's very clearly not me who needs a refresher course ...

Pro tip:
If you want to publicly shame or condemn someone make sure you yourself aren't worse.
Else the mic transforms into an anvil above your head.
5.00 star(s) 11 Votes