Well, I can't promise anything atm, but I'd probably be willing to help with proofreading. I could probably extract out the scripts after I've made my way through the current content and edit them and generate diff patches you guys can go through and cherry pick the changes you like before applying.
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH
@uradamus for the kind critique, the offer and for trying our game!!
In regard to the art, I am admittedly a writer, not an artist... I can model, pose and render but honestly would prefer not to and only do so till such time as I can hire a competent and dependable artist to take over for me. I was better at creating the websites, online stores and creating the business plans that many of the sites use than ever doing any of the artwork myself.
As such, early on in rendering, I realized that Poser defaults light emitters that shouldn't be present on ALL objects, while it is true the body does have some natural abilities to reflect light... it does NOT emit light and by the time I had caught my error, I was knee deep in the field of battle trying to keep with deadlines... and going backward to redo images at this moment is not an option, due to time constraints.
Nor, if awarded the opportunity, would I... to be honest.
I am not Bioware, EA, Microsoft Game Studios, Bethesda or any other AAA game company (if only I were!!), we are just 3 people working insane hours and keeping deadlines while also working fulltime jobs to provide entertainment to people... hopefully, people can be somewhat forgiving to our shortcomings because of this and will continue to support us so that we can put people in place to expand, grow and provide BETTER and more professional quality of product in the future.
That said, things have already begun in that direct with
@Palanto Games coming onboard, as well as, someone that has come onboard to help edit recently, the clarity in the last couple of month's work is the result of their effort and assistance and has begun to work from our present stuff and is working backwards to cover the issues that my wife, myself or Palanto has missed.
Though, seriously, thank you so much for the offer, it is appreciated!!!