No. Danger! I want a super giant robot! So ASL3dPro should put a super giant robot in the story; because every story should include a super giant robot! Anyways, get to work on construction of my robot, ASL3dPro (meaning: the game, which is a novel, yet also, a universe—{which should include a super giant robot!!!}; you can sleep when you are dead—but not so much when you are burning in the Lake-of-Fire for all–eternity! <3
(By the way, watched the new: Lost in Space — : ) : [ L o s t i n S p a c e ] : Now (or was) watching: Legion ~~ and is an idea I give unto you, Mister ASL3dPro—"Mark 5:9") [ ~ Llleeegggiiiooonnn ~ ]
Also—going back into the adjacent distance of now, of a thing, etched unto digital stone, on a page, remembered, in The Far, Faraway Someplace Close By. . . yes. . in the mind's eye—I see it! That which at first appears to be enigmatically indiscernible, slowly comes into focus. . . a somewhat confusing, cryptic, long-winded, often misunderstood affair of lame, roundabout ways of repeating the same things over-&-over again ("Ecclesiastes 1:9–10")—the Sword of Truth series! Yes! One I'd like to finish someday. . . also The Dark Tower & Vampire Hunter D novels (among a long list of others buried somewhere within the Long Library. . ) that one can never seem to complete, because someone or something always comes along to ruin the completion process—because there never seems to be enough time to do the things you wanna do. . . . :'(
Lastly, to all else: Welcome to the Wicked Choices thread!
Where you may learn, participate, stalk, run-away-from, go crazy, return, fall-asleep-on, fall-in-love-with, receive help, upload, download, forget, share, spend time, find something in common, and/or remember things of historical value or interest—of things once forgotten, lost or misplaced; plus an assortment of other things totally unrelated to said or mentioned project of astounding beauty. Welcome!
. . . and O! Thought of another cool idea—on the transition between chapters (or somewhere else), you could put a magical book on-screen that flips through pages with a click, having those elegant, sophisticated, imaginative, flowing, sexy, big-like written words of some font type; like on the left side have what is written or being written, and on right side an image or images of something relevant to the story. This way you can have more content without the need for a narrator or whoever/whatever; plus—it'd be cool! Having that awe-like effect. And add sparklies; lots of sparkles & glitter! Yeah!
P.S. Have you tried to make your project more well-known on media sites like YouTube, imgur & the rest? One could put (censored) images with the title & link them to the sacred places. Just a thought, for I wish to see you succeed—upgrading to an omnipotent, fully automated, omniscient, render machine; that can push out a thousand images a second before you ever thought of creating them! For that is my most ardent desire. . . . that of which they say is impossible. And that way you could be sipping on some kind of beverage somewhere, on a ship, in the middle of the Mediterranean; planning, writing the story & code to go with all those images everlasting. . . til one day you get sucked into a miniature whirlpool of understated size, to live with the merpeople, living happily ever after. <3