Oh okay... worshipers... hell, maybe I should start my own sect. LOL
Already told you that I would gladly join.
Yeah, figure the conserve energy would be the best means in which to keep her in a small form... there will be lots more about her and with her for the next 3 months, so going to have fun writing her personality more... and I can tell you, she's great at getting you into trouble.
Oooh, get into trouble with Syrina? I'd follow her anywhere. Lol (No, seriously- I mean anywhere.)
No need to really thank me... when I joined, it was solely for selfish reasons (getting out of mom and dad's house for one) so being thanked for my service kind of makes me feel weird, if that makes any sense.
I was an Army Ranger... or how I like to refer to myself as a high velocity projectile stopper.
Nice to meet ya, Seabee... though I doubt you were Construction Bat... but, I like that term for Navy Members, just like I call all Marines Jarheads... heh.
No, you need to be thanked and accept it- damn it!
Whatever your motivations were- you still served, you did what so many others couldn't or wouldn't do- you stood up there, took your oath, survived basic, you wore the uniform, and served your country- you should be proud of that accomplishment, and you were a Ranger, not just a "tank chaser"- grunts don't have the wherewithall to become Rangers (like all sailors aren't SEALS, which a lot of civilians think for some odd reason). Okay, so you were a self-propelled sandbag- there's no shame in that.
I don't think that's selfish at all- I joined for that reason as well as being something of a legacy in my family- everyone served in one branch of another and finally a blood-pact with my two best friends. You can call me a Squid- that's a bit broader of term. LOL I was actually in Avionics- technically I was an AT (Aviation Electronics Technician) with the Metrologist secondary NEC.
As for Syrina, I had initially planned that she was going to buy the farm pretty early on, be the driving force to make players hate Queen Azera and also free the MC from the restrictions of the ring... but after seeing her influence both here and on Patreon with players, I decided killing her would probably have me lynched... so she earned a pass from Zane... err... I mean Death.
"As for Syrina, I had initially planned that she was going to buy the farm pretty early on"
"As for Syrina, I had initially planned that she was going to buy the farm"
Oh, I'm sorry- I couldn't hear you over the sound of unfollowing you, removing all of my "likes", and deleting my review, uh- what was that again?
IF all you got was lynched- I'd say you got off pretty light...
This does not mean, however, that others will get a pass... nor does it mean that Syrina won't have her own issues and troubles to deal with.
Ah, who the Hell cares? Kill the MC if you have to- we can always play the game as Syrina, she'd make a much better (and cuter) Anti-Christ anyway.
My biggest task after August will be to figuring out how to progress the story while doing the new game format of an open (or semi-open) sandbox style game... as time is going to flow differently for each player, as they muck around in various side missions and stuff.
I'm really looking forward to this aspect of the game and to see how it's implemented- I have faith in you, I'm sure you'll figure it out and it will be nothing short of outstanding.
I think once we've gotten a little ways in the side-arc game about William's punishment, players will have a pretty good idea of the system and can hopefully offer some suggestions about that in the future.
Okay, Spoilers. Haven't gotten that far into the game yet...but I planned on setting William on fire at the first opportunity, this doesn't really bother me that much.
But, yeah, guess everyone is going to be stuck with Syrina now. LOL
Hahahahahaha ha ha ah heh heh eh eh, not funny man.
Thank you!! It means that I am doing things right then!! Now, I just need to keep it up... wonder if anyone's created Viagra for writers. heh!!