- Nov 23, 2017
- 439
- 1,144
spam, eggs, sausage, and spam. Doesn't have so spam in it.
I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!! (Weren't they just the greatest?)
spam, eggs, sausage, and spam. Doesn't have so spam in it.
Yes search by posted by member and type the person's name and then click search this thread and search.Quick, unrelated question- does anybody know if there's a way to search for only posts that you've made within a specific thread? Let's I wanted to look for all of the posts that I've made for this game- is there a way to do this? I want to look for something I wrote about another game (in another thread, obviously) because I can't remember if I posted or thought that I did when I was in some fevered dream high on pain-killers.
Any info is appreciated.![]()
Awesome, thank you- that's what I was looking for. I forgot to check the box "this thread only" box, so it belched every comment that I've ever made in every thread- ever.Yes search by posted by member and type the person's name and then click search this thread and search.
all I can say is...on super uncomfortable seats at the court house while waiting for my name and number to be called for possible jury duty....
Yeah, just made a post in regard to it on Patreon for my patrons, hopefully they understand why I am going to likely be a little late in my delivery this month and not come after me with pitchforks and torches... *sigh*all I can say is...
Glad to see they finally saw that you had a higher value to society outside one of those boxes. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming(rendering, writing, etc).
No worries, @Tenn2017, you'll have to lets us know what you think of it!!Thank you for the infoon the patch instillation
Yep, no problemYep, my bad, I only downloaded the update. Thanks for your reply and I take back everything! Looking forward to starting it tonight!
No worries, it took me a while to learn to do (a lot of cut and pasting), sometimes still screw up with "Spoilers" and on the Opening Page when updating the game... so don't stress it, you aren't alone!
- I'm beginning to the think that I may be legally retarded (*boo*, *hiss*, *PC*, *SJW*)= bite me.
I've had over 20 +years of I.T. experience and can't figure out something as simple as a forum?! Yup, retarded. So now, I'm relegated to copying ALL of it, tagging you, pasting it into a reply and deleting the comments you responded to above it. LOL
Yeah, my level of social interaction these days are mostly Net based these days... being physically disabled as the result of maturing time and several spinal surgeries (after events from my time in the service) has awarded me little that I can do - except to sit home, render and write.
- I know what you mean, I don't really get out to much these days either- I've had a spate of bad luck myself that's knocked me down quite a few pegs, halted a lot of my progress, and just put me in a perpetual state of ennui.
No PITY from anyone please... as I don't want or need it. I get by as best I can, as I am a firm believer that life is meant to be LIVED and not just SURVIVED and I do my best to live it the fullest, regardless of my current circumstances and health.
- I would never pity you and it sounds like despite what happened- you're not bitter or angry about it. You knew what you were getting into and what potentially could happen- and you did what you had to do. I will continue to Thank You for your Service (as well as ALL vets) because whether or not you think/feel that you made a difference- you did. You know what they say about the tiniest ripple in a lake? Think of it like that and be proud.
My point is: I can fully understand where you are coming from @Safetydummy and you now have a place and thread where you are free to wax poetically all you want and be appreciated for it, so don't think that your thoughts or word hold no meaning to people, as here they do.
- I do appreciate that and thank you Jack, and likewise to you. My internet door is always open, sometimes.
- And thank you to the rest of the members of this site/forum- you're welcoming, friendly and helpful.
LOL!! Thanks!!
- You are more than beyond welcome- 5 Stars does seem rather limiting though. I did have to reformat it a tad- I took out the questions and the spoilers, I wanted people to experience it for themselves- and if they can get through my garbled mess of a thought process and play it, I have no doubt that they too, will come to the same conclusion(s) and feel the exact same way.
I got my start working in the comic book industry not long after my release from the military and after the separation from my first wife... because of the separation I wrote under an alias to hide my identity to keep a woman who saw fit to occupy her time, while I was away, with my best friend... as such, I was unwilling to provide her with anything else (money or otherwise) for her betrayal...
- If only you had that HUD for her stats...
I wrote as Michael Lee Scott in those days... a combination of my uncle's name, my mother's middle name and one of my friend's first name (not the one that betrayed me with my wife) and worked for one of the Big Two. My separation from that studio came pretty much at the same time as some of my friends at Image decided to also break away... like them, I decided to start my own Independent company (with the help of Randy Zimmerman of Arrow Comics and Gary Reed of Caliber Comics).
- That is really cool- I've already covered some of this in the other post that I went back in time to get, but still really cool. Hopefully one of your friends wasn't Liefeld, I was "removed" from a convention for mocking his lack of ability to draw feet (they were almost always cut off by the panel [even in a splash page] or covered up by something in the foreground). I remember that you said it was around the time of the variant cover(s) fiasco... Ugh, do I remember that- what an unmitigated nightmare. It's not any better now (not sure if you're aware), but now they have incentive variants, order variants, convention variants, on-line variants, etc.,. kill me now. The last "brilliant" thing that they did was re-re-release older (Silver & Bronze Age) stuff with- wait for it, Chromium Covers. Remember those? They cost $5.00 back then and now in Gem Mint condition are worth $2.00. The gatefolds and wraparounds were quite awful as well. I don't recall Arrow Comics, but I do remember Caliber Comics (vaguely). The Crow and Faust, seem to stand out in my mind- maybe?
My stuff, for as good as it is written, never took off like it did with Marc and Erik's did at Image... but it times were changing in the industry in more ways than creators and artist's bail from an unappreciative ship; and that was video games.
- That's truly a shame- you should have done "Wicked Choices" and had someone like Linsner do the illustrations- that comic would hang the Louvre!
While the industry was in serious upheaval, I noticed that attendances were starting to dwindle... not as many kids or interest... being a gamer myself from the days of Intelivision and Zork, I fell in love with Final Fantasy 7 and decided that was were kids would go to seek entertainment, rather than comic books... so my first goal of getting into the video game industry was born.
- I do recall an upheaval or rather a general disenfranchisement with the whole thing- Crossovers started the downfall of the comics IMHO. Forcing people to buy 12 books they normally didn't read- just to get 1 complete story just kinda killed everything. Variants- the final nails.
Not knowing how to do 3D back then, I began to come up with a plan that would allow me to gather all of those that DID know how to do it, that I could maybe pick from to do my own game (oh how little I knew about the work, money and staff needed to build a professional game back then)... so, by working with 3D software companies like Zygote (before it became DAZ3D), MetaCreations (before it became Curious Labs and was sold to Smith Micro), Autodesk (3D Studio Max) and Alias Wavefront (before Maya was sold to Autodesk) and other, I built two websites that would pull 3D artists all together and use that user base as a means to help aspiring artists learn those programs by using the member base to help each other in forums, while providing galleries for artists to showcase their work and talent, maybe get work and online stores to sell their own work in...
- Oh, how I remember those- Colecovision, Atari 2600, Commodore 64, man our video games sucked. LOL That was rather forward thinking on your part.
Those sites were Renderosity.com and Renderotica.com and, though I no longer own them, they still are up and doing the mission that I had started back in the late 90's... but through all of that work, effort and desire, I never did get into the video game industry till I sold them off (running sites like that and this one is a full time job, believe me).
- Wow- I can't even begin to imagine the work and dedication that all of this must have taken you. I like the way you gathered everyone together, so that you could glean information and experience off of one another- almost like a tech-commune.
Lots more has happened since those days, wrote a novel where the cover was done by friend (and famed artist) Dorian Cleavenger and now work in the video game industry as a freelance and have started my first game: "Wicked Choices" to see if people would get into my writing and work.
- I did look into your book and is the cover in question with the woman looking into a mirror with her reflection screaming back at her? If so, your friend is quite talented. If not, then I have no idea what you're talking about. LOL Well, you already know that I'm a fan.
But yeah... lived an interesting and strange life; but doing the things I always dreamed about doing. LOL
- I have said this before and shall say it again, as it bears repeating- you are truly and fascinating individual, and the last time I said was only because you were going to be a priest.
Okay a quick way to do it... at least the way that I do it, is to click on "Reply" at the beginning of the reply (going to use you as an example as I am replying to you... every start of the part you want to quote needs to have "QUOTE="Safetydummy, post: 770977, member: 386151" with a "[" in front of it and a "]" at the end after the member number and the quotation mark of the member number... then you need the "/QUOTE" also placed within the "[" and "]" and that is one area of quotes.... then wash, rinse repeat, using cut and paste for each part you want to quote.
Yeah, NDA's and confidentiality agreements can be a pain... but I do have to abide by them... and one of the reasons why it is so hard to Google it is back then... AOL was just starting... most of us were still using BBS and mIRC to converse... there was NO Yahoo, no Google or Bing back then... it was the wild west of the Internet.
Additionally, when I started the websites... PHBB was pretty much still in BETA format... and had more members than Myspace at first (Facebook wasn't even around then). LOL
So yeah, I was gifted in growing up in an age where there was no such thing as a digital footprint... yet, still, these days my imprint is pretty large and deep, but not back then.
Yeah, I'd like to think my novel is as complex.... or as deep as my game is. I am not the best judge of that... you can ask @Palanto Games or @Wyrme what their opinion is and if it is comparable to the game, as I know they've read my novel.
I can tell you that "Ebon Knights" was supposed to be a sequel "Crow" comic book series for Caliber Comics, with James O'Barr... but some James was going through a difficult time at that stage in his life and he and I felt it best to shelve it... at which point, I resurrected it some 20 odd years later, altered it quite a bit and turned it into a vampire novel.
Yep, then you have some of my writing, right there on the sides of the boxes and on the official seal insert... Have worked with Take Issaki and his family, along with Jeff Hashimoto for years now doing most of their advertising copy and have been fortunate to become friends with them, along with Luis Royo... it still amazes me the amount of REAL talented people that I've gotten to work and become friends with. Many of this generations Divinci's, Rembrandt's, van Gogh's... in Dorian, Royo, the Hildebrandt brothers, Wei Ho and Oliva.
Truly, I've been very fortunate, lucky and blessed to have had the opportunities that I've had.
Well I just ignore all the other stuff and just reply about the "Quote" problem you guys seem to have...Not to be a gooey eyed fanboy, but I enjoyed the novel for all the same reasons I love the game(well except there is no Syrina *sigh*) Great mental images(well intense anyway), grand interplay of allies/enemies/frenemies, and fun twists of lines along the way. I expounded upon it earlier, but will not spoil the fun discovery. I am a book geek, but recommend it for anyone with a sense for twists of (un)common myths.
P.S. the multi-quote snafu'd me as well for a fair bit, I found highlighting each segment, then clicking the +quote dropdown the easiest way. Click add quotes, then I could edit out the ones I didn't need, ie. joke was lamer than I realized, well responded already, or lost that thought as I wandered down the thread.
You mean Mel T-T-Tillis. Sorry couldn't resist :evilsmile:
[quote=bla bla]Blup[/quote]
Yep definitely a big wall of textWow... so many walls of text on this thread! I was trying to skim through it to see if my specific bug had been reported, and I didn't see it, so here goes:
I have an old save from v0.4.1.0, and I just used the to patch method. I progressed through the story a little ways and I'm getting an error. I rolled back and went to save, and it's prompting me for a save description. At least, I think it is, because the text above the text entry field says "Gib einen Namen fur den Spielstand ein:". Not sure which language that is... German? Swedish? Ancient Celtic? Nevermind... the point is, the translation engine seems to be having trouble there.
Well I'm not sure I should laugh or cry right nowFirst, any save before will throw errors, variables had been changed back in February/March and required players to start over... so any save prior to will not work with to the current (as such despite your previous choices, Syrina won't recognize you as Master/Slave and the Relationship between Carina/Lynara won't display properly, it will always go to DEFAULT relationship).
As for the German, that was @Palanto Games, our programmer, testing out new code for players to name their saves for themselves to keep track of their choices better... he is German, as a result, he wrote the beta code in German and, like we wrote in the changelog, we'll be fixing it to English in the next update.![]()
Yep or just pressing enter closes the box tooI don't know if this will help you or not, but when the German text window pops up- I just double right-click without having to put anything in the box.
Right click to save -> Click where you want to save -> German box pops up -> Right click -> Right click again and it should take you back to the game. It's been working for me and I had to start All over from the beginning AND I spam save the Hell out of my games, as I've said before- I do it so much that Monty Python wrote a song about me.![]()
Ahem... sorry, my anime geek self poked out a bit there... heh.
I am back and better today, sorry about having to take meds (which I totally hate having to do) but after having had two major lower back surgeries and having to do the 8 hour sit and wait gigs on super uncomfortable seats at the court house while waiting for my name and number to be called for possible jury duty....
AND...after nearly two weeks of having to undergo such physical discomfort and work producing setbacks, it is my firm belief that such torturous measures should've been included in my R2I Training courses that I had to take while I was in the Army... as it pretty much broke me yesterday.
But I am back and I am seriously behind in the work that I need to have accomplished for the next release, so now that I've been informed that my 'services will no longer be needed' by the judicial system, I am going to be rendering my ass off to try and get next month's release done on time.... so I beg everyone's forgiveness ahead of time if I am slow to respond or simply 'go dark' for a few days.
he wrote the beta code in German and, like we wrote in the changelog, we'll be fixing it to English in the next update.![]()
I vote for keeping it in German , "Resistance" ! Like a special signature from the coder...p.S.: Yep the promt is in german, meaning: "Please enter a name for your savegame"
HEHEHE that just played on my pandora channel a little while ago. Good call, that and Moscow are a couple of my favorite songs by them.I vote for keeping it in German , "Resistance" ! Like a special signature from the coder...
I'm not German but feels fun to have a touch of Europe in the American world, hehe.
A detail but this where you find the devil![]()
o/HEHEHE that just played on my pandora channel a little while ago. Good call, that and Moscow are a couple of my favorite songs by them.
If not in the game, then all round it we have a great international flavor, with you, DA22, and obviously Palanto Games. I am certain the rest of the on here are not ALL yanks. and we love what ya bring( by we I mean me, by sweet I mean dirty... umm damn channeling Marilyn Manson)