It was my sincerest to hope to sit down and finish this game (up to the current release) in one sitting, but alas, commitments IRL are preventing this from happening. Although considering the length and scope of this game- I will have an opportunity and plenty of time to come back and revisit this later, I read something about 12 Chapters planned- so I have a feeling that I'll have much more to say after playing the other 7-8 Chapters in the future.

For now, here are my thoughts/opinions so far... (Warning: I am a long-winded bastard).

Keep in mind that I reserve this for things that inspire me or that I am deeply passionate about...
I absolutely Love this game!
This game really should just simply be called Wicked.- aside from the wicked choices you have to make, this game has a wicked story, wicked art, wicked renders, and wicked characters. There is so, so, so much to Love about this game.
This is an emotional, thought-provoking, engrossing, rich, intriguing, intelligent, beautifully imagined, well-written story- it is NOT like a lot lot of the other ones, where it's "Me Brother, Me Bang Sister Now, Sister is Whore" or however it's translated into/from Troglodyte. This games has a little bit of everything- I Love the fantasy/modern/with added sci-fi (not SyFy, I refuse) elements/setting that are infused into it and the way it's presented crosses over seamlessly. I, personally, rank this game right up there alongside Coceter Chronicles- and this is high praise indeed. IMHO These two games should be the benchmark that all other games are judged.
As weird as it sounds I love the BAD endings they are so detailed, illustrated, and realized- the Game Over takes you completely and pleasantly (well, or not- you DO have to go back and fix it) by surprise. It isn't simple and abrupt- it goes on for a while and then it's like, oh yeah, btw about 15-20 minutes ago- you probably should've done the other thing- dumb-ass. Absolutely brilliant!
You cannot really have a fantastic story without equally fantastic art to accompany it (that would be like writing a symphony for kazoos) and this game delivers on that the front as well. The art is amazing- everything from the lighting, shading, colours, detail- you can tell that a lot of time an effort was spent on making sure the even the pictures are incorporated into and enhance the story telling. The palette chosen for the backgrounds and scenes, in Rakuen especially, is nothing short of breathtaking.
What what better complements an amazing story with beautiful artwork- an equally phenomenal cast of characters. (tbh, the story and art is so great- you could have just used stick figures for the rest of it, and it would've still worked. It probably wouldn't have been as enticing, but it would have been just as effective.)

(or maybe created a new fetish?)
The characters are done wonderfully as well and only accentuate the story further- aside from being incredibly well-drawn, they are well-developed as well. Each of the characters possesses a unique and different personality- so that you can really tell them apart and not just by physical appearance. Each in there own way are struggling with something- some (if, not all) are conflicted, flawed, unsure, manipulative, etc.,; they are extremely fleshed out to their specific ambitions and motivations. They have their own individual defining emotional weight and depth.
The characters, aside from being incredibly well-developed are exceptionally well drawn.* The women are absolutely gorgeous! They are nice, realistic-looking, well-proportioned women- nothing is over exaggerated, like a lot of other games make them. They don't require wheelbarrows to heave around their massive bosom from point A to point B. They don't resemble other models that are used over and over again and they are pleasant to look at- and speaking of looking at them, they are all stunning. Here are the particular ones that I like and a little as to why (in no specific order);
- Claire is the tantalizing, teasing, teenage temptress, is cute and while she isn't my favorite character- she is in the Top 5. There are some angles where she kinda resembles Jennifer Lawrence (I don't know if it was intentional, but it's really well done).
I have to say- wow, Claire's internal monologue during her "violation" is absolutely gut-wrenching- that poor thing, and the tears in her eyes make you feel so much worse for her, because she hasn't gone numb yet (I would have skipped over it, but the dialogue was just as moving as it was depressing). It was tragic and having to re-live it thrice was just unsettling and unpleasant, but (as the WT described) it did provide perspectives, plot points, and character motivations. Informative or not- it was still quite traumatic.
How can the mother blame the daughter for what happened- the father obviously forced himself on her, not the other way around? Is she that insecure and/or stupid? I have a feeling she was damaged goods before her marriage to Bill. It must run in the family- as her son can't fathom that the mother put Claire up to what she did- she even said (to his face) IF the MC had been into guys it would have been his legs in the air... Suffice it to say, I'm neither a fan of Janice nor William. Hopefully we get to cast them into Perdition, as our first act as the Anti-Christ...
- Princess Lynara is Queen Azera's daughter and has the "gift" (which is something to do with being able to sense the MC/Anti-Christ)- and she's a li'l cutie as well, but at the moment- she just seems to be a damsel in distress, the sweet and innocent (maybe not so innocent) kinda character and I'm sure her trip to our world will inevitably change, mold, and shape into a much more independent person- she will have a much larger role to play in this as it unfolds. She, too, looks like someone- and it's not the obvious Daenerys Targaryen, I just can't remember who it is at the moment...
- Carina aside from being the Lynara's loyal handmaiden and sworn protector- you can tell that she cares a great deal for the Princess, possibly a great more than she should or is allowed by her station- but you can see the inner strength that she has, considering that she's had to keep her deep feelings for the Princess hidden away for all this time. You can tell that she's conflicted by years of servitude and being so close to Lynara and ultimately developing feelings for her- as she seems to be Lynara's only true friend. It also seems Lynara treated her well and with respect or she wouldn't actually have such strong feelings for her (it's actual love, not a master/slave type of love either) It's refreshing to see that Love returned to her mutually and not taken advantage of by the Princess. Plus she also looks like an Elven Milla Jovovich. Mmmmmm, Milla,mmmm
- Citrine is the Queen's Oracle who is equally evil and adorable- if not for Syrina, I'd have my favorite There's just something alluring about a packing that much concentrated malice into such a cute, tiny, petite package.
- Michelle is the MC's daughter and while we haven't seen too much of her yet- she's still cute and I wouldn't mind taking her to "pound town"- cause, y'know, you take dogs to the pound and she...nvm, I thought it was funny...
- Lilith is Syrina's Mom and the Mother of All Demons, as well as Adam's first wife, if memory serves(?)- now there's a QDILF (QueenDemon I'd Love to, uh y'know) They did a really good job on her character and her daughter really does look like her. I have a feeling once we release her- she's going to get a whole lot more interesting...
Which brings us to the #1 Character in this game (and how can you not Love her?);
- Syrina, ah sweet Syr- sorry, ahem *fanfare* Princess Syrina of the Kamadhatu and Daughter of the Demon Queen Lilith- she could tell me I was dying and wouldn't care. She is absolutely and utterly adorable! She's (currently) a Pixie sized Demon, imho the best of both worlds AND she's a redhead with blue eyes, to boot. I absolutely adore her (Sorry Belle, No, I still Love you too, yes, but I can Love both of you, yes- honest.)
Sorry, Pixie jealousy is an ugly thing. I really wish that you could keep her this size, but she's already alluded to being able to enlarge to your size and camouflage certain aspects of her appearance. Such a shame. Anyway, she's going to be guiding the MC and helping him embrace who he is and who he will ultimately become- this is going to be good. AND her Love Nectar transports you to Hell, but every relationship has its problems, right?
If there's a fetish for women with horns, wings, and tails- sign me up (with my luck I'd get a female flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz).
I really Loved the scene when the MC is sleeping with Syrina and holding her against his chest.. Awwww I want one. (Syrina, not MC- you bloody weirdos)
The rest of this is just more opining and a couple of questions- this game has such depth and so many layers- conspiracy theories could be made from it.
This is just one instance that I found particularly interesting.
- When you're trying to help Rihanna re-charge her energy so that she can teleport Lynara and Carina to our world- why would Carina get mad? (Yeah, I understand that she does Love Lynara and she's just coming to terms with these feelings- she did just have those flashbacks of bathing with the Princess and then fantasizing about her.) I get that she has this unrequited Love for Lynara, but it just seems like she fails to realize that there is a lost more at stake than just her feelings- oh no, the world's going to end, but why is the girl I secretly Love making out with her Aunt- I'm mad *pouts* I'll make her regret it when we get to the real world. It's understandable that there's more emotion between Carina and Lynara (than the estranged Aunt), but Rihanna and Lynara both have the "gift" wouldn't that would make them more powerful magickally? Maybe (though not written) ALL 3 could have escaped, maybe? While it does make more sense not to piss Carina off, as she's the one going with you- she is still Lynara's duty-bound, sworn protector- whatever decisions Lynara makes should have no bearing on Carina, her feelings, or her job of protecting the Princess. This just seemed a tad selfish on her part (which further exemplifies the writing in this game- she's flawed, conflicted, and even jealous)- despite her years of conditioning and training (probably).
Although, I'm curious, how did this help Rihanna- did she just transdermally absorb Love energy being that close in proximity to Lynara and Carina- I would think that she would have to make physical contact (read: "naughty time") with one of them for the transfer to be completed/effective.
Ze Questions
- (This may seem a tad nit-picky) Is there any particular reason that we're constantly reminded of Claire's age during their little tryst? We aren't reminded that Edith is 53. Was this a Patreon/Witchhunt countermeasure? They're why we can't have nice things.
- The WT mentions stats +1 Lust -1 Lust and the like- is there any way or HUD to view these stats? I'd be curious, at the very least, to see these numbers.
- Why was Bill working on something in the backyard that led to his death? Aren't they wealthy? Did sweet, broken Claire have a hand in it? it would be certainly justifiable.
- How did Daryl Sr. become a vassal/keeper of the ring? When you come into possession of the ring and statue is that responsibility passed on to you? The MC said the ring was too big for his finger because Daryl Sr.'s hands were bigger than his- so he must have worn the ring at some point, but the fact that he couldn't animate Syrina meant that he wasn't the Anti-Christ (obviously, duh). Is it designed to be more of a test to find the "One". Is this why Daryl Sr. basically forced Terri to marry the MC (as she stated)? Did somebody already know who the MC was or at least have a sneaking suspicion? I'd be interested in this bit of the backstory.
- How is Lynara supposed to lead an army? I like her an all, but she barely made it through the "adventure" in the jungle with Carina. Shouldn't she already have some type of military/combat training at her age? Is her trip to our world supposed to be her proving ground (you did say that some characters may not make it simply due to not being able to handle pressure...).?
- Carina's said that her was mother executed for having sex with a human? Did she leave Rakuen? Was this when the Angelion were spreading their religious "influence"? Also, is Rakuen an island on Earth just hidden with a cloaking spell/device? (It could be magick- it could be tech.)
Not to backtrack, but another thing about your story that adds so much validity to it- IF you take the Bible at face value, then where is this "hands-on" God now (y'know that one that performed miracles, assigned monumental tasks, intervened/meddled with mankind- the smite-y one)? The Angelions manipulated people and events to further accomplish their goals going after the Demonothans (with Moses and Jesus)- and Syrina even said though they're present, their lack of influence means they aren't actively open or involved with your species any more. It's tantamount to being forsaken as a race. This would explain so much...
You also said ,".... all of which you can choose from and decide the type of person you'd be if you were that person's shoes..." What if the person I want to be leads to a "Game Over"?

I suck at being the Anti-Christ?
I have said this before and I'll say it again- I really wish my current situation were much better than it is, because this is a game that I would consider it an honor to support and ASLPro3D deserve all the Love and support that they can get.
You can tell that a lot of preparation, imagination, thought, and Love went into the creation of this game and it shows.
Well done Team ASLPro3D! (If that's what y'all call yourself- I'm not sure if Palanto Games falls under your banner.) Regardless, well done-ALL of you!
*An extra special Thank you to ASLPro3D for refraining from "rocket wang"- a medical condition that a lot of MC's seem to suffer from in these games. A terrible, terrible affliction.