Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Chapter 2 creates continuity issues with the prologue, the game overs no longer make sense if it was all a set up.
Not sure what you mean that it creates a continuity issue... Claire doesn't like her Uncle peeping on her because...

1.) That would really make him not that much different from her father or brother...
2.) There is no camera to catch him for the blackmail material that her mother told her to get on her Uncle...

Her walking around and slowly seducing her Uncle was a means to groom her Uncle for the "Big Show" that her mother told her to do and get dirt on her Uncle to put him under her mother's thumb (or what Janice thinks will happen)... if her Uncle avoids the bait, Claire takes it onto herself to get the dirt a different way... by molesting her Uncle and making it impossible for him to deny her and, thus, get the proof her mother told her to get...

Claire didn't want to do what she did, deep down... but there is also a part of her that did enjoy it because it was a person that she cares about and loves and someone that cares about and loves her... and having been groomed and molested at an early, Claire believes that sex is how one shows love... a reinforced notion that is repeated hammered into her by her mother and also brother.

Also, had Claire refused, her mother would've made things miserable for her daughter, probably by way of her brother... or worse...

Those who play our game have to understand that there is more at work than simple pictures and clever (overused tropes)... the experience is also, hopefully, cerebral as well and makes people think or reflect on previous situations and draw a line between the two... additionally, this uses my ability that I've practiced since a child and watching people, seeing how they act, react, their beliefs, the things that make them 'tick' to be the writer that I am... and I use that in ALL my writing, even a 'porn' game, and I will tell you right now... the reality of the way Claire is and believes and REAL... it is based on someone that I know and have seen first hand the "Showing Love is How You Make It" structured belief from an individual that was molested at a very early age... and how fucked up her life and any relationship she has ever tried to have as a result of that experience.

Continuity error... no... too damn real, yeah... but no continuity error.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Awesome! Now we're getting to the wicked part in 'Wicked Choices'.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go now to buy Claire a strap-on with an enormous dildo! :extremelyhappy:
LOL!! Yeah, I have a feeling that if the player has their way, William as Billy is going to have pretty damn good idea of the crap his sister has had to go through! :evilsmile:


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
No pressure, you'll figure something out. Let the story progress and maybe with some time you get the right idea on how to do this part too.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
No pressure, you'll figure something out. Let the story progress and maybe with some time you get the right idea on how to do this part too.
Well, I will be honest, with the help you are providing me, I have a lot more options open to me and can really make this a "game", rather than a Semi-Kinetic Visual Novel that it's been up to this point... so it is like I am able to review this world we are creating with much clearer focus and possibilities! :)

So thank you so much for the help, it is REALLY appreciated!!!


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
You're welcome, don't even mention it ;) It's fun and your story seems interesting so I think it deserves the gameplay options you wanted to implement anyway ;) And the earlier they get implemented the easier it'll be for you later on ;)


New Member
Nov 10, 2017
Not sure what you mean that it creates a continuity issue... Claire doesn't like her Uncle peeping on her because...

1.) That would really make him not that much different from her father or brother...
2.) There is no camera to catch him for the blackmail material that her mother told her to get on her Uncle...

Her walking around and slowly seducing her Uncle was a means to groom her Uncle for the "Big Show" that her mother told her to do and get dirt on her Uncle to put him under her mother's thumb (or what Janice thinks will happen)... if her Uncle avoids the bait, Claire takes it onto herself to get the dirt a different way... by molesting her Uncle and making it impossible for him to deny her and, thus, get the proof her mother told her to get...

Claire didn't want to do what she did, deep down... but there is also a part of her that did enjoy it because it was a person that she cares about and loves and someone that cares about and loves her... and having been groomed and molested at an early, Claire believes that sex is how one shows love... a reinforced notion that is repeated hammered into her by her mother and also brother.

Also, had Claire refused, her mother would've made things miserable for her daughter, probably by way of her brother... or worse...

Those who play our game have to understand that there is more at work than simple pictures and clever (overused tropes)... the experience is also, hopefully, cerebral as well and makes people think or reflect on previous situations and draw a line between the two... additionally, this uses my ability that I've practiced since a child and watching people, seeing how they act, react, their beliefs, the things that make them 'tick' to be the writer that I am... and I use that in ALL my writing, even a 'porn' game, and I will tell you right now... the reality of the way Claire is and believes and REAL... it is based on someone that I know and have seen first hand the "Showing Love is How You Make It" structured belief from an individual that was molested at a very early age... and how fucked up her life and any relationship she has ever tried to have as a result of that experience.

Continuity error... no... too damn real, yeah... but no continuity error.
I already downloaded and played this game. So far so nice. but one thing I noticed , every chapter is very short. focus only on scene. 3 chapters (including prologue ) almost 1.24 gb but the game is getting bigger but the story part getting shorter and summarize. Sorry to say I'm not into this game. Still kuddos to the developers of this game.
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Reactions: ASLPro3D


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I already downloaded and played this game. So far so nice. but one thing I noticed , every chapter is very short. focus only on scene. 3 chapters (including prologue ) almost 1.24 gb but the game is getting bigger but the story part getting shorter and summarize. Sorry to say I'm not into this game. Still kuddos to the developers of this game.
I don't see it, but to each their own and thanks for trying it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2016
by the way the prologue whit the niece doesnt matter wher she fuck's the uncle they get filmed unless his niece is doing it on purpose. in the kitchen ok but this is at a later timeframe wy do they have a stalker or something around the house.

and the chapters are a bit on the short side i whould geuss
they there are alrdy some favo choices on girls.
+point natural breast not like any other kind off porn games
these lady's have the perfekt size i whould say
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Andrew Rider

Jun 23, 2017
I have just finished playing all three of the Wicked Choices games and felt compelled to add my comments here.

Firstly, I very much enjoyed the Prologue. The art and sex were great (some fantastic facial expressions) and the story ended on an intriguing note, with the video camera and glimpses of the other world. However, the game over on peeking still makes little sense to me after playing Chapter 2.

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I also liked the contrast between the modern day and fantasy milieux (which allowed some lovely costume differences), and the basic story premise that hints at great future potential. Also, the story writing was great and in several places elicited a strong emotional response from me. Finally, I loved the statuette coming back to life, and the previews showing possible future feels with her. So overall I am a fan.

However, there were a few things that disturbed me greatly.

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I know there is a rape tag attached to the games but is this going to be a strong continuing theme ? Whilst I can appreciate a rape fantasy, or hatefuck, if it is set up well, and my main character is the one doing it with some reasonable (?) justification, this is something that I, and many others judging by what I have read on this site, find a very strong turn-off when it happens to a (potential) romantic partner. Worst of all, while one rape was depicted as a brutal attack, during the other both victims were explicicitly shown to be participating and enjoying it. This smacked of the worst kind of real-life, misogynistic rape apologist ("she was asking for it", "she wanted it"). Yes, there were hints that external forces were responsible for their sexual arousal, but that is no excuse (I can only speak for myself but no matter how horny I was if I was molested by someone of the same sex I would definitely not enjoy it !). That spoiled the scene even more for me.

Having said that I am extremely psyched for the future scene where you can take revenge on the awful, awful "Billy".

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So anyway, I am eagerly anticipating the next chapter.

Incidentally, there was quite a bit of lesbian sex - in thought, deed and background - but no lesbian tag in the genre list.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Wow, @Andrew Rider, thank you so much for the really in depth post, thoughts and glad that you've liked the game thus far!!

I updated the front page's Genre to make a note about the "Lesbian" for people... it had been in the other thread about this game, but I apparently failed to make note of that in this new post, so thank you!!

Claire is going to have a place further in the story as it continues... but, thanks to Palanto Games, I am going to have to rethink some of the story a bit to take advantage of the abilities that he's created for us to make this game better for everyone and that can move this game a bit further away from being a semi-kinetic visual novel which it has been up till now (and likely will be a little bit till Chapter 4 or 5 and while we get used to these new abilities presented to us, thanks to his help).

As it was, I was quite a bit limited in my abilities (which I am sure Palanto Games can attest to having seen my code work, lol), so I was also a bit restricted and limited in the storytelling... also, to put a not to fine of point on it, there is a ton of work that goes into producing what we've been doing (and more so for Chapter Three) and while the wife does help, I am primarily doing this by myself... I am sure that other creators out there will agree (and not tooting my horn) it is a HUGE undertaking to do what I've been able to manage to do on my own and I can certainly understand why some creators only pump out 30 renders and some text a month, rather than do what we've been doing... point is, while I would love to offer several different outcomes for every possibility, really and honestly, I can't. :teary:

It is my opinion that Claire's desire for self preservation would outweigh whatever emotion that she has for the MC and would choose her own safety and well being first, at least I would if I had been in her position and experienced the horrors she has... additionally, Claire has the upper hand with the MC (at least in her mind) and the fact that the MC demonstrates that he is no different than anyone else that has abused her, (while perhaps not expressed as I'd hoped) she sees it as an opportunity to make someone suffer, the opportunity for someone who has always taken crap from others to have a chance to strike back at someone (that she trusted and believed in) to make them feel as miserable as she does... to hurt them (and screw her mother over as well)... almost a self defeating and virtual suicidal response to the situation!

In fact, originally, that was what was supposed to happen at the end of that scene before the "game over", that feeling so betrayed by the fact that she wasn't in control of that situation, as much as she thought she was, and that her uncle was really no better than anyone else that she kills herself... but the wife felt that was pushing the player too much, be too depressing and would cause people to flip out too much... so I changed it to the unimpressive ending against my personal choice.

As for the rape and molestation... depending on your choices it is also in "Wicked Choices: Chapter Three" but while there will be other choices to go that route for players in the future, I think it will also eventually balance itself out, but it will still be present if desired to go that route... *innocent shrug* ... the story is sort of what the story is and has been created... I can make some tweaks to it, but the main course of it is going to stick to the direction that we've got written, we understand that it may not be palatable for everyone, but the minute I start trying to cater to everyone is the minute everything falls apart... and, no offense, my main goal is not to be another BB with the most vocal of fans dictating the story or direction and tanking the story... or be a Mass Effect 3 where the determination of the ending was just a change in colors (boy did that suck).

While my next title is more of a "Romance the Girls", "James Bond" style story... this one the player is the "Antichrist" and it is called "Wicked Choices" for a reason... ;) and, while I do try to ground a lot of this in reality and can't think or imagine ONE WOMAN OUT THERE that would take pleasure in being raped and beg for more, this is STILL just a game and some fantasy and liberties are taken in its creation.

Thank you so much for detailing your thoughts for us and sharing them with us and everyone, we really appreciate it and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the other Chapters... feedback is good and while I may or may not be able to utilize everyone's suggestions or thoughts, it doesn't mean we don't appreciate hearing them! :happyblush
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Engaged Member
Aug 9, 2017
Didn't comment last two updates... Background images, models - aesthetically at highest level; storywise - intriguing, epical...

Only thing that disappointed me were - chapters. All choices, everything we do - it's meaningless on grand scale level, and chapters are not long enough for choices to make any difference in that chapter alone.

But that's developers decision and I respect that.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2017
Wow, @Andrew Rider, thank you so much for the really in depth post, thoughts and glad that you've liked the game thus far!!

I updated the front page's Genre to make a note about the "Lesbian" for people... it had been in the other thread about this game, but I apparently failed to make note of that in this new post, so thank you!!

Claire is going to have a place further in the story as it continues... but, thanks to Palanto Games, I am going to have to rethink some of the story a bit to take advantage of the abilities that he's created for us to make this game better for everyone and that can move this game a bit further away from being a semi-kinetic visual novel which it has been up till now (and likely will be a little bit till Chapter 4 or 5 and while we get used to these new abilities presented to us, thanks to his help).

As it was, I was quite a bit limited in my abilities (which I am sure Palanto Games can attest to having seen my code work, lol), so I was also a bit restricted and limited in the storytelling... also, to put a not to fine of point on it, there is a ton of work that goes into producing what we've been doing (and more so for Chapter Three) and while the wife does help, I am primarily doing this by myself... I am sure that other creators out there will agree (and not tooting my horn) it is a HUGE undertaking to do what I've been able to manage to do on my own and I can certainly understand why some creators only pump out 30 renders and some text a month, rather than do what we've been doing... point is, while I would love to offer several different outcomes for every possibility, really and honestly, I can't. :teary:

It is my opinion that Claire's desire for self preservation would outweigh whatever emotion that she has for the MC and would choose her own safety and well being first, at least I would if I had been in her position and experienced the horrors she has... additionally, Claire has the upper hand with the MC (at least in her mind) and the fact that the MC demonstrates that he is no different than anyone else that has abused her, (while perhaps not expressed as I'd hoped) she sees it as an opportunity to make someone suffer, the opportunity for someone who has always taken crap from others to have a chance to strike back at someone (that she trusted and believed in) to make them feel as miserable as she does... to hurt them (and screw her mother over as well)... almost a self defeating and virtual suicidal response to the situation!

In fact, originally, that was what was supposed to happen at the end of that scene before the "game over", that feeling so betrayed by the fact that she wasn't in control of that situation, as much as she thought she was, and that her uncle was really no better than anyone else that she kills herself... but the wife felt that was pushing the player too much, be too depressing and would cause people to flip out too much... so I changed it to the unimpressive ending against my personal choice.

As for the rape and molestation... depending on your choices it is also in "Wicked Choices: Chapter Three" but while there will be other choices to go that route for players in the future, I think it will also eventually balance itself out, but it will still be present if desired to go that route... *innocent shrug* ... the story is sort of what the story is and has been created... I can make some tweaks to it, but the main course of it is going to stick to the direction that we've got written, we understand that it may not be palatable for everyone, but the minute I start trying to cater to everyone is the minute everything falls apart... and, no offense, my main goal is not to be another BB with the most vocal of fans dictating the story or direction and tanking the story... or be a Mass Effect 3 where the determination of the ending was just a change in colors (boy did that suck).

While my next title is more of a "Romance the Girls", "James Bond" style story... this one the player is the "Antichrist" and it is called "Wicked Choices" for a reason... ;) and, while I do try to ground a lot of this in reality and can't think or imagine ONE WOMAN OUT THERE that would take pleasure in being raped and beg for more, this is STILL just a game and some fantasy and liberties are taken in its creation.

Thank you so much for detailing your thoughts for us and sharing them with us and everyone, we really appreciate it and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the other Chapters... feedback is good and while I may or may not be able to utilize everyone's suggestions or thoughts, it doesn't mean we don't appreciate hearing them! :happyblush
Wow! Please give my thanks to your wife for changing your mind about Claire's planned suicide. She is right in my opinion. Granted it would totally make sense and anywhere else it would be OK. In a porn game however, where people still need to be happy and excited for obvious reasons, it would definitely be too much. I'm glad there will be a revenge option instead.

Yeah, the ME3 ending did suck. Also thank you for your message on Patreon. Your welcome!

You could post the 'Something to be thankful about' message here. Or I could do it if that's OK with you.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
Didn't comment last two updates... Background images, models - aesthetically at highest level; storywise - intriguing, epical...

Only thing that disappointed me were - chapters. All choices, everything we do - it's meaningless on grand scale level, and chapters are not long enough for choices to make any difference in that chapter alone.

But that's developers decision and I respect that.

Well it actually has nothing to do with chapters but more with the way of each chapter being it's own game, it's no different than a story being told in days, lets say dating my daughter or stuff like that, he could've made it a new game for each day, or the way he's doing it now, each day is just added at the end and you have to download all days as a whole again.

Well as @ASLPro3D wrote in the I've helped him a little to do it a bit differntly than the others, this way it's going to be a single game, but all new "chapters" are just files you extract into the main game folder, which includes the previous chapters, so you only have to download the new chapter instead of the whole game everytime (except for the first time now, because there're already 3 chapters released if you add the prologue) ;)

And this way he can now make some decisions take over into the next chapters. So give him some time and a chance to work with this new ability ;)
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