Well in order to prove that I am not ENTIRELY a grumpy old man, here is a Sneak Peek into Wicked Choices coming out in May!!!
As we prepare to ship out Wicked Choices to the $5 Patrons and $1 Patrons this week Patreon, and gear up to release Wicked Choices to the $30 Patrons, and those here who are supporting us, on April 2nd… we figured we’d give a little sneak peek into May’s
EXCITING CONCLUSION to Chapter Four that will come out in Wicked Choices!!
Currently, I have just completed creating all of the sets and lighting that will be used in, including these two wonderful scenes….
What you can expect in of Wicked Choices:
The return of
CHOICES that all lead to having some wonderful and kinky fun!!
Armed with the final pieces to the puzzle that you gain in April’s Wicked Choices, you will now be ready to return once more into the role of Princess Lynara, as she and Carina have been teleported to a not so abandoned church…
...once there, it will be
UP TO YOU to decide how she is going to handle the interesting situation that she and her handmaiden find themselves in, with a kooky, perverted, old Priest that has been caring for Cybele, the Demonothan Oracle.
Will you allow Lynara to start down a crooked, twisted path of corruption?
Or will you do everything you can to keep her innocent and pure?
The choice will be
Well, I best get back to work... but just wanted to be the "tease" that
@Wyrme and others have come to know me to be!! x'D