3.00 star(s) 51 Votes


Oct 19, 2017
The problem is the size and amount of abilities of the Engine. For example a new project in UE has as a default all options maxed. Then some features in UE like Metahumans, Nanite, RTX lightning and the megascans etc. that are easy to use are really power and memory hungry. For example most megascans have a 8k resolution - not really something you need, but it looks good and makes often games slow. Another thing is that a mass of features are activated by default in UE, but you don't need most of it for a game. UE is like an office program where when you start office to write a letter and office will always load the text processor, the spreadsheet part, the database part, the graphics part, the scheduler, the notes, the mail part, etc. when you only need the text processor - only in UE the parts needed for movies, automotive, architecture, games etc. are all loaded when you only need the game part. UE needs you to deactivate parts you don't want to use and that's not easy, because an addon does not tell you that it is not needed. You have to know what an addon does to know if it is needed for your project.
This makes it easier for somebody to start working with UE without delay without having to worry if everything needed is available, but has the disadvantage to include parts in your game that are not needed and makes the game big and slow. Another problem is that at most times you use assets you like that come in a packet. For example for a landscape you use 5 different materials, but the packet includes 200 materials. You need to say UE only to compiles assets that are used and not all assets that exist in a project. There are tutorials in the UE dev forum and other places how to reduce size of projects and compiled games and how to optimize for potatos, but it is not easy.....
ok...dunno what that has to do with the character model quality though. i set it to medium or high and they look ok while i change the preset to low and it's basic blocky geometric shapes.


New Member
Feb 16, 2018
Would love to play the game but seems the frame rate drops way too much during sex scenes. I am running an Nvidia Gforce 1650 super and I tried lowering the settings a little but still, I get 5-10 fps when encountering monsters. Any suggestions?


Dec 23, 2021
Somewhere along the line this game's performance took a steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep nose dive. I have a 4090 and it chugs even for me.

Susan Xandera

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
Press B

I think that is the key you need to press get off of the dragon, after you have flown around on him for a bit. If all else fails, start pressing each key on the keyboard until one lets you stop riding the dragon.
What if you hit one that makes you RIDE the dragon?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
What if you hit one that makes you RIDE the dragon?
Hmm, if you have pressed THAT magic button ... You're fucked.

However, I am pretty sure that if you press B, it should tell him to 'get off' and then get off of you.

There is still enough buggy crap in this game that it wouldn't surprise me that the dragon is a bugged out mess right now. The last time I rode that dragon, my character was positioned about 5m below the dragon and when I had sex with it, the pregnancy never ended.

Susan Xandera

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
Hmm, if you have pressed THAT magic button ... You're fucked.

However, I am pretty sure that if you press B, it should tell him to 'get off' and then get off of you.

There is still enough buggy crap in this game that it wouldn't surprise me that the dragon is a bugged out mess right now. The last time I rode that dragon, my character was positioned about 5m below the dragon and when I had sex with it, the pregnancy never ended.
Opened a portal to Narnia with that one huh? That or if you've played the F.E.A.R games, well, if you know.... you know.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Hmm, if you have pressed THAT magic button ... You're fucked.

However, I am pretty sure that if you press B, it should tell him to 'get off' and then get off of you.

There is still enough buggy crap in this game that it wouldn't surprise me that the dragon is a bugged out mess right now. The last time I rode that dragon, my character was positioned about 5m below the dragon and when I had sex with it, the pregnancy never ended.
I haven't seen much regarding the Dragon in the changelogs, so I'm assuming it's still the same Dragon from 8.4.x. If that's the case, the flying mechanics are completely borked and any pregnancies are indefinite, meaning the only fix to anything regarding this flying bastard is loading a prior save.
Jul 29, 2023
game kept asking me to run UEPrereqSetup_x64 or install Visual C ++ Redist, after a uninstall and reinstall I now get a bluescreen saying Watchdog Timeout, what's up with UE5?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
bake bread not working or wtf is goin on? used wheat in campfire and nothin
Do you have enough wheat? I think you need at least 5 before it will start baking bread.
Do you have any wood? 'Fire don't work without fuel'. Can't make a fire without some wood.
Did you place the wheat AND wood into the campfire? Just having it in your inventory doesn't work, you have to place both items into the campfire 'inventory' before you can bake anything.

If you baked any bread or collected any wheat BEFORE you started that quest with the fisherman, you might need to throw it all away. I have seen that quest get a bit buggy if you have any of that before you start the quest. So get rid if any bread and wheat you might have, then talk to the fisherman again and only then go collect up some wheat and try baking it for the quest.
3.00 star(s) 51 Votes