Working on a custom playable demo proof of concept
So far I have the following working
- trigger zones that hide the player, initiate control of camera, load up custom dialogue box with active button listener to advance dialogue, once done stops camera, re-enables and shows player
- custom animated idle pose of female character
- a melon can be found and can be picked up and is added to an "inventory"
- presing Q will bring up a menu showing if you have a melon or not
Next step is to create more dialogue for giving the character a melon, custom animations, custom sex animation, and an unlockable "money shot pose" with some post-dialogue
Essentially I want to make my own "Wild Life" playable content
Aiming to have lots of character dialogues, and even have some RPG stats
Small activities for the player in the forms of
- fetch quests/item gathering
- dialogue choices
- potential QTE style events (testing needs to be done)
- personal house customization
- puzzles
Overal the point of the game experience is to have a handful of characters for the player to "satisfy their demands" and be rewarded. If I can get this demo done I might reach out if anyone wants to help out or contribute in some way