Odin Hammer

Jun 22, 2021
Hey Guys,

how can I get swimable Water? The waterplane is nice, but is only an effect for walk trough. The PC and NPC couldn't get wet or swim. There is only one place at the new wildlife map, if you can swim and that is the lake downside the river by the Lake Village. Therefore I build my city "Lakeside" at this spot.


Nov 7, 2021
i like it <3 ,can i suggest some things to make?
-torches makes a weird sound when they re close so i suggest you put there volume to 0 and remove the smoe effect in torches in rooms and houses
-doors open and close
-turn off character physc in poses
-"bonus" : put a themed music at the background ( something related to elven music such as flute or something)


Nov 23, 2019


Nov 22, 2021
Exactly what I was thinking. Some of the sandbox creators don't think about optimization at all, which is ironically what we complain about with many game developers. At least a warning notice would be nice.
Many factors at play such as your own specs, one idea bukva633 said here was "fusing" objects quote below.

I wonder if there can be an option to fuse objects when saving a group, that would create a new object/prop entirely, and the engine would not need to count all individual objects anymore. This would likely break any event related stuff, but for static objects, I wonder if it could help.
Surely would help especially for mega maps such as Galleon by koshmar163 and the upcoming Colosseum by Markus55.
However VengefulKron responded to that by saying quote below.

I don't think combining things into one huge mesh would really solve much. The main issue is that sandbox objects have no occlusion culling. That's the reason why maps with a ton of poses/sex scenes are super laggy no matter where you're looking. Normally, those scenes should be 'culled' if the camera can't see them, that way they're not using precious GPU/CPU processing time, but they're not being culled.
This would be solved for props once the game is upgraded to UE5, since Nanite automatically culls out objects that can't be seen. (But it wouldn't solve the issue with poses/sex scenes, since Nanite doesn't work on characters.)
Making characters invisible does help but is not enough as GEr01 even with his 3080 described his thoughts below (who did make good effort in using Trigger Zones to toggle visibility on/off for objects/actors featured in his cool Sex Party House map).
Which I posted screenshots here showing my own FPS performance difference with/without the trigger zones he set up.

I wonder if next patch has ''fix'' on invisible characters just sucking insane levels system performance. In editor even if you hide all your characters the game somehow still reserves so much data for them.

For example 50 + 50 (poses + sex scenes) in an empty map easily makes Wild Life consume almost 13 GB of ram (total system ram consumption goes well past 16gb) and crashing FPS from stable 144 (capped) into 70. Even if all these models are hidden. Of course when showcasing them it actually destroys FPS making it drop into 6-8 fps range (on 3080), I'm fine with that, it's stupid amount of characters in the first place. That I get but when all those animations are invisible I would hope we would get a bit better ram/GPU management in the future when game gets developed further. It would really allow us to push for huge user scenarios and creative multi person big mod projects.

I'm creating continuation on my map I showcased a bit earlier this summer and making 7-8 areas is fine enough (basically no FPS drops), especially if I hide a lot of objects, but if adding tens of NPCs FPS sadly just drops to like 40 FPS range. While I finish the map I'll just keep eye how the game gets developed and probably remove about 30% of more decorative NPCs to make this stuff perform better. It's still a bit sad since game runs so well without character bloat. Even thousands of objects on the screen and absolutely no drops on FPS and very light amount of RAM consumption. But animation objects consume so much.
Make of this info what you will, Wild Life is moving to Unreal Engine 5 at the end of this year we'll see what happens.
As for warnings I've tried to help by adding text warnings in the list for maps after some people reported their games crashing.
Are there other maps in the list that you think require a text warning if so which in your opinion?
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