Feb 15, 2018
Has it ever crossed your mind that cyberpunk environment consists mostly of textured blocks with some detail while the wild life fisher village is surrounded by what looks like thousands of trees with even more leaves and transparency. Im willing to bet that if you make a forest like that in CP2077 itll perform as bad, or even worse. And if you check the main wild life level which also has no trees that runs almost twice as fast. Forests are just one of the hardest thing to make run well.
Still its not an excuse to have the game running like shit on a good GPU.I just made a joke with cyberpunk i didn't praise the game lmao....There are tons of games like The Witcher 3 and RDR2 with a lot of trees around you and even better graphics that runs with high frames and 0 problems.You are making poor excuses for their bad optimisation
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
There are tons of games like The Witcher 3 and RDR2 with a lot of trees around you and even better graphics that runs with high frames and 0 problems
You are completely missing the point with such crazy comparisons. RDR2 and Witcher are actually finished games, by established studios with hundreds of developers and many years of developing time on dozens of millions of dollars in budget. But yea this work-in-progress indie porn game has to perform exactly like those or else its shit. Patience dude. If the game performs like this on launch day I would get your complaints, hell Id give them shit myself it the performance stood like this on release. But for now all we can say is point out that the performance needs improving and then leave the devs to do their job. No need to get all salty about it.
Feb 15, 2018
You are completely missing the point with such crazy comparisons. RDR2 and Witcher are actually finished games, by established studios with hundreds of developers and many years of developing time on dozens of millions of dollars in budget. But yea this work-in-progress indie porn game has to perform exactly like those or else its shit. Patience dude. If the game performs like this on launch day I would get your complaints, hell Id give them shit myself it the performance stood like this on release. But for now all we can say is point out that the performance needs improving and then leave the devs to do their job. No need to get all salty about it.
I am salty because I actually supported them at one point for couple months and had hope they will start doing some progress.It took them 2 years to make a poorly optimised porn gallery.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
I am salty because I actually supported them at one point for couple months and had hope they will start doing some progress.It took them 2 years to make a poorly optimised porn gallery.
So what, you supported some devs with 50 dollars and now expect a groundbreaking open world rpg with unseen sex mechanics, full and complete with story and gameplay and perfect optimization after less than 3 years of serious development with only about 10 devs and just around 2million dollars in budget?
Sorry to break that to you but the only one you can blame for such a dissapointment is yourself.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
Wouldn't it be possible for you to install xcode and export the game so it can be used on mac? P.S. im not a dev just asking because i want to try the game and i'm on mac.


Dec 17, 2017
So what, you supported some devs with 50 dollars and now expect a groundbreaking open world rpg with unseen sex mechanics, full and complete with story and gameplay and perfect optimization after less than 3 years of serious development with only about 10 devs and just around 2million dollars in budget?
Sorry to break that to you but the only one you can blame for such a dissapointment is yourself.
So you're saying one cannot pull an actual (AAA-grade even) title up with a 2MIL (!) budget, 10 devs and 80k monthly from Patreon? :)

Really? :)
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Jul 19, 2017
Wow, did I really not try this yet? Huh, lets have a look...


Wow. What a fantastic tech demo. But this really isn't a porn game at all. This is a B-game with porn.


Feb 24, 2018
Dude Gunjar is fucking black, and all the tribal people are already black. What more do you want? Hell, I can make Jason black if I wanted to, and he's white as fuck.
Dude, you gotta chill... but im gonna just guess that you didn't read my original question. I said a black male character, not wearing a diaper and or slave collar... and Gunjar is a geezer btw XD
Dec 13, 2019
Wow, did I really not try this yet? Huh, lets have a look...


Wow. What a fantastic tech demo. But this really isn't a porn game at all. This is a B-game with porn.
this is not a game at all, not even a tech demo... just an empty environment with some cheap animations you'll got bored with withing 1/2 our at best. i'll never understand why people go mad for such misery and continue to support a dev that's clearly milking his patreon community on purpose while you can see some other devs like the carnal instinct's ones that are realising in a jiffy and with uncomparable less resourses what adeptus steave couldn't make in 3 years and more than 2 millions $ and a continue income of more 90k $/mont...

ah, for the people that continue to defend steave's operatus: he's not capable of building a game, apart the fact he'll never wanted to build one. the proof for it? simple: the fact that he doesn't engage steam's platform like carnal instinct's devs have done. clear as cristal. and plz don't go out with fucking excuse of steam's censor and all that jazz: steam's platform is now plenty of adult content so censor is not a a/the reason, just another fucking excuse...
3.80 star(s) 172 Votes