
Apr 10, 2022
What if its like Skyrim? Skyrim also has the same gameplay, you choose who to help and who to be friends with but people still play Skyrim. They dont get bored easily, its just basic RPG if not every game ever.
Every game ever has quests and missions that everyone probably hates, however RPG its different, its YOUR choice to do the mission, its not like GTA.
Skyrim quest system consist of 2 parts. First part is hand written and is in fact a big table with code assigned to each quest stage and quest map for engine to know where which stage can lead.
The second part is their supersystem called Radiant AI. It is even bigger table where typycal location, items and containers added to pool.
What it means. It means player can find a quest to find and retrieve *random item from pool of items* from *random location from locations pool* and deliver it to *random NPC from NPC pool*. Bethesda worked very hard on that system. And it is boring as shit. Clownoward says It just works hello.
Today you find a family ring for elven slave in forsworn camp, next day it is ancient rusty sword for alchemy vendor, then its bag of rotten potatoes for jarl's son, and so on and so forth.
From what i can see current quest system is like a small table with *NPC*, *possible phrases*, *quest goal* and *reward scene*.
Quest structure is quite linear. And it is not good thing or bad thing. It just is. What matters is story behind it. And scenes of course.
It appears, adding possible quest outcomes is just like adding some dialog options with different outcomes. Bu-u-u-t - that means more work. And it is not crucial in current stages, so why would spend precious time on small things like that?
And - no, RPG is not about choise on quests, it is about playing a role. Coz RPG is Role Playing Game.


Apr 10, 2022
All I have to say regarding the story is that I find the current concept of the Kerpali as native born humans who have been infected with a lycanthropic disease to be way more interesting than if they were just aliens. I particularly liked the conversation the player has with the tiger woman in the demo, along with having her do something really interesting and unique to her “species” (clawing at a scratching post). I hope you keep exploring that concept with the other Kerpali characters. Maybe even have some of them feel conflicted about their condition and try to seek a cure, while others go the obvious Avatar route and try to fight the mercenary occupiers.
Agreed! I have a feeling that most of the main story will be going the Avatar route. Several hints have already been made in that direction -the trailer for one. Plus some of the things said in the demo game. It's the "Gaia Principle;" that the planet itself is a living organism which its inhabitants have a deep-seated genetic and spiritual bond. Plenty of like stories: Avatar, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, even Titan A.E. to a point. Except where in Avatar the planet is like a mature, nurturing mother, in Wild Life the planet is like a horny, nymphomaniac teenager!

I wonder if that has to do with the planet's age, since it seems to be in a primordial phase?

I don't think the idea of Kerpali being conflicted and trying to find a cure works here, though. Seems that the ones who have any conflict are the ones who become Ferals. The rest accept, even luxuriate in their changed forms. Why not? As it seems the beast Kerpali are the ruling classes. Grok in the old game, Gulhragg in the Fisher Village... Pure humans seem to take a secondary role, other than as vessels for sex. I don't see any humans, for example, sitting on a throne while a wolf-girl sits at their feet stroking their dicks.;)

Among other things, I'd like to know how humans become specific Kerpali. From Karra (the tiger-woman), we know that the change comes in puberty, and if someone has a Kerpali parent, or parents, the change is more likely. What isn't indicated is what causes which form.

I assume, that if one or both parents are, say, tiger Kerpali, one becomes a tiger. But what about the others? Is it the personality that decides whether a changeling becomes a wolf, lion, bull, lizard, pig, or goat? Is it the aggressiveness of the individual? The sexual proclivity? A combination? Or is it just random? What happens if one parent is a wolf and the other a lizard?

I tend to think sex is a key component (Doi! It's a sex game!:D) in whether one becomes a Kerpali or a Feral. My main evidence is that there is NOT ONE FEMALE Feral. Now that may just be oversight on the devs part (you also don't see Feral wolves or rhinos. Just lions, and up until recently panthers), but my personal theory is that no female feral survives the "amourous" attentions of her brethren.

Personally, I think the main thrust (pardon the term) of the story's plot may be partly the fact that Maya is the only Kerpali who can change back to human form (an ability allegedly given to her by Lala), and partly the rumour that Karra speaks of some people spontaneously becoming Kerpali. I can't help but wonder if Max is going to go the Avatar route as well.
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Apr 10, 2022
I'm pressing tab key but nothing is changing what can I do?
Sometimes things stick. I've found that with the TAB key, as well as the Poser and Sex Scene parts within, when you try to change characters. You'll know if everything freezes. It's the game catching up. Wait it out for a while.

Or try going into "O" or "T", which bring up the Poser/Custom and Spawn screens. Then exit and try TAB again.

Another method is to try moving around. I've found that changing the cloud cover or time of day doesn't work immediately after you load a map. But after moving around a bit it came back.
Aug 15, 2018
Thinking about redownloading the game again. Can somebody tell me about if creampies are in the game? The last time i played the game, which was over half a year ago, creampies were not represented at all.

They also seemed to have added a lot more monster scenes. is that true?

EDIT: 12GB download size? why is that?
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Mar 18, 2018
Agreed! I have a feeling that most of the main story will be going the Avatar route. Several hints have already been made in that direction -the trailer for one. Plus some of the things said in the demo game. It's the "Gaia Principle;" that the planet itself is a living organism which its inhabitants have a deep-seated genetic and spiritual bond. Plenty of like stories: Avatar, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, even Titan A.E. to a point. Except where in Avatar the planet is like a mature, nurturing mother, in Wild Life the planet is like a horny, nymphomaniac teenager!

I wonder if that has to do with the planet's age, since it seems to be in a primordial phase?

I don't think the idea of Kerpali being conflicted and trying to find a cure works here, though. Seems that the ones who have any conflict are the ones who become Ferals. The rest accept, even luxuriate in their changed forms. Why not? As it seems the beast Kerpali are the ruling classes. Grok in the old game, Gulhragg in the Fisher Village... Pure humans seem to take a secondary role, other than as vessels for sex. I don't see any humans, for example, sitting on a throne while a wolf-girl sits at their feet stroking their dicks.;)

Among other things, I'd like to know how humans become specific Kerpali. From Karra (the tiger-woman), we know that the change comes in puberty, and if someone has a Kerpali parent, or parents, the change is more likely. What isn't indicated is what causes which form.

I assume, that if one or both parents are, say, tiger Kerpali, one becomes a tiger. But what about the others? Is it the personality that decides whether a changeling becomes a wolf, lion, bull, lizard, pig, or goat? Is it the aggressiveness of the individual? The sexual proclivity? A combination? Or is it just random? What happens if one parent is a wolf and the other a lizard?

I tend to think sex is a key component (Doi! It's a sex game!:D) in whether one becomes a Kerpali or a Feral. My main evidence is that there is NOT ONE FEMALE Feral. Now that may just be oversight on the devs part (you also don't see Feral wolves or rhinos. Just lions, and up until recently panthers), but my personal theory is that no female feral survives the "amourous" attentions of her brethren.

Personally, I think the main thrust (pardon the term) of the story's plot may be partly the fact that Maya is the only Kerpali who can change back to human form (an ability allegedly given to her by Lala), and partly the rumour that Karra speaks of some people spontaneously becoming Kerpali. I can't help but wonder if Max is going to go the Avatar route as well.
Am I the only one who thinks that going down the Avatar route is not only uninspired, but going to draw unfavorable comparisons when this game inevitably gets on the news?

Say what you want about the quality of porn game storytelling, but the majority here would be disappointed if this game's versatile sandbox is the only element that mainstream gamers can recall as groundbreaking for the genre.

I don't think the developers realize that a majority would write off the game's story just on the similarities alone. AVATAR was the biggest movie in the world that also tricked billions into watching a film that was an infinitely inferior execution of the Dances With Wolves concept - to them it's just going to be another one-sided "Racist Humans Colonialism Bad" narrative with the preachiness of a christian priest, all devoid of real substance. Every single trope from that concept has been beaten to death as predictable and derivative.

If Wild Life's premise was exclusively about on Maya and her quest to uncover the mystery behind her "abnormal" transformation, while completely relegating Max to NPC side character status and making the mercs a neutral faction, it would lend so much more to the non-porn moments and writing than Pocahauntus-In-Space could ever give.


New Member
Aug 15, 2018
hey guys. i have encountered a problem with the game. Upon startup it enters a loading loop and i cannot get past the loading screen to the main menue. Task manager is showing, that the programm isnt responding. Ive tried running it in compatibility mode for win8, but the problem persists. Any ideas? Help would be much appreciated.

Edit: Never mind, solved it data was corrupted, reinstall solved the issue
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Sep 16, 2021
guys can you show me some of your best character setups and edits. I want to edit them perfectly.(my favorite is shey)
Apr 10, 2021
Skyrim quest system consist of 2 parts. First part is hand written and is in fact a big table with code assigned to each quest stage and quest map for engine to know where which stage can lead.
The second part is their supersystem called Radiant AI. It is even bigger table where typycal location, items and containers added to pool.
What it means. It means player can find a quest to find and retrieve *random item from pool of items* from *random location from locations pool* and deliver it to *random NPC from NPC pool*. Bethesda worked very hard on that system. And it is boring as shit. Clownoward says It just works hello.
Today you find a family ring for elven slave in forsworn camp, next day it is ancient rusty sword for alchemy vendor, then its bag of rotten potatoes for jarl's son, and so on and so forth.
From what i can see current quest system is like a small table with *NPC*, *possible phrases*, *quest goal* and *reward scene*.
Quest structure is quite linear. And it is not good thing or bad thing. It just is. What matters is story behind it. And scenes of course.
It appears, adding possible quest outcomes is just like adding some dialog options with different outcomes. Bu-u-u-t - that means more work. And it is not crucial in current stages, so why would spend precious time on small things like that?
And - no, RPG is not about choise on quests, it is about playing a role. Coz RPG is Role Playing Game.
Sorry but every game works just like that, is this the first time ever you play video games?
You have a mission, the game tells you what to do (or some hard games which makes you think) and thats it, thats video games, I really dont understand your argument here.
Do you want scenes; with mokap like every other triple AAA game? Thats impossible, the team is very small to do something like that.
You dont explain what really is the problem, first you say its the missions and the quests but now you say its the story.
We dont know what the full story is yet, we just guessing.

The game is an RPG, and RPG is CHOICES games mostly just BECAUSE its a role playing games, it originated from dungeons and dragons, you have choices what to do, except if you want Telltale and Life is strange kind of games where your choices dont matter, and the games force you to do specific things.
Right now you are against people who love video games where THEY are in control of the story, and not the author.

If they took the route you said, people like me would find it boring, majority of people HATE forcing sex, I am not into doing sex with someone I dont like, especially characters I dont like, lets ask the people here who love the Kerpali and they have hate boners for humans (I personally like both I dont understand this hatred) they would lose interest if a human fucks Maya without them being interested to see that. You just ask for a game that forces you, I dont like that, which I am also very pleased with their Sandbox improvement, if they make the story like you said, I would never personally play it cause I hate when games forcing you some guy or gal you dont like, or in this case the game forcing me for a fetish I dont like regarding your game being dark. Thats why your argument on (you want sex Y or N?) is bad, because you are forcing something to someone who doesnt like it at all.
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Aug 31, 2018
Howdy guys,

I've been messing around with the sandbox editor more and more and thought I'd share my creations in a pack!

Pack 1:
Includes 5 Scenes.

- Bone Warrior Camp

"It's time for the yearly mating ritual with the bone warrior tribe!"

Bone Warrior Camp.png

- Cheetah Breeding Camp
"Ouch, looks like you and your buddies got defeated by the local cheetahs. They'll let you go only after they've used you up completely."

Cheetah Breeding Camp.png

- Succubus Pits
"Hell could be worse I guess."


- Succubus Cave
"They liked me so much I got taken to a cave with a high-rank succubus... I'm not sure if this is good or bad"


- Mileena Camp
"You didn't think Shang Tsung made a million Mileena's to FIGHT, did you? FATALITY!"

Mileena Camp.png

Let me know what you think lads! Happy late easter.


Sep 18, 2017
Howdy guys,

I've been messing around with the sandbox editor more and more and thought I'd share my creations in a pack!

Pack 1:
Includes 5 Scenes.

- Bone Warrior Camp

"It's time for the yearly mating ritual with the bone warrior tribe!"

View attachment 1764412

- Cheetah Breeding Camp
"Ouch, looks like you and your buddies got defeated by the local cheetahs. They'll let you go only after they've used you up completely."

View attachment 1764419

- Succubus Pits
"Hell could be worse I guess."

View attachment 1764428

- Succubus Cave
"They liked me so much I got taken to a cave with a high-rank succubus... I'm not sure if this is good or bad"

View attachment 1764430

- Mileena Camp
"You didn't think Shang Tsung made a million Mileena's to FIGHT, did you? FATALITY!"

View attachment 1764432

Let me know what you think lads! Happy late easter.
I am unable to install mods, I have tried to put the files in the path indicated by the txt file but nothing appears in the sandbox. I have tried to put the files first in the folder with my username, also in the default one... but nothing happens.
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