Others Winter Warmth [v0.1.9.8] [PowerPlower]

3.40 star(s) 18 Votes
Jan 10, 2020
Dont worry... I dont use no antivirus since like 20 years back and tell windows defender to fuck off (mine is shut off).... The only thing i use is antispyware....
When a friend leaked an update to me, he just send me the Exe file without anything else.
I know, most of the time you have to unpack shit, but not here.
game is fine and its great...
thanks for letting me know; n yeah, everything seems to be running ok. now, about that 'saves' issue; i've already had the game not save my saves 2x now, n been reading up on how to fix this; so has this problem finally been resolved? thx again mate, cheers
Jan 10, 2020
Still very early in the game. There is some sexual content, but if the story goes the way I think it will (either Dark or Light routes) there should be plenty. For right now, however, the grind is greater than the sex.
not angry/hating on u, but trying 2 express my vehement level of disagreement w/that statement...being both a porn n pirate site, i'm guessing the vast majority of us here (such as myself) aren't in it for the story/grinding (as evidenced by the countless thousands of posts regarding ppl's hatred of grinding i've seen over the years). GIMME PORN/SEX/FUCKING/LEWDNESS/DEPRAVITY/CARNALITY...i can read a story anytime, anywhere, from any other source

just my 2 cents, take it or leave it; curious 2c how many (if any) ppl agree w/me on this, n take the time 2 like/hate the post; cheers mate

It appears that the team is building a game more nuanced and psychologically accurate than the standard low-brow offering.

I've posted this earlier in the thread....

The location of the save files for this game is not as it is in Ren'Py.

C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Winter Warmth\saves\parent_slot1\slot_1\definitions.json

- "parent_slotx" where x is 1 through 5
- "slot_x" where x is number of save...such as 10 or 20 or 30
- probably best to transfer the entire "slot_x" folder with all its contents
---> Probably best not to transfer save files at all for this game. They don't work the same was as Ren'py and there's no rollback (very limited).

I have no clue where the save files are located in MacOS
ok, now my head is starting to legit hurt, approaching headache status (n on my day off no less)...so, bottom line; has the saves issue been resolved or no? b/c i've already tried starting this twice, just to check n see if the saves stick, n after exiting then reloading each time, either the save was gone, or it's there, but with no stats or renamed MC; sooo...?? thx

heh...well, I find this funny and more than a little silly and maybe, in the long run, counterproductive.

All the saves and the gallery options have been encrypted. So no more tweaking, testing, experimenting, etc. This is not the fault of the Godot engine, but solely on the shoulders of the dev. Given previous statements, I'm going out on a limb here and posit that someone may be a bit of a control freak. One the one hand, if this were an A-level multiplayer game with worldwide leader boards and all the attached trappings, I can see the desire to control those who attempt to cheat. But this is not that and one of the reasons folks enjoy this genre of games and the engine on which they are most often created is the ability to tinker. What harm does it do? If it breaks a save then go back to a previous spot and try again. The story is still the story and different routes can easily be explored with no skin off anyone's back.

Maybe things will change in the future, but if it continues to play out like this in marketing terms one is shooting themselves in the foot by creating needless friction in a target audience accustomed to years of playing it their way. So, get ready for some fireworks...and wear some steel-toed boots.
"GoDot"?? "encrypted saves"?? never heard of either of these b4, in my almost 10 years of playing VNs...so u can save, but then gotta pay 2 use/see your own saves? i'm so confused right now o_O n i'm 2 computer stupid/illiterate 2 try n edit/change anything in the save files; why would i? i just wanna play the game, make choices, then be able 2 go back 2 those saves later so i can enjoy replaying them...ffs batman
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Apr 3, 2024
thanks for letting me know; n yeah, everything seems to be running ok. now, about that 'saves' issue; i've already had the game not save my saves 2x now, n been reading up on how to fix this; so has this problem finally been resolved? thx again mate, cheers
Relax.... I love this game.... Check my walkthrough, around side 40 somewhere.... As Aer... My last account...

Page 39 ;) NTR path... just checked for you :cool:
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Apr 3, 2024
not angry/hating on u, but trying 2 express my vehement level of disagreement w/that statement...being both a porn n pirate site, i'm guessing the vast majority of us here (such as myself) aren't in it for the story/grinding (as evidenced by the countless thousands of posts regarding ppl's hatred of grinding i've seen over the years). GIMME PORN/SEX/FUCKING/LEWDNESS/DEPRAVITY/CARNALITY...i can read a story anytime, anywhere, from any other source

just my 2 cents, take it or leave it; curious 2c how many (if any) ppl agree w/me on this, n take the time 2 like/hate the post; cheers mate


ok, now my head is starting to legit hurt, approaching headache status (n on my day off no less)...so, bottom line; has the saves issue been resolved or no? b/c i've already tried starting this twice, just to check n see if the saves stick, n after exiting then reloading each time, either the save was gone, or it's there, but with no stats or renamed MC; sooo...?? thx

"GoDot"?? "encrypted saves"?? never heard of either of these b4, in my almost 10 years of playing VNs...so u can save, but then gotta pay 2 use/see your own saves? i'm so confused right now o_O n i'm 2 computer stupid/illiterate 2 try n edit/change anything in the save files; why would i? i just wanna play the game, make choices, then be able 2 go back 2 those saves later so i can enjoy replaying them...ffs batman
Then play the game instead of spamming with stupid comments...... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2020
not angry/hating on u, but trying 2 express my vehement level of disagreement w/that statement...being both a porn n pirate site, i'm guessing the vast majority of us here (such as myself) aren't in it for the story/grinding (as evidenced by the countless thousands of posts regarding ppl's hatred of grinding i've seen over the years). GIMME PORN/SEX/FUCKING/LEWDNESS/DEPRAVITY/CARNALITY...i can read a story anytime, anywhere, from any other source

just my 2 cents, take it or leave it; curious 2c how many (if any) ppl agree w/me on this, n take the time 2 like/hate the post; cheers mate


ok, now my head is starting to legit hurt, approaching headache status (n on my day off no less)...so, bottom line; has the saves issue been resolved or no? b/c i've already tried starting this twice, just to check n see if the saves stick, n after exiting then reloading each time, either the save was gone, or it's there, but with no stats or renamed MC; sooo...?? thx

"GoDot"?? "encrypted saves"?? never heard of either of these b4, in my almost 10 years of playing VNs...so u can save, but then gotta pay 2 use/see your own saves? i'm so confused right now o_O n i'm 2 computer stupid/illiterate 2 try n edit/change anything in the save files; why would i? i just wanna play the game, make choices, then be able 2 go back 2 those saves later so i can enjoy replaying them...ffs batman
Well...let's see. Where to begin?

1. The encrypted save problem was solved (see the OP for a nifty save editor), but it's a moot point again as they very recently announced they will be switching to a newer iteration of Godot. Furthermore, they're going to rewrite the entire prologue, so we may be back to square one.

2. Godot has thousands of games under its belt (go to Itch.io and do a search for Godot), but like you, this is a first for me. I'm no programmer, but looking at the game engine it appears to be fairly robust and mainly uses .json. I think most of the problems with bugs in this game were secondary to them learning how to program with it and should get better as we go. Why did they choose Godot over something else? No clue. They've never given the reason. After this much time, complaining about it (ie, new folks to the game drop in this forum and make the same complaints that have been made for months and after a while it gets grating) goes nowhere. It is what it is.

3. There are hundreds of games where HULK CAN SMASH PUSSY. Why not give space for one that is written beyond a high school level? If you don't like where the game is headed, that's cool. I am holding out hope that it will be something different. But either way, it's out of our hands. We're along for the ride. Sometimes that ride is in a truck, sometimes it's in a convertible.
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arone tajhiri

Feb 11, 2018
Well...let's see. Where to begin?

1. The encrypted save problem was solved (see the OP for a nifty save editor), but it's a moot point again as they very recently announced they will be switching to a newer iteration of Godot. Furthermore, they're going to rewrite the entire prologue, so we may be back to square one.

2. Godot has thousands of games under its belt (go to Itch.io and do a search for Godot), but like you, this is a first for me. I'm no programmer, but looking at the game engine it appears to be fairly robust and mainly uses .json. I think most of the problems with bugs in this game were secondary to them learning how to program with it and should get better as we go. Why did they choose Godot over something else? No clue. They've never given the reason. After this much time, complaining about it (ie, new folks to the game drop in this forum and make the same complaints that have been made for months and after a while it gets grating) goes nowhere. It is what it is.

3. There are hundreds of games where HULK CAN SMASH PUSSY. Why not give space for one that is written beyond a high school level? If you don't like where the game is headed, that's cool. I am holding out hope that it will be something different. But either way, it's out of our hands. We're along for the ride. Sometimes that ride is in a truck, sometimes it's in a convertible.
yea dev confirmed we need to start a new game

arone tajhiri

Feb 11, 2018
Well, last update i used my save file without restarting the game and everything worked fine... Worst case scenario ill start from scratch if the next update needs it...
yea he said he wouldn't advise it so.....
but if what he said was true then the grinding should have reduced a ton.
I'm just pissed I will lose all my corruptions


Apr 3, 2024
yea he said he wouldn't advise it so.....
but if what he said was true then the grinding should have reduced a ton.
I'm just pissed I will lose all my corruptions
Hahaha exactly lol i have Melissa at 80 soo its wrong vakue :p
Well, i diddnt think it was to much grind if you do it right...
But new update i propably gonna have to start from scratch.....
Jan 10, 2020
Its a known bug.... search for my playthrough....
Just exit the game and load a save from main menu....
WHAT THE GODDAMNED FUCK???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and YES i've searched the thread for references to this, and YES i've read the playthrough...CAN'T advance time, CAN'T click on ANY room to leave the house; WHY IS THIS SO FUCKING BUGGED?????!!!!!!!

and YES, i've exited the game and tried loading a save SIX TIMES now, n STILL nothing i can do on the morning of the 1st day of work, after MC's fiancee gives the box of sweets to him her daughter made...WHY did the dev choose an engine/UI format that is so freaking bugged?????

if you're stuck where i think you're talking about, why not just start with the chapter1 (after prologue) new game?
because i wanna play the "full" content of the game as of the current version; so HOW do i leave the house/travel? every room i try clicking on says "LOCKED", can't advance time, n NO IDEA what the settings hotkeys mean involving "right click" or "mouse right-click"...NOTHING'S HAPPENING/WORKING; PLEASE HELP

just saw this...
yea dev confirmed we need to start a new game
so guess there's no point in trying anything w/this game at all until the next update/revision? what a croc...n if h-scenes are gonna take forever, n this is gonna be yet another blueballing "slow burn" bs, then thx but no thx...if i wanna READ a novel, I'LL BUY A BOOK
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Jan 22, 2018
How do I advance Mina NTR path ? Should I help her out or leave her alone with the Ted problem ?


Apr 3, 2024
How do I advance Mina NTR path ? Should I help her out or leave her alone with the Ted problem ?
Read my playthrough,,,,, dont remember,,,,around page 40,,,, search.....
Theres no Mina NTR path ;) If you choose Mina, the only you gonna get is a BJ in the hotel ;)
NTR if you are thinking Melissa NTR, then you need Mina to see NTR ;) Meaning loosing the test.....
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3.40 star(s) 18 Votes