Wolf RPG WIP [WIP Translation] Youmaen: The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi


May 24, 2017
Guys, I have to confess. There is no curse. I am just that unlucky to ever get translation of the game. All the manga I love either gets axed, their authors pass away and translation groups disappear.
Stop reading manga then?


New Member
Jan 14, 2019
Guys, I have to confess. There is no curse. I am just that unlucky to ever get translation of the game. All the manga I love either gets axed, their authors pass away and translation groups disappear.
You bastard, you killed Kentaro Miura, didn't you!? :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Guys, I have to confess. There is no curse. I am just that unlucky to ever get translation of the game. All the manga I love either gets axed, their authors pass away and translation groups disappear.
That sounds like the very definition of a curse to me ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Guys, I have to confess. There is no curse. I am just that unlucky to ever get translation of the game. All the manga I love either gets axed, their authors pass away and translation groups disappear.
Dude... there's only 1 way out and you know it... DO IT!


Jul 8, 2018
Now, I just hope I haven't disappointed you too much. And don't worry, it won't take as long to release the other partial patches. This I can guarantee.
Dude, you're alive and not in jail. Considering all the other Tomfuckery that's happened with this, and other things like it, the fact that you're still working on it is damn near miraculous. Keep plugging away at it, take whatever time you need. I (and I feel like most other people) would rather have it a bit later, than not get it at all because you got arrested for tax evasion or some shit. You're doing the lords work. Only if that lord is Slaanesh, but still.
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Apr 10, 2021
You aren't getting paid and you dont owe your work to anyone, the mere fact you are doing this is well deserving of our utmost gratitude. Take your time, masturbation can wait until the game is translated at your own pace.

Nero the Bard

Oct 15, 2020
is it alowed to upload the patch here, or where wuld i nead to go to get it ? (once it is finished)
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Feb 24, 2020
Hi. I will make a copy-paste because I'm extremely tired and need some rest. I ask for your understanding.

Youmaen translator here.
I would like to apologize for not keeping my word. Believe it or not, but it happened again to me yesterday. This fucking game, I swear. That excuse might ring hollow in the ears of most of you after all this time, but I swear this is the truth. I had to spend the entire day working my ass off to get some progress back. Unfortunately, some things didn't survive the succunies: Deathroll's lines when you play with her, Rabbi's pretend play, every stories of the "Storytelling" minigame except for "The Little Wolf and the Succ", the achievements (some survived though, yay), and...I think that's it. I can easily retranslate those things (and I will). It's extremely easy, so it won't take less than one day all in all (except maybe for the achievements). I still have to translate Nazuha and Rabbi's duo event + scene. And for some reason, I couldn't trigger Deathroll's bonding scene BUT still got her ending, which makes me thing that maybe her bonding scene need to be triggered a certain way. How? I don't know. But since I could still get her ending, and since her ending was short AF compared to the others, it makes me believe she might have another ending...

It's me again.

I've decided to release it now, it's not like one or two's worth of progress justify the delay.
How to use this patch: get a copy of Youmaen (version 1.6 is the latest). Then, extract the patch somewhere (anywhere but in the game folder). Then, copy the files in the "decoding tools" folder and paste them in the game folder (where "Game.exe" is situated. Then, run unpack.bat. This will make a copy of all the wolf files, turn them into folders, and rename the current wolf files into WOLF.OLD. You may delete those. Then, copy the date folder from the patch and paste in the game folder. Replace the files when asked to.

Credit to Tomatoewrench for furnishing the decoding tools. He is the one who made it possible for me to translate this game. I love you man.


Dec 10, 2017

thank you so much for your efforts, translatoranon. from the bottom of my perverted heart, thank you. :love:


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Hi. I will make a copy-paste because I'm extremely tired and need some rest. I ask for your understanding.

Youmaen translator here.
I would like to apologize for not keeping my word. Believe it or not, but it happened again to me yesterday. This fucking game, I swear. That excuse might ring hollow in the ears of most of you after all this time, but I swear this is the truth. I had to spend the entire day working my ass off to get some progress back. Unfortunately, some things didn't survive the succunies: Deathroll's lines when you play with her, Rabbi's pretend play, every stories of the "Storytelling" minigame except for "The Little Wolf and the Succ", the achievements (some survived though, yay), and...I think that's it. I can easily retranslate those things (and I will). It's extremely easy, so it won't take less than one day all in all (except maybe for the achievements). I still have to translate Nazuha and Rabbi's duo event + scene. And for some reason, I couldn't trigger Deathroll's bonding scene BUT still got her ending, which makes me thing that maybe her bonding scene need to be triggered a certain way. How? I don't know. But since I could still get her ending, and since her ending was short AF compared to the others, it makes me believe she might have another ending...

It's me again.

I've decided to release it now, it's not like one or two's worth of progress justify the delay.
How to use this patch: get a copy of Youmaen (version 1.6 is the latest). Then, extract the patch somewhere (anywhere but in the game folder). Then, copy the files in the "decoding tools" folder and paste them in the game folder (where "Game.exe" is situated. Then, run unpack.bat. This will make a copy of all the wolf files, turn them into folders, and rename the current wolf files into WOLF.OLD. You may delete those. Then, copy the date folder from the patch and paste in the game folder. Replace the files when asked to.

Credit to Tomatoewrench for furnishing the decoding tools. He is the one who made it possible for me to translate this game. I love you man.
Thanks my guy. I'll personally wait until everythings gets completed (hopefully someone will just post the game with everything applied too hahaha) but you finally done it!

Congrats and happy 2022


Active Member
Dec 11, 2016
How to use this patch: get a copy of Youmaen (version 1.6 is the latest). Then, extract the patch somewhere (anywhere but in the game folder). Then, copy the files in the "decoding tools" folder and paste them in the game folder (where "Game.exe" is situated. Then, run unpack.bat. This will make a copy of all the wolf files, turn them into folders, and rename the current wolf files into WOLF.OLD. You may delete those. Then, copy the date folder from the patch and paste in the game folder. Replace the files when asked to.
Not sure why but the first time I extracted it the unpack tool decided to extract the files to the same folder as them rather than keeping them in the data folder which obviously wouldn't work and since I didn't want to fuck things up I just reinstalled the game but weirdly it didn't do it the second time I tried and it unpacked correctly.


Apr 10, 2021
Dude i know i already said it but i dont think i can even imagine the effort you went through, and you wont imagine how thankful many of us are for you doing this. You are a god damn hero.


Game Developer
Mar 19, 2019
In my case the unpacked files were being corrupted or not fully extracted so here is the solution.

1 Get this
2 Drop the files into the Data folder then run the WolfDec.exe
3 Simple copy the translated Data folder and overwrite
4 Play

after you done with the extraction with the WolfDec just delete all the files exept the ttf and otf (font files) just copy the translation file into the Data folder and everything should work perfectly.
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