Wolf RPG WIP [WIP Translation] Youmaen: The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi


Jun 12, 2018
I just want to thank you for the hard work you put into translating this game. I'm looking forward to when the game is fully translated.

Nero the Bard

Oct 15, 2020
I dont kow how to deal with this eror. the game is playebel but it wont show images of charakters.
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Active Member
Dec 11, 2016
I dont kow how to deal with this eror. the game is playebel but it wont show images of charakters.
You need to use the unpack tool while using Japanese locale otherwise it'll fuck up the filenames. Or you could try what Xoulion did a few posts up and see if that retains Japanese filenames without having to change locales.

Nero the Bard

Oct 15, 2020
You need to use the unpack tool while using Japanese locale otherwise it'll fuck up the filenames. Or you could try what Xoulion did a few posts up and see if that retain Screenshot (20).png s Japanese filenames without having to change locales.
i do use japanese locale
May 10, 2018
Hi. I will make a copy-paste because I'm extremely tired and need some rest. I ask for your understanding.

Youmaen translator here.
I would like to apologize for not keeping my word. Believe it or not, but it happened again to me yesterday. This fucking game, I swear. That excuse might ring hollow in the ears of most of you after all this time, but I swear this is the truth. I had to spend the entire day working my ass off to get some progress back. Unfortunately, some things didn't survive the succunies: Deathroll's lines when you play with her, Rabbi's pretend play, every stories of the "Storytelling" minigame except for "The Little Wolf and the Succ", the achievements (some survived though, yay), and...I think that's it. I can easily retranslate those things (and I will). It's extremely easy, so it won't take less than one day all in all (except maybe for the achievements). I still have to translate Nazuha and Rabbi's duo event + scene. And for some reason, I couldn't trigger Deathroll's bonding scene BUT still got her ending, which makes me thing that maybe her bonding scene need to be triggered a certain way. How? I don't know. But since I could still get her ending, and since her ending was short AF compared to the others, it makes me believe she might have another ending...

It's me again.

I've decided to release it now, it's not like one or two's worth of progress justify the delay.
How to use this patch: get a copy of Youmaen (version 1.6 is the latest). Then, extract the patch somewhere (anywhere but in the game folder). Then, copy the files in the "decoding tools" folder and paste them in the game folder (where "Game.exe" is situated. Then, run unpack.bat. This will make a copy of all the wolf files, turn them into folders, and rename the current wolf files into WOLF.OLD. You may delete those. Then, copy the date folder from the patch and paste in the game folder. Replace the files when asked to.

Credit to Tomatoewrench for furnishing the decoding tools. He is the one who made it possible for me to translate this game. I love you man.


honestly you could probably win or disappear here people will still thank you since even if you stop her you just gave other translators a better shot at beating the curse


Active Member
Dec 11, 2016
Speaking of that why exactly don't two of the girls have any scenes(At least it really seems that way.) or routes though? It's just feels weird to have Aril be interactable like the other girls and for the statue girl to even exist when you don't really get anything out of it.
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Feb 24, 2020

Sorry for the wait, finding and fixing some errors was a lot more annoying that I thought it would be. But now, you should be able to play the LOVE routes of Primula, Horobi, Deathroll, Aimy, Nazuha and Rabbi without encountering Japanese. And that includes playing and eating with them! But you're going to see moonrunes if you faint, if you trigger any other girl's event, or if you read the entries in the Magical Diary. Those will be translated in the next patch when I'm done translating the FOOD routes of the 6 I mentioned above.
If you see typos, or if you get some kind of problem, please let me know. This is a WIP, so it's definitely not going to be perfect until I'm done translating, proofreading and playtesting absolutely everything. Any attentive pair of eyes is welcome! See ya soon I hope.

And about Aril and Stamatear: they are special. That's all I know. I'll take a look at what Aril does specifically, but I think she's some kind of informant. I will translate her stuff once I'm done with the 6 Food routes I have to take care of, it should be included in the next patch.

Nero the Bard

Oct 15, 2020
hi two questions
1. Do you have a diskord chenel ?
2. Who is your favurite girl out of the 16 ? (this question goes to every one)


Sep 2, 2018
In my case the unpacked files were being corrupted or not fully extracted so here is the solution.

1 Get this
2 Drop the files into the Data folder then run the WolfDec.exe
3 Simple copy the translated Data folder and overwrite
4 Play

after you done with the extraction with the WolfDec just delete all the files exept the ttf and otf (font files) just copy the translation file into the Data folder and everything should work perfectly.
Step 1, place Wolfdec into data folder and run it, then copy data files, correct? This isn't working for me.