Sounds like burying you might actually be a good idea then, as you would have peace and quiet to translate it thenDon't bury me yet, it's just going very slowly because of my part-time job and exam period.
Part-time job and exam period sounds suspicious,Don't bury me yet, it's just going very slowly because of my part-time job and exam period.
Be it either that you're still alive or that there's a zombie apocalypse happening, I'm glad to see you're still moving. But for the love of Grandfather Nurgle do throw us "still alive and working" twice a month or so. You have to remember that we're probably developing abandonment issues from all the former translators leaving or dying off on us.Don't bury me yet, it's just going very slowly because of my part-time job and exam period.
If you're referring to a complete save, I don't think that's even possibleWould be poggers if a king shared a save file with us.
Add another name to the list.Guy, not sure, but I think they are dead.