Now you destroyed Tonks too. I hate you.
If you want to make another game, make another game, no need to change characters of this one so drastically. New Astoria and now Tonks are not cute at all for me, even somewhat repulsive. Now we need a mod for a mod with old versions restored. Also, the old plot was better, as I already said earlier.
This is a little much, but there's kind of a kernel of truth here. This mod was always limited by the fact that's it's based around a specific set of Akabur's artwork. It's always going to be heading back to the same trough, and it's always going to be creatively restricted in that sense.
Like, if someone wants this to be updated in perpetuity as a mod for new costumes for Hermione, great. I totally get that.
But for someone like me that sees a card game using external Akabur artwork, and changing character models
LEST YOU INVOKE THE IRE OF THE PURIST; it just really feels like there's a lot of talent and effort made by the developers to keep this shambling mass alive, taking up talent and effort that would otherwise be making a new game.