TWF are you talking about? In the past year or so, significant content has been added, not to mention that they have done major under the hood improvements that have made the game play faster and more reliably and will make the game a lot easier to mod. Akabur himself admitted he was a crappy programmer and a lot of the game simply did not function that well. Also, the Cho and Tonks content are significant additions to the game. The Luna content is all new too, as controversial as it is, I personally think the new direction shows much better writing than the original mod. I played the base game. Silver is a HUGE improvement to the original boring and grindy snoozefest of 1.0.
Sure, they could update more quickly, but they certainly do more content adds than some of the adult games around here that go half a year to a year with almost no updates at all. These guys are updating in some way on an almost monthly basis. I think calling it a scam is a bit much.