3.00 star(s) 32 Votes
Dec 20, 2018
Seeing a couple honestly kinda rude responses about, so just tossing out another positive comment. I really love this game. I'm impatient as anyone else and excited for the next major update, but we gotta remember what's happening here: ONE SINGLE PERSON who is presumably not a professional game dev is making a really enjoyable, really high quality, full-fleshed entire game utilizing the entirety of an ENTIRE MAGICAL WORLD, with a fully custom and interesting story to go along with it. That's programming, writing, character design/visuals in general (even with AI), etc, etc. I'm honestly just impressed by the undertaking here and thrilled to be along for the ride. Can't wait for the next update.

If I could get a personal thought from BlueWitch, not requesting any meta shit or cheats here, but in your opinion as the Dev, what would you consider the most important stat? Personally, I like to focus Presence and Vitality just because I like the idea of just playing this ridiculously charismatic absolute UNIT, but I recognize the skillcheck usefulness of Knowledge and Spellcasting, so I was curious what you as the creator considered most relevant.

A final thought to everyone who grumps at BlueWitch for 'slow' updates or complaining about the AI images...

Guys... We're on a site specifically for mostly fanmade RPG Maker horny anime games. This person is, FOR FREE, offering us what basically amounts to Hogwarts Legacy: Horny Edition, and all they request from us is some patience as they figure out the nuances to their craft. Like. Am I the only one who appreciates how fucking awesome that is? Can't wait to play the next update! ^^


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Seeing a couple honestly kinda rude responses about, so just tossing out another positive comment. I really love this game. I'm impatient as anyone else and excited for the next major update, but we gotta remember what's happening here: ONE SINGLE PERSON who is presumably not a professional game dev is making a really enjoyable, really high quality, full-fleshed entire game utilizing the entirety of an ENTIRE MAGICAL WORLD, with a fully custom and interesting story to go along with it. That's programming, writing, character design/visuals in general (even with AI), etc, etc. I'm honestly just impressed by the undertaking here and thrilled to be along for the ride. Can't wait for the next update.

If I could get a personal thought from BlueWitch, not requesting any meta shit or cheats here, but in your opinion as the Dev, what would you consider the most important stat? Personally, I like to focus Presence and Vitality just because I like the idea of just playing this ridiculously charismatic absolute UNIT, but I recognize the skillcheck usefulness of Knowledge and Spellcasting, so I was curious what you as the creator considered most relevant.

A final thought to everyone who grumps at BlueWitch for 'slow' updates or complaining about the AI images...

Guys... We're on a site specifically for mostly fanmade RPG Maker horny anime games. This person is, FOR FREE, offering us what basically amounts to Hogwarts Legacy: Horny Edition, and all they request from us is some patience as they figure out the nuances to their craft. Like. Am I the only one who appreciates how fucking awesome that is? Can't wait to play the next update! ^^
As always, I really appreciate the words man. Gonna try and not get too sentimental and shit but it does mean a lot. As for
Nikeee's comment, it might just have been missed sarcasm on my part, so I do apologise if I came off as a little aggro there

On the pace of releases, while it can be a little grating to read sometimes, I do understand where people are coming from. On some days I still fall victim to thinking that I'm nearing the finishline much sooner than I am (practically around every release actually), and then there are days where I, at the end of a session, will look things over and it feels like I've not moved even an inch forward. I guess the best way to think of it is how any sizable AAA game takes years to produce, and those guys are +200 members teams and have a lot stronger programmers than me

As "story content" has been sidelined by releases that mostly focuses on systems stuff and general improvements, the pace has admittedly slowed a bit. When this next build is out, I'll finally be going back to an almost 100% story content release. Additionally, I'll be working a lot more closely with another guy moving forward (same who did the character models etc), so hopefully the pace picks up again and I can get back on the 1-1.5 month release schedule

As for stat picks, while I'd have to check precisely tomorrow, I'm pretty sure Presence has the most stat checks by far so pretty much is the best stat, yup. And Vitality unlocks most of the speed increases, so I'd say it's a great setup really. There's also a potion that increases player size slightly each time if you want to REALLY bulk up
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Sep 16, 2016
Coming in late but yea it was written as a joke, i guess i should have made it clearer.

I have one question though, would it be possible to have a toggle sprint button instead of holding it and also a way to remap them any way we would like to (or at least switch freely between qwerty and azerty) ?
3.00 star(s) 32 Votes