hello again ;)
trying to summarize:
-I love the art
-I love the setting and general story of the game
-I love that the "main-stories" are in itself quite linear, I(, personally,) wouldn't really want too much incompatible paths; but you can explore different "main-stories" mostly independant from each other! that's great!!!
so much for the pro(don't get me wrong, that is really GREAT!)
but I just can't leave without pointing out some con's too...
-the english is...kinda horrible...
(while constantly changing she/he/her/him/hers'/his is some thing with old JAP-translations...here it's totally overdone...imho
and in general...mostly I at least can guess what is meant, but sometimes it is just some random words which make no sense at all...)
e.g.at:convent: you even said once ladder...but later you have to find the "stairs" argh...not sure if horrible english is just some hobby of yours???
-that "ship-interlude" is just tooo lengthy! and there are toooo much "quests" like: go there; go there; go there; go there; go there; go there; well done! == boring!
now to the feedback-part:
-I still think my 3 menu-betterments from my
previous post should be done.
(if you want to implement it, please use your own variable-name(for the image), or the more general one, I edited in.(please don't use "mtk", "mttk" or "mttkmod" in any upper-/lower-case variation, THANK YOU!))
-another irritation is the use of a unicode-char(utf8 $E28099) with a font that can't print it...
It's the single quote that's e.g. used in: can't / It's / that's
It's e.g. found once in main_quest.rpy:
amelia "Thanks Pit, I should go. you're funny merlin, come to the forge and we can talk there."
(I changed it in up example to a normal single quote)
I found it in 19 .rpy (excluding "tl"-folder)
I've overridden the say-screen to replace it with an escaped single quote:
##exchange non-printable unicode-' with \' in say
init offset=11
screen say(who, what):
style_prefix "say"
$ aStringNewWhat = what.replace("’", "\'")#unicode!(utf8) $E28099
id "window"
if who is not None:
id "namebox"
style "namebox"
text who id "who"
text aStringNewWhat id "what"#text what id "what"
if not renpy.variant("small"):
add SideImage() xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0
init offset=0
(I changed the showing-screen instead use a callback-function coz this way the entries in "history" and "seen" stay the same)
(be warned that the unicode-char may not:
1. be uploaded correctly by me
2. displayed correctly here
3. handled correctly by your text editor
!!! so it may do exactly nothing...!!!)
imho best would be if
AdmiralPanda would fire up his (utf8)text-editor and exchange the unicode-char with the normal
(best escaped) single quote...
As there are so many already, this would be done automatically, which holds some dangers by default(false positives).
Also I deem the translation(tl/russian) should be handled too, tho I only found 1 file there...can't help with that as I don't speak Russian.
some more "minor" errors in a spoiler
hope this might be helpful, greets Mattock
edit: I'm now quite sure it is not needed to "escape" the single quote while you use it in a "say" or "choice" that is encased in double quotes