
Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
wow if the slowmode on discord would not been active there would be a few thousand commends by now

so now since yesterday there are only 350 messages ^^
thats are like 50 screenshots
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Feb 26, 2018
wow if the slowmode on discord would not been active there would be a few thousand commends by now

so now since yesterday there are only 350 messages ^^
thats are like 50 screenshots
Ill take it people are not happy seeing that his last post on patreon has more comments than likes which is a rare site


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
Ill take it people are not happy seeing that his last post on patreon has more comments than likes which is a rare site
well almost everyone tries to convince him to bring the update out,but he is afraid that after all these delays and after 7 month of broken promises everybody will find the update boring and unintressting.
and he is afraid that nobody will like the deliah scene including the character deliah.
and they are pissed that he does not listen to some good advice some people gave him in discord.
some of it coming from other devs.

man that guy has a really really low self esteem there.
he don´t even trusts himself with what he ist doing right now.

or he is bullshitting everyone because he does not even has half of the stuff finished that he claiming he has.

and as usual irl is blowing up for him yada yada...
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
now it could happen that his supporters will drop drastically.:cool:
i think the red line was crossed now finally... :whistle:
this is sadly the only way to make this dude to finally wake the fuck up.
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Aug 4, 2021
sadly thats only a handful of he's 3500 paying supporters theres still quite a few licking hes arse and feeling sorry for him which only enables him more to continue to be a fuck up
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
sadly thats only a handful of he's 3500 paying supporters theres still quite a few licking hes arse and feeling sorry for him which only enables him more to continue to be a fuck up
yeah there will be always others for sure but others are more likely not knowing the most of it because they are not supporters for so long.
and there are likely a huge part of supporters that will never even write something on discord or pantreon so you will never know for sure.
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Aug 12, 2021
i wonder if hes talking about too much sex scenes because once he "removes" the scenes, the story gets better, and no one figures out they aren't even real and he hasn't created anything. The fact he can't go one explanation without trying to drum up sympathy says a lot.

Im mentally gone.....from months of free money
Apr 30, 2023
This 100%. To me it feels like BD gets bored of his characters because he doesn't flesh them out and just adds more after the initial thrill of a new character has worn off and tries to square peg them into the story to justify their existence. Had he limited to cast like he SHOULD have most of his problems wouldn't be there. One of the stupidest moments of this for example is the whole Stacy debacle. Stacy started out as the MCs long lost sister, oh but wait, never mind actually she's not, that's this other background character that was initially just a bitch to Jaime for no reason SHE's the actual long lost sister!

Ok, so now who is Stacy and why does she and the MC feel such a strong connection to each other that they thought they were siblings? Oh shit. There ISN'T a sensible reason? oh wait, uh, Stacy is actually MCs long lost childhood best friend! That's why! All cleaned up! See how stupid that sounds?
Willow was the long lost sister who act like a bitch to Jaime....Stacy saved MC's life from Ryker and she used to be his childhood friend...But MC thought that she might be his sister because of confused memories and the fact that the plot was fucked up
Apr 30, 2023
i wonder if hes talking about too much sex scenes because once he "removes" the scenes, the story gets better, and no one figures out they aren't even real and he hasn't created anything. The fact he can't go one explanation without trying to drum up sympathy says a lot.

Im mentally gone.....from months of free money
Personally even if i have played the game fro 0 to ep 13 b3 about 25 times now i can't say if the dev wanted to have a story based avn or an avn with lots of sex..Sure there are girls you can say not to but still if you want a story based avn you don't focus so much on adding female characters here and there unstoppably
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