
May 16, 2019
Remember that BD no longer is in control of the releases...his totally real friend who is not Mackenzie 2.0 is in charge. Last time we saw this it was an issue that the "helper" was visiting family with no internet access or something while BD was in the hospital with multiple life threatening illnesses. I wonder what might be the issue this time <checks the news for next solar flare>.
Hey guys! Its me again. Braindead here! I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news is that the update won't be out when I promised.. Again.. I know. But it is for a really good reason this time. Dionyx's grandmother in Italy died from cancer. Dionyx will be taking some time off. I locked myself out of the updates to give full control to Dionyx. I couldn't even update if I wanted to. Please don't hate on Dionyx guys... its not his fault. The update will be ready when he returns. The good news about this though is that it gives me to opportunity to fix some stuff in the update. I have another 180 renders to "fix". Umm you know process flow and consistency stuff. Well I know I said that I would freeze donations, but this week, all donations will be going to Dionyxs grandmas funeral costs. See yall in a month or so. - Braindead.


Mar 28, 2020
MC did not say yes to Rachel's offer to impregnate rich women. After Jamie says he can have side women, she also conspires with Rachel for MC to stud for women. After he accepts the deal with Rachel, Jamie talks about a woman he had sex with in the other path: Keyana.
The dev says he is reworking season 1. So there is no telling how the rework will effect this plot thread. That is if the rework ever releases.
Feb 2, 2024
The dev says he is reworking season 1. So there is no telling how the rework will effect this plot thread. That is if the rework ever releases.
I followed the path of MC saying no all the time, but it got too boring just like any other game.
So rework or not, it's still going to be boring, so stick to saying yes, it's more fun.
Oct 22, 2017
He still working in episode 13?
Not that I mind, but I thought he was working on episode 14?
As long as the update keeps getting bigger another week or so won't be bad.
It's not getting bigger - he is and has been 'altering' aka redoing existing renders for half a year now because the black boxes and duck faces aren't perfect. In between some meltdowns, because he can't get them perfect, he now gave himself a week to finish what he has been brooding over for half a year.

At least if you trust in what he tells us - so this is like the best possible thing that might be going on.
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Oct 19, 2020
Brainshit has the biggest aquarium in the world. I can't name or have any other logical explanation. So called update that supposed to be ep 13&14 together and was playtesting then postponed 10 to 20 days while update divided to 2 pieces.

His supporters must be fish. They can forget things easily. Im gonna reup my earlier comments again for all his excuses/bs/cryings.
Oct 19, 2020
Finally this thread showing some teeth.

Said it 3 months ago.

A month ago; Been accused of being troll. Battled with Facepalmer squad. Even some members tried to excommunicated me. Been blocked by some members. Couple of my posts deleted by mod(s?).

Last decent update was almost a year ago.

I started this game before October or November beta. I criticised the update taking too much time.

After the beta released next full update was scheduled Feb 14. Then Late Feb. After that early March. To late March. Again in April. Now May is almost over. Still no update instead some side project which i haven't played yet.

Almost 1 year with less than 500 renders.

Also this project was designed as 5 Years. Now he expanded to 10 Years. I got a suggestion for Patreon members go to the tailors and tell them "I want bigger pockets." Cause u guys will need it.

About ditlo: I just wasted 300 mb.
Supposed to be more than 2k renders are ready. Supporters chooses ONE, single, big update. But he decides against it and releases as parts in 3 months time period.

After 3 months period Now he promises will share the update after the lewd scene.

To me it's not gonna happen. He'll brake the promise again.

After BD shows up here facepalmer squad happy again.

We'll see what will happen.
saying it's hobby. You don't get paid when u're doing your own hobby. Its more than hobby and it's your job. Act like it. Patreon and facepalmer squad acting like harem and treating him like Jacob.

More than 6 months passed the actual deadline. Couple times postponed again and again. Guess what probably gonna postpone AGAIN.

Time to let go this game for me. Probably dev too.

So I don't think that anyone has a problem with BD taking some time to himself to handle whatever he has going on IRL as it should always be prioritized over anything imo, especially the persons mental health. But to the people constantly defending BD, it just makes no sense at this point...

I was a Patreon member of BD for months, but like many, I pulled my support for a multitude of reasons. I've always enjoyed WVM, but I can only support a project whose dev I believe is a man of their word, keeps their promises, and puts out quality content on a scheduled release date (not that we need to see an update every single month, but keep it structured ie; every 3-6 months consistently). But the problem I've had with BD and I've also seen other people having with him is that BD isn't a man of his word. Going back to January, BD was saying we'd get a release of 1,500+ renders by February/March. Then the release got pushed back to early/mid March. By early March, the release was 1-2 weeks away. Then BD had no reason to believe the release wouldn't be in March and that would include between 2200-2400 renders. Then he says there won't be an update in March, but there will be one in April. Then mid April, still no update, but BD says the update will be over 2,000 renders. Then May comes around with no update still . But BD let's people know that one of his family members sadly passed away who he was caring for. Loosing a family member sucks and my heart goes out to him and he deserved to take some time to himself and his family as I previously mentioned, IRL should always be prioritized.

But he still continued down the same path that he's been going the prior 4+ months. He say's he won't be releasing the update in chucks and it would be a large update, yet in later posts, that's exactly his plan. Then we get the DILDO or whatever the hell it's called with Harper, truthfully I didn't even pay it any mind, but BD said it helped him get into a better mindset so I'm all for it. But then in late May, BD says he plans for 2-3 releases in June and that he wanted to have the entire update out by the end of July/early August. Then mid June, BD says the update would be 600-700 renders long. Note that months ago, he said the update was going to be 2.000+ renders. Months after saying that, he then says the update would be only a small fraction ie; 600-700 renders AND he would be releasing it in parts which he also previously said he WOULDN'T do. Late June he say's the release would be on June 29th and that he set out that month to update all of day 32 in 3 different updates... He then says the full update will take 5 different chunks to update entirely. Then lo and behold, the 700 render update isn't ready by June 29th or 30th. And as his record would show... theres no releases in June, but a very small 300 render on July 2nd. From January BD said he had over 1,000 renders ready for an update, to March having over 2,000 renders for the update, and then FINALLY to 6 months later and we only get a 300 render update is wild to me lol.

Braindrop has also said that this is a hobby which, at this point is a load of BS. He's said it himself that this is his job and he's worked 12+ hour days on WVM. This is his source of income as he's mentioned in his mindrops. WVM may have started as a hobby, but now, it's as BD said, HIS JOB! He earns between $8,000-$24,000 a month which averages out to $16,000 a month or $192,000 a year ( ). Thats a FUCK LOAD of money for a single game dev to be making while producing little to no results. People aren't getting upset for absolutely no reason. So the problem people have with BD isn't that we don't enjoy WVM but we don't enjoy being fed false information. How does an update go from 1,000 renders, to 1,400 renders, to 2,000+ renders, to a 300 render update 6+ months after he told everyone he had over 2,000 renders? It's the breaking of his word that's pissing people off. We want to see honesty, but all we've seen have been false promises. How is it such a bad thing for BD to be held accountable? I can't understand how some people can defend this...

People want to see a dev keep their word. If a dev says "I have a 1,000 render update that will be ready to be released on 8/1/2022, we expect the dev to keep their word. Having a dev constantly pushing back the release date for MONTHS, not even a few days just to get some bugs sorted is repetitive and isn't a good look for the dev. And when the release FINALLY does come out we see that the update isn't even 1/4 of what the dev originally said it would be, just compounds onto the lack of trust that the dev has lost with the community.

I don't believe we'll see the remainder of the 2,000+ renders any time soon which is a real shame. In its infancy, WVM was one of the best games out there. I'd love to be proved wrong and hope I am, but based on BDs history, I sadly doubt there will be any updates any time soon...

View attachment 1936592

All quotes from Mindrops

This is the what I have been saying for months. Finally someone else poking the eyes of the harem members with truth.

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
Supposed to be more than 2k renders are ready. Supporters chooses ONE, single, big update. But he decides against it and releases as parts in 3 months time period.

After 3 months period Now he promises will share the update after the lewd scene.

To me it's not gonna happen. He'll brake the promise again.

After BD shows up here facepalmer squad happy again.

We'll see what will happen.
What a shocking news. Another excuse another delay. Same old shit happening again. Its not dejavu anymore it's more like a loop.

And he's saying it's hobby. You don't get paid when u're doing your own hobby. Its more than hobby and it's your job. Act like it. Patreon and facepalmer squad acting like harem and treating him like Jacob.

More than 6 months passed the actual deadline. Couple times postponed again and again. Guess what probably gonna postpone AGAIN.

Time to let go this game for me. Probably dev too.
Near end of the month excuse come. What a surprise. It contains self pity and same excuses with different words. I would say he's better at writing excuses than games plot. He's still working on the game if u believe but still not ready yet.

He's not doing his job but wants whole money. What can be said to greedy boy. He's not man he's just a boy.

Man's keep their promises. If you give a promise u gotta live up to that promises.

I was done with the game but after update could be changing but nope same old shit. Anyway it's time for me let go this game and for the so called dev his time for letting the game go has gone. Should of abandon a year ago but instead choose to rip people off. But they are happy with it. Should be win-win.
Im not gonna call u names but cool people will get this reference. Just keep sucking.

View attachment 1955441
At this rate he's gonna release render by render or like a comic book. We'll see the talk balloons on their heads. It's already have few choices anyway won't be much change.
Can't believe people still believing his excuses. More than 1 year ago we supposed to get 2k+ render update fast forward to today still we haven't got 2k+ renders. We got less than 1k renders.

In summary 2 years passed less than 1k renders we got. If BrainExcuses was reliable and responsible we should of get at least 5k renders.

Take DrPinkCake as example less than 10 months he'll deliver 5k renders can't remember the animation number and 10+ songs.

During those 10 months period. He's gone to vacation. He even got sick from COVID-19. He's still kicking.

There are so many things to say but if i ll voice it probably get banned and this game won't worth it.
Let's bet on release. To me 99% game will rescheculed (delayed) like 2k renders :devilish:

Btw rework should of done any moment now. Probably we are gonna see in 2025.
I was gonna ignore this threat but drama in this threat hilarious.

Btw looks like mods here again, last time they were here threat was closed for a while.

BD basicly untouchable. Everyone pity him even mods...
Looks like nothing changed or only harem girls left and they are still acting BS like Jacob.

And i have noticed facepalmer squad are back in business.

I'm not gonna call the supporters stupid but what they're doing is stupid.
I think it was originally planned for november, maybe even further back, then we also had the christmas debacle where BD was in the hospital several times, and Mackenzie couldn't log in to discord/patreon to update anyone, very strange, strange indeed.
The real og november release was supposed to be in 2021 :devilish:

Feel old yet :ROFLMAO:

February 23rd
MVP/HoF - 12pm EST
All Star - 2pm EST
Starter - 4pm EST
Sixth-Man - 6pm EST
Bench-Warmer - 8pm EST
Fan - 10pm EST
Former Patrons - 12am EST (02/24)

This date will not move again. Any further delays will result in pausing pledges until the update is released.

I'm not trying to play the victim here. I am the bad guy in this situation and I have a long way to go to prove I'm a dev worthy of the support he receives.
My actions have led to a lot of frustration and anger and I understand that and I agree that I have not done nearly enough to warrant the continued support.
It is not fair for me to keep giving out time frames and expectations and continuously failing to deliver on any of them.
My actions were not to trick or deceive.
But good intentions are far from enough. The reality is that I have not been a man of my word for a long time.
My goals were way too ambitious, I consistently found myself working from behind because I think I can achieve more than I can.

I hid behind becoming a husband and a father, I hid behind having to move multiple times, I hid behind the deaths of people I love, and I hid behind just about anything I could. I am not proud of this.
While these were all huge life events, I used them to excuse myself from the responsibility I hold as a developer who is actively taking pledges.
I appreciate everyone who has been holding me accountable.
I've put a ton of work into the game, a lot of work that you guys will never see because of how many times I've remade certain scenes. I used this fact to justify myself but things have gone on for way too long.

I'm just a young man trying to make the most fun game he can.
I've gone through a lot of changes in my life as of late and working on the game to distract myself or just to dump myself into has been a huge blessing but it's also been a curse.
While the update has no tie ins to my real life, I used working on the game to get away from real life for a bit. Things and feelings that are hard to say goodbye to.
On top of that I did a lot of new things and techniques for this update and I've second guessed myself every step of the way.

I have a responsibility to deliver something for you guys and I've routinely failed at doing so.
I may have gone through a lot and my life may have gone through many changes but none of it excuses me taking this long.
And just working on the game isn't enough. The work doesn't mean anything if it never gets seen.
I have to do better and I'm very sorry that it's taken me this long to see past myself.

My mental is pretty fucked. Being the bad guy isn't fun, I don't want to be this.
Having people I respect call me a scammer and milker, having people I've known for 3 years turn on me and ridicule me. Reading many comments everyday about how horrible of a person I am.
I'm scared of this update. I'm scared I took this much time to make something that isn't very good and that's the scariest fucking thing.
I've dealt with imposter syndrome for the entirety of making WVM and I've never felt it to this degree.
Trying to deliver something good quickly has really fucked me.
It sucks having so many people yell at you when you feel like you're trying to do the right thing but also agreeing with the criticism.
My brain has been pulling me in 80 different ways for a long fucking time and I feel pretty out of it from it.

I fully understand why everyone is so frustrated. It's one thing for me to need as much time as I have, but it's another when I constantly give expectations of a release soon only to then go behind on that.
It's reached a point where I have to just shut my brain off and let it be whatever it's going to be.
No more hiding, you guys deserve better.

I'm pretty ashamed of my recent past but there's no changing it now. I can only control the future and we have a plan.
I appreciate everyone who has stuck with me and I apologize for everyone I've lost. I never meant to deceive or trick anyone. I've urged anyone that didn't believe in the process I've been on to unpledge and so far they would have made the right decision.

Things from this moment will be different.
I've been through a lot and I decided to hide behind everything I could fit behind and I'm sorry for doing so. I'm too old for that now. Things have to and will change. I will grow and be better from all of this.
All I can do is ask for the opportunity to show that things can change. I'm only human.

I'll be around for our announcement post after the update and then Mackenzie will run the patreon and SS solo for a while as I focus on building momentum.
All I want to do is make a fun game, but I need to accept the responsibility I have.

Thank you for your time and I hope to see you around.
I don't know should i laugh or facepalm. Looks like he's admitting his crimes but my reaction is Tell us something we don't know.

Update rescheduled again 1 month later then originally. Again just 1 week shy of being complete delayed by 2 weeks. B R U H

He's not confessed all his crimes like Mackenzie his alter ego. I'm pretty sure he's lying about other real life problems maybe not all but most them are lies.

He's saying his mental health fucked up been this thread since October 2021 and haven't seen get any better.

And he's saying what is done let's look forward. B R U H

You are scammer, serial milker and you conned all this peoples and getting away with just sorry. Just not enough.

I'm just gonna say people are stupid but there are more stupid like who still believes him.

I'm gonna stick around for 2 more weeks if nothing gets here I'm done even drama in this thread can't keep me here
This game needs a beastiality tag.
So. Many. Ducks.
Let's take bets.

Deadline is nearly arrive question is gonna delayed before the actual deadline with excuses or couple days after deadline with apology and pity.

My money on before deadline. We ll hear it in next 20 ish hours.
If you're gonna still defend him read this lines before defend. In a few years about 3k suckers make it happen.

I was working a job I didn't like very much just to pay the bills for me and my grandpa in a very run down and old home that was falling apart.
Now I own my own home and I'm surrounded by family that I love and I am able to support.
Looks like white knights acting like harem girls are here for defending excusedrop and treating him like Jacob.

Track record shown us the he's not reliable. But if u harem girls wanna act like it be my guest. Just mind your jaws gonna get sore with all the suckings. :devilish:
Excusedrop conning people for over 2 years close to 3. Last time they forgive him for 52 weeks 52 update but after less than 2 months again flat tire.

Then usual tricycle. Missing deadlines, nonstop excuses and false promises. Then R E P E A T

That's is the Brainshit.
These are some of my comments since January 2022. Probably not in chronological order. I tried but so many quotes i might have messed up :D
Choose any of that for his excuses this are universal fits for his every excuses/bs/crying/self pity etc. :devilish:
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
So all the Problems regarding the rework stuff dissapeared all of a sudden? Huh. Why don´t i belive that?

I mean, i don´t rly care either way, but at this point he should just tell us straight up what the issue actually is. Frankly, i don´t care about the supposed rework, i just want to actually know about the " foreshadowing " stuff he mentioned. Don´t rly care about "spoilers" at this point since there isn´t rly any story for quiet some time imho, soooo... spill the beans. I just need a good laugh.


Engaged Member
Jun 18, 2017
Lots of release dates but none happening, it's like the lights are on but there's nobody home, if you believe in UFO's then maybe you should believe in an update next week :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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