
Aug 24, 2020
The problem with a laptop is he'd at the very least need Wi-fi, which requires power. But, this is BD; he always forgets his lies and contradicts his falsities. But also, with all the Patreon money he has, he could realistically drive somewhere with power and stay in a hotel with free Wi-fi. But, that would require logic, something BD is severely lacking.
Pointless him driving somewhere to work on something he hasn't got. I remember when Mckenzie was meant to drop an update but another excuse appeared she couldn't access his account. Around the same time another dev who was spending his Xmas holidays away from home with his family was still able to work on his game and drop weekly dev logs. We'll be lucky to see anything until after Superbowl Sunday
Aug 18, 2019
To be fair , not saying anything is the smartest thing he's done as of late . It sucks for us and our entertainment , but he should have stopped feeding the "hate" a long time ago with his outlandish claims and BS schedules . He'd still get negativity , but would be even more comfortable in his echochamber , with his cult patiently waiting and not getting even a chance to question non existing statements
this is a fair statement :(


Jul 13, 2021
Pointless him driving somewhere to work on something he hasn't got. I remember when Mckenzie was meant to drop an update but another excuse appeared she couldn't access his account. Around the same time another dev who was spending his Xmas holidays away from home with his family was still able to work on his game and drop weekly dev logs. We'll be lucky to see anything until after Superbowl Sunday
Which Super Bowl is the real question. LOL


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
View attachment 4081486

nope he has still Pantreon and SubscribeStar on pause he will unpause it when he gets the update out.
but lately he admitted that he gets low on money,so it will not be long now till he unpauses all.

you are behind with what happend a lot my friend ;)
have a question ...those who pay for the entire year bcs the discount of 16% they lost the money when is paused? or not?


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
have a question ...those who pay for the entire year bcs the discount of 16% they lost the money when is paused? or not?
don´t know for sure but if i remember correctly some users here said the paused time will be added at the end of the payment periot.
or maybe you can get a refund for the paused time??
can not tell for sure because i do not pay for full years.


Dec 9, 2019
I think what fascinates me most, and why I still kind of follow BD's antics, is how unbothered by all of it he always seems. The guy has no shame and it kind of makes him a worse liar.

Like, say you're so deluded that for some reason you believe him about everything or at least about the most recent excuse with the power being out. Why would BD then be so nonchalant about everything? For one, he has been accused of lying so much that you would kind of expect him to provide more context to convince people of this power outage. Also, with all the delays, if that actually happened to me, that just when I wanted to upload an update, I had power issues, I would be so frustrated and sorry at the same time, I would not make dumb jokes in the discord.

To me, it almost feels like BD being a liar has, in his own mind, kind of become an open secret. Like he just needs to provide the pro forma excuse to keep up the game but he feels he knows that nobody believes him anymore, so why bother putting in any effort into the lying itself. It's like pro wrestling, it's just performance art at this point to him.

But the weird thing is that that is obviously not true with his followers on Patreon and Discord, they actually believe him to some extent. It's like he is treating it as pro wrestling while the audience still think it's boxing despite him making no real effort to convince people it's boxing.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
I think what fascinates me most, and why I still kind of follow BD's antics, is how unbothered by all of it he always seems. The guy has no shame and it kind of makes him a worse liar.

Like, say you're so deluded that for some reason you believe him about everything or at least about the most recent excuse with the power being out. Why would BD then be so nonchalant about everything? For one, he has been accused of lying so much that you would kind of expect him to provide more context to convince people of this power outage. Also, with all the delays, if that actually happened to me, that just when I wanted to upload an update, I had power issues, I would be so frustrated and sorry at the same time, I would not make dumb jokes in the discord.

To me, it almost feels like BD being a liar has, in his own mind, kind of become an open secret. Like he just needs to provide the pro forma excuse to keep up the game but he feels he knows that nobody believes him anymore, so why bother putting in any effort into the lying itself. It's like pro wrestling, it's just performance art at this point to him.

But the weird thing is that that is obviously not true with his followers on Patreon and Discord, they actually believe him to some extent. It's like he is treating it as pro wrestling while the audience still think it's boxing despite him making no real effort to convince people it's boxing.
You're close. The dude is a pathological liar and has developed sociopathic behavior surrounding his "VN developer stardom". He is impulsive and manipulative. It doesn't matter to him whether you hate him or adore him as long as he is the center of attention. He has learned that you want what he's got either way and it gives him a sense of power over others. He gets his jollies making up these absurd explanations about delays, his personal issues, and "mommy nature". Each and every time he goes into this mode he can't resist the temptation to push the envelope just a bit more. What he doesn't know is that, eventually, he will push himself over the edge. It's only a matter of time.


Oct 29, 2023
But the weird thing is that that is obviously not true with his followers on Patreon and Discord, they actually believe him to some extent.
I don’t think anyone in discord who has been there since August really believes him when he says anything. But they are are able to delude themselves into believing that “this time will be different”. Because for better or worse they enjoy the game and know that discord is the best place to get info. They also know what happens to dissenters, and think that by stroking his ego he will actually release so

You're close. The dude is a pathological liar and has developed sociopathic behavior surrounding his "VN developer stardom"
I agree that he is a pathological liar, but also that he has hated working on the game for more than a year closer to two, and that hate has grown that issue. Though he is too much of a coward to admit that because his money will dry up.
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Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
I agree that he is a pathological liar, but also that he has hated working on the game for more than a year closer to two, and that hate has grown that issue. Though he is too much of a coward to admit that because his money will dry up.
You may be correct and that is also sociopathic behavior...

Signs of sociopathy:
  • dishonesty and deceit, including using false identities and manipulating others for personal gain
  • difficulty controlling impulses and planning for the future, or acting without considering the consequences
  • difficulty managing responsibilities, including showing up at work or school, handling tasks, or paying rent and bills
  • little to no guilt or remorse, or a tendency to justify actions that negatively affect others
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Aug 18, 2019
jesus fucking christ, how long is this Daliah scene that he STILL has a little bit left yet? 8 months for 1 scene that is unfinished? an image a month or some shit? it feels like he literally stop working all year, and the only content he has is from 2 weeks ago onwards ... and storyboarding?? like, you never even had anything planned for after Dal and Jas until NOW?? cause there is no way this game is ever getting finished, EV-ER...

and at least now we know that his main residence used to be Pennsylvania, and he moved south from there for his wife's family ... allegedly at least, however ... even with 3,000,000 power outages in that area, it's not like Helene just popped out of nowhere, they were talking about this monster for a LONG time before it hit landfall

whether he got hit for real, or not, me-thinks dude "planned" his failed release around the storm on purpose - as tho no matter how devastating it was, or was not, he'd have an excuse to delay till October, - - however, dude was already about 3 days late on his "absolute last day" before the power outage ... "have someone else upload it for me" like he walks around with it on a USB stick, which is possible, and if so, he should be able to do it himself anywhere that does have power

unless he actually gonna pick up his tower and drive to a buddy house, but then again, if he doesn't have power, who the fuck he gonna know that does in a close distance? when you break it down, he's still bullshitting like a motherfucker


Jun 3, 2020
"Was really hoping power would come back already," "if it comes back today i´ll sure be able to have up to the Jasmine scene out"

Well braindrop, you would be right about that, but the thing is:


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Jan 24, 2020
Why do I think he's a 20ish person who lives with their parents in their basement and easily gets distracted by anything
Because there's no way a grown ass man with child will unironically say something like dommy mommy

This guy is your typical underdeveloped 2000s adult trying to bullshit his way through life without leaving his anime poster filled bedroom

Lord Soth

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
The clown is a compulsive liar without a doubt. How far does it go though...did he even get married at all?
Reality is he's probably living in mom's basement...surfing 4chan and jacking off while binging on an endless supply of candy bars thanks to his patreon simps.

He's got over 3k supporters? jesus christ, no wonder he's sitting back taking the piss. His simps are the most retarded ever.
Dec 9, 2020
Trying to find a way to "upload it to someone else", to package and then "upload it for him".
Make it make sense lmao.
So what now he can't package it himself, so what was he gonna do before the hurricane?
Holy hell why do people still sub to this train wreck. Are they really that afraid to lose development on this game, there's dozens of other games and way better devs that deserve this level of undying support, such a shame.
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