come on Pulaski....*crossing fingers*
you know...I should shut up. I'm not going to say something good.
I am stunned.
I sit here in stunned silence.
This is a Machivellian construction designed solely for the purpose of irritating people who like Star Trek.
As an exercise in pain? It ranks about a 3.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm sorry but you're a little late to the show...should have gotten to me before I saw Janeway forge the Borg alliance, gave Hirogens the Holodeck, and abandoned her whole crew in the void. You should have gotten there when Archer robbed another ship for someone who may or may not have been from the correct future.
The sex isn't the worst, it's just uninspired. The graphics aren't the worst, they're passable. I didn't hear a lot of sound effects going on.
What bothered me most besides the plot? Earth is not really a big city place anymore at this point in the star trek universe. You don't have to have big sci fi structures. The Ghostbusters theme tie in was uncalled for. You really should have played this one more straight. In a way, TNG parodies itself. I know it's not the greatest, but it's doing better than those stupid Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks.
As a "item of interactive entertainment"? Not too much meaningful branching going on.