After playing Chapter 3 I just don't think I can continue the story (I know I know I'm whining here but just let me speak up my frustration plz). Honestly when
a dishonest girlfriend suddenly broke up with MC without any sign, only to return "ceremoniously" for players to decide whether you should rekindle this relationship or not WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO AVOID HER PRESENCE is already a red flag, but still the story seems interesting.
And then the whole Zeke and Keyla situation. Man, it just feels like a forced and illogical drama for me. Neither of them seems to make sensible decisions. Sure characters aren't perfect, we aren't perfect, but it's different when the game designates them as the members of MC's/your friend circle, especially when one's supposed to be your "best friend". And I have to agree with some previous comments: no man (I emphasize the gender here) will hide things like
Zeke's pussy hunt from his "best friend". I have a good friend (not best friend level but still a good friend) who would just casually tell me about his sexual encounter both as self-boast or just things to talk about. It just reminds me of another "best friend" scenario from
Intertwined where MC got fucked up by the former. Even tho Zeke is nowhere at his level, he just gives me such a backstabbing and envious vibe that I can't ignore. It just doesn't seem that we are given enough agency to either avoid the whole drama or clear the air as soon as possible except which pussy you can pursue.
not cool for the dev to highlight the possibility of (at least partial) harem only to later silently drop it like nothing happens. Honestly none of these whining would happen if the dev just stated clearly that this game is romance-focused. Because the previous route explanation is so obscure that there could be multiple possibilities:
Only to be all negated by this update:
I wouldn't be mad (not exactly) as now if this is stated early so I could avoid this game when the game was still in prologue without putting too much emotional attachment to these characters. Many would argue that the exploration of the unknown provides a better experience than knowing where the relationship will go beforehand, and you can always quit if you don't like how the story goes, but I'd still like to know what I would expect before trying out anything. So even if the game doesn't up to my expectations, there will be one less whining bitch like me and there will be more time for me to try out different games. At the end of the day, this is still a porn game, not a detective novel where you need to keep as much suspense as possible. A piece of basic and clear information like what kind of relationship buildup the game is heading should not be too difficult to pull off.
Here ends my whining. I still think this is one of the better AVNs on the market, just not the one that caters to me.