Starting new game while already making one= there is now 75% higher chance none of them will be finished
lol bet
Not sure if double posting is against the rules here so I'll just go ahead and add to this post. Hey guys! I posted here ages ago in the ToP thread. Became very busy managing my other pages and now second project so this is the first time I've stopped by the ZR thread. Appreciate the kind words, understand the skepticism, let me give a brief rundown of this game!
1- This game is made to help give me a break from ToP (minimize burn out) while also giving artists ample time to work on their respective games.
2- I'm trying to balance this game with future ideas/concepts in mind so if certain things seem a little annoying I'm hoping to make that feel better with each build. 0.1 is a step in that direction with new food/water sources. I love getting constructive feedback! Genuine asshole remarks are glossed over though so I wouldn't bother =/
3- This game DID start off as an ode to A Zombie's Life. Literally a month into development Nergal came back, which is incredible but after talking with him, I decided to completely change the direction of this game. Yes there are TONS of similarities. That was supposed to be intended even more than it actually is now.
Wish I could spend more time here. A lot of very welcoming people on this site when I first came around. As I said before, I've gotten too busy to just casually browse here often but I'll try and come back every now and then. Thank you to everyone who has been playing Zombie's Retreat!