
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
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Note; all angels pictures symbolize something withing them. Gracie's included.
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How cool would it be if the angel versions changed after each release as we helped them facing their issue? :3
No, no, it's absolutely not a cunning plan to have more of this kind of picture. Absolutely not. How dare you even suggest I'd be so vile!?
It is. It is absolutely my plan.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
how can you activate the femme fatale? it says daytime but theres not a daytime its either afternoon or evening so which is it? thanks


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
HopesGaming. How are doing the part of figth ?
That part is going good (finished with it basically)
I'm rather proud of it and look forward to showing it.

it's a big battle scene the Dev's is stuck on right with Luna and the MC it must be spectacular if it's taking this long but i am eager to play the new update to put it into context ENDGAME and Game of thrones has finished since the last update
It's true that the fight scene takes a bit of time. Especially due to the learning as I want it to be special and not the standard fight scene. But the delay was due to real life and not so much the work on the battle scene. Hence I stopped patreon billing for that month.

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How cool would it be if the angel versions changed after each release as we helped them facing their issue? :3
No, no, it's absolutely not a cunning plan to have more of this kind of picture. Absolutely not. How dare you even suggest I'd be so vile!?
It is. It is absolutely my plan.
Changing angel pictures has always been the plan. Just not by updates but by how far they are with their content.
Spoiler- Luna is definitely getting a new angel picture in the near future


I normally don't tag review as I want it to be as biased free as possible (unless there are direct questions inside the reviews towards me) but there was something in your review that I wanted to point out.
"I get the slight feeling there is some shilling going on here"
Now, I cannot say if the game deserves to be top 10 or not, that is for the individual to judge as I'm just making something I enjoy, but I can assure you that I have never done anything shady regarding the review system. Remember, your view is your view and not necessarily the only view. Where you see it as disjointed others may find it coherent and hence build their reviews based upon that.
This is not an attack on you or the review (all reviews no matter star ratings and opinions are welcome) but that last part with accusing me of doing something shady just rubbed me the wrong way.


Jul 11, 2019
That part is going good (finished with it basically)
I'm rather proud of it and look forward to showing it.

It's true that the fight scene takes a bit of time. Especially due to the learning as I want it to be special and not the standard fight scene. But the delay was due to real life and not so much the work on the battle scene. Hence I stopped patreon billing for that month.

Changing angel pictures has always been the plan. Just not by updates but by how far they are with their content.
Spoiler- Luna is definitely getting a new angel picture in the near future


I normally don't tag review as I want it to be as biased free as possible (unless there are direct questions inside the reviews towards me) but there was something in your review that I wanted to point out.
"I get the slight feeling there is some shilling going on here"
Now, I cannot say if the game deserves to be top 10 or not, that is for the individual to judge as I'm just making something I enjoy, but I can assure you that I have never done anything shady regarding the review system. Remember, your view is your view and not necessarily the only view. Where you see it as disjointed others may find it coherent and hence build their reviews based upon that.
This is not an attack on you or the review (all reviews no matter star ratings and opinions are welcome) but that last part with accusing me of doing something shady just rubbed me the wrong way.
Noted. I'd like to defend myself by saying that "getting a slight feeling" isn't really a serious accusation and I do in no way claim to have proof that shilling is going on. It just seemed very mysterious to me that this game was ranking so extremely highly despite not even being an adult game, and early in development, on this adult games site. When looking for plausible explanations I also noticed a lot of minimum-length 5-star reviews while the longer ones tended to be 3 or 4 stars. I simply reached for what in my mind was the simplest explanation. I do understand however that being accused of malicious practices can be a serious thing, no matter how "slight" the feeling is, and I will remove that particular word from my review. If I ruffle any feathers I want it to be with legitimate criticism, not baseless accusations of malicious practices. To be fair this game is truly one of a kind, and who am I to judge if others here really just like what's unique even if it breaks from the expectation of being an adult game? I've seen enough signatures with your banner to know that your following is real and consists of real people. It doesn't seem too far fetched now that I've thought about it more and I've also noticed that minimum-length 5-star reviews seem to be the norm on more games than just this one.


New Member
Jun 25, 2018
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Note; all angels pictures symbolize something withing them. Gracie's included.
Its nice to see them again. Never noticed the detail about Gracie. And with what you said in mind, now I understand how the character will evolve. Again. Wonderful.

Sidenote. You are really active. Thank you for giving the time to respond to our comments. Read your announcement yesterday about the delays but you still give time to your work. Kudos.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Noted. I'd like to defend myself by saying that "getting a slight feeling" isn't really a serious accusation and I do in no way claim to have proof that shilling is going on. It just seemed very mysterious to me that this game was ranking so extremely highly despite not even being an adult game, and early in development, on this adult games site. When looking for plausible explanations I also noticed a lot of minimum-length 5-star reviews while the longer ones tended to be 3 or 4 stars. I simply reached for what in my mind was the simplest explanation. I do understand however that being accused of malicious practices can be a serious thing, no matter how "slight" the feeling is, and I will remove that particular word from my review. If I ruffle any feathers I want it to be with legitimate criticism, not baseless accusations of malicious practices. To be fair this game is truly one of a kind, and who am I to judge if others here really just like what's unique even if it breaks from the expectation of being an adult game? I've seen enough signatures with your banner to know that your following is real and consists of real people. It doesn't seem too far fetched now that I've thought about it more and I've also noticed that minimum-length 5-star reviews seem to be the norm on more games than just this one.
I appreciate that and also why I specifically made sure to write it wasn't an attack on you or your review. Now, I again must say that my view is a bit different from yours.
You say that the lower rating reviews are longer than the higher rated reviews. But let's take a look.
In the first page of the review system. The longest worded one is by Huitime which is a positive review with a high rating. (340+ words)
Yours is 270 words. The rest of the more negative rated is at the 50-100 worded reviews.
Which is the rather normal range for both negative and positive reviews. It's just that the sample between them are different with the majority are on the positive side hence it can give the illusion that only positive reviews are short reviews.
On the second page, the longest review is a whooping 1200 worded review and positive rate made by zippity (known as the site's reviewer and very biased free). Many other lengthy reviews that exceed 500-700+ words.
In fact, your review with 270 words is actually the highest worded (on the negative end) of reviews.
So, it may appear as positive reviews are on the short end of words due to the amount but with a bit of a deeper look into it then it is the other way around and I think the main reason for that is that negative reviews have one thing in common;
Where da sex at?!
I would say 99% of the bad reviews stem for that and that only. And as this is the only complaint they cannot write lengthy reviews as the subject is fast disclosed with simple sentences.
In your case, you also had disjointed alongside the lack of adult part and hence a bit more worded. But I think that is a rare exception as the majority do not find it disjointed so does not share that. (Does not mean your review of disjointed is wrong. What is disjointed for some may not be for others.)
But it is, however, a rarety and I think I've only heard it from one other person. And I've am rather active among my player base and have spoken to hundreds of 'em. And do so on a daily base (discords, forums, etc.)

About the lack of adult stuff, throughout the thread, I have discussed this in length and on many occasions.
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This was a reply to another so of course does not apply to you. But more a way to show my opinion on what can be considered an adult game.
I know you are not being malicious in any way or shape but simply stating your view (which is civil and no problem at all) and thank you for the kind words on the art and the other part of the game.
This is simply me on a bored Friday that wanted to share my view and opinions on the different stuff before I go back to work, haha.

Its nice to see them again. Never noticed the detail about Gracie. And with what you said in mind, now I understand how the character will evolve. Again. Wonderful.

Sidenote. You are really active. Thank you for giving the time to respond to our comments. Read your announcement yesterday about the delays but you still give time to your work. Kudos.
I try to be as active as I can. But there are days where life is simply too busy for me to get on the forums on a daily base. So more of a spike of activity.
Actually, I tend to ghost read and reply when time allows it, heh.
luna also made a cameo in timestamps at the mayors house
Yup I know and it's an awesome cameo! In fact, whenever you see a cameo then most devs would know already as devs ask devs if it's okay.


Jul 11, 2019
I appreciate that and also why I specifically made sure to write it wasn't an attack on you or your review. Now, I again must say that my view is a bit different from yours.
You say that the lower rating reviews are longer than the higher rated reviews. But let's take a look.
In the first page of the review system. The longest worded one is by Huitime which is a positive review with a high rating. (340+ words)
Yours is 270 words. The rest of the more negative rated is at the 50-100 worded reviews.
Which is the rather normal range for both negative and positive reviews. It's just that the sample between them are different with the majority are on the positive side hence it can give the illusion that only positive reviews are short reviews.
On the second page, the longest review is a whooping 1200 worded review and positive rate made by zippity (known as the site's reviewer and very biased free). Many other lengthy reviews that exceed 500-700+ words.
In fact, your review with 270 words is actually the highest worded (on the negative end) of reviews.
So, it may appear as positive reviews are on the short end of words due to the amount but with a bit of a deeper look into it then it is the other way around and I think the main reason for that is that negative reviews have one thing in common;
Where da sex at?!
I would say 99% of the bad reviews stem for that and that only. And as this is the only complaint they cannot write lengthy reviews as the subject is fast disclosed with simple sentences.
In your case, you also had disjointed alongside the lack of adult part and hence a bit more worded. But I think that is a rare exception as the majority do not find it disjointed so does not share that. (Does not mean your review of disjointed is wrong. What is disjointed for some may not be for others.)
But it is, however, a rarety and I think I've only heard it from one other person. And I've am rather active among my player base and have spoken to hundreds of 'em. And do so on a daily base (discords, forums, etc.)
Ok since I've seem to have struck a nerve so I will elaborate a bit. The bit about review length was another "gut feel" reaction and I will gladly accept I'm wrong. I even disqualified my own argument in my last point so is there really any point to keep arguing about it? Does it affect the rating I've given and what I feel the game deserves? No.

I'll try to better explain my rating:
Disjointed to me means all over the place with no clear direction in mind. Random snippets which do not seem to tie in together. I feel this is definitely the case with the mob missions mini game and player stats - they add nothing for me and just seems out of place. The story does not need a mini game to be there. It also isn't particularly fun, it just feels like work and is honestly quite shit coded, forcing me to click a million times all over the screen for only a text response and some more money. It's a grind simply put. And not the good kind. The free roaming dating sim thing seems out of place too. It has some function in progressing the story forward but is it really necessary? I don't think so, at least not in the game's current state. I could maybe see it becoming decent when we've gotten to know the girls better and there are multiple levels to progress through with rewards. Though honestly I'd actually just rather see all of that cut. I feel this game tries to be too many things instead of focusing on the strengths (which I feel are: main story, dialogues and art). If your game was a pure VN (with or without branching story) I would have given it a 4. If it also had hot lewd bits in it, it's a 5. I'm not saying "MC needs to fuck everyone" mind you, there are other ways of delivering sexiness than having MC plow every other main character right off the bat. Some classic ideas here are having the MC stumble upon scenes between other characters, or having a minor character that's not involved in the story deliver it. Fuck, if these are mafiosos there should be hookers around right? I could even see that working. Where's the mafioso-meeting-at-strip-club-scene? Ever seen Sopranos? Truly a missed opportunity! The last point (lack of lewds) I feel can't be argued with. This is an adult games site and there are adult expectations. If you want your game to be judged purely on it's non-adult content then there are other places for that. I will dock a point in any review on this site if I feel it's not an "adult" game, no matter how good it othewise is. -Unless you just created the new Deus Ex. You may be good, but nobody is that good.

Can these things be fixed/improved? Absolutely. Can I see myself giving this game a 5 in the future? Sure!
As of now however, I feel 3 is appropriate.

Btw if you'd like this text to be in the review so it's no longer just 270 words I'll happily oblige. Just say the word.
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Aug 6, 2017
Now, I could simply have followed the mass. Made a *sex feast* game, a few stories here and there that involve around the adult content and slapped a ton of popular fetishes on. Would that have made me more successful than I am now? Maybe, but I would not have enjoyed it.

Finally, for better or worse, I am not changing my way.
I am having a great time right now, and I am happy I challenged the norm.
for what its worth ive been on the forum for a year or so and this is the first game i bothered to rate or post a massage on.

btw i love the sandbox feel to it and that its not instantly gratifying and we actually get to know the characters #1 game on my list.
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4.40 star(s) 491 Votes