Dear Author, I still admire the game! You are the best! If you will, a few wishes for the future development of the game (although I'm not a patron ...)!
1. Add the ability to repeatedly change the status of female characters (For example, from a slave to make a maid, from a servant to a mistress, and then again make her a slave)
2. Add to training more various “accessories” and related options / fantasies and the options are endless / - expand the assortment of the baton supplier
3. Add the option of "self-satisfaction" of slaves, servants and working girls in their cell / room on the orders of the owner (to achieve a certain level of humility) or on their own initiative (status "nymphomaniac" with a certain development of sex skills. Again, the functional methods and improvised means - it is unlimited.
3. Dilute the premises for the maintenance of various types of pets, by increasing the basement / adding external extensions to the building. In the "barn" to make it possible to create a "milking farm", that is, to make a separate stand with several milking machines. CONNECT THE DOUBLE HOSES WITH CASES
The rooms for sex training and pet walking can be shared. / I read that the expansion of the list of pets is not planned ... but ... if you suddenly get your hands on it (ponigerl, doggerl) ... It will be great !!!!
4. To make it possible to have sex with incoming ladies (both on a voluntary and compulsory basis), possibly with the subsequent "redemption" of such ladies as slaves from a character who comes with a showdown (their previous boss, owner)
5. Make it possible to keep the ladies naked.
6. Add real animals: dogs, horses and implement sex workouts with them.
7. Add the possibility of parallel sex training of various girls on various devices by different characters (main character, mistress, incoming sex trainer, character checking new sex toys, etc.)
8. To expand the hospital's functional capacity, in terms of parallel treatment of several female pets
9. Give the opportunity to choose whether to graduate in or out during sex training.
10. I still haven’t gotten the lady's anger down to -100, so I don’t know if she can, with maximum pumping, slave slaves on her own ... If she can, fine !!! If not, I would very much like to give her this opportunity.
11. And the last - to make the option of "punishment" of the mistress slaves on the orders of the owner ...
If I wish the impossible - it's a pity, but it's up to the author of the game
Thanks in advance for future updates and in general for a great game!