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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
"DSP, my latest game tanked man! I know you're going through some stuff but I need some help here bro!"

Either that, or he just wrote that to get people off his case.
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Jan 27, 2018
apparently dsp is set to make an announcement soon so everyone start dropping the codes u got for part 3 lol. I think i got a really good one not sure yet. 2513402288


Game Developer
Sep 20, 2018
I know this topic is already over but...

I also post games on this site to get a bigger audience to play my games and spread my content, I disagree with DSP but I also agree with some points. All I'm gonna say is that you can't control something that gets popular on the internet. Just look at Kim Kardashian's video for example.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
I know this topic is already over but...

I also post games on this site to get a bigger audience to play my games and spread my content, I disagree with DSP but I also agree with some points. All I'm gonna say is that you can't control something that gets popular on the internet. Just look at Kim Kardashian's video for example.

People who know how to get rips will ALWAYS get rips. DSP came in here acting like each download from here was less people paying for his content. I can't speak for everyone here, but if I wasn't able to get rips, I simply wouldn't play the game(s). I mean seriously, who would want to pay 20 bucks or whatever Chaotic's charging, just to play the sad excuse for a game he calls his latest release?

Hell, DSP's games are ALWAYS better quality than Chaotic's, and I still wouldn't pay for them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
I guess the big announcement was that next week they'll make Academy part 1 public? Heh


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I guess the big announcement was that next week they'll make Academy part 1 public? Heh
Chaotic is washed out, he is in dire need of a very long break to recover and he's grasping at straws to save his site. Academy 1 becoming free is an announcement as big as it gets right now.

His latest blog post was so painful to read, his inner struggle was almost palpable. I mean, come on ... is he really considering an update to the - at most - average Photographer 3 over a brand new game with Molly/Marianna? Seriously?

Unfortunately Leanna took quite a toll on him, right now he is both creatively bankrupt (exhibit A: Photographer 3) and technically outdated (exhibit A: Photographer 3) that he won't be able to re-create the same quality as in 'Leanna: Breaking the facade' for a long time.

I think he knows that and the problem is, with dsp gone the future of his site seems really bleak.


Nov 26, 2017
I just hope that if dsp ever does finish part 3, it is ripped on here in record time. Usually I'm all for giving creators a few days so they can make some money, hell I've even paid creators for work on numerous occasions even though I don't have to because I really like the work they do (I even used to subscribe to vdategames back in the day)... but the way they have been running their operation over there lately, and mostly the way Chaotic talks down to his (over)paying customers in the weekly updates, I just hope their gravy train ends. If dsp ever decides to continue on his own I will likely support him and his work, but man f*** that Chaotic a**hole, he is such a piece of work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
Chaotic has been indefensible this year. Instead of coming clean and admitting that the DSP thing fucked up his whole agenda for the year, he used smoke, mirrors and pretty much anything he could pull out of his ass to keep his paying customers. Why there wasn't a mass exodus from his site after the mediocre mess this last game turned out to be is beyond me.


New Member
Feb 24, 2018
apparently dsp is set to make an announcement soon so everyone start dropping the codes u got for part 3 lol. I think i got a really good one not sure yet. 2513402288
Is that code for part 3 for just part 2? Can somebody put a walkthrought with the correct code for part 2 please?


Aug 20, 2017
The search function for these new forums doesn't seem to be working correctly as it's not letting me search within this thread, but is there a walkthrough available for Parts 1 and 2? I didn't see one on the site itself (not even in the member's section).


Nov 26, 2017
From the update today:

It has been a few months since I gave an update on progress so here goes.

It’s been a difficult year for me but it is looking better and I have been very busy when time and energy has allowed. Thank you for your ongoing support and patience.

To recap; The Academy series takes place over one week, with each part representing one day. Parts one, two three and four were Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Part five will be Friday.

‘A date with Bridgette’ takes place on the Thursday evening, and that’s where we are at the moment.

It’s been a long week…

In terms of game production, I’m going to present progress in the form of numbers as they seem the most tangible.

Academy : Part One = 997 images

Academy : Part Two = 1500 images

Academy : Part Three = 1797 images

Academy : Part Four = 1824 images

Okay, so the first stage of ‘A Date with Bridgette’ had 848 images and stage two added a further 2287 images. Both of these stages were released earlier in the year.

Since then I have created another 5427 images, which by the time I finished will be pretty much double the images from stages one and two put together. Adding it all together brings the overall image count for everything in ‘Date with Bridgette’ to over 8500 so far.

But size isn’t everything…

Those of you who have played stages one and two will know where you are up to.

The concluding story paths take in another two new locations in an evening which at least starts with Bridgette but doesn’t necessarily have to end with her.

As I have hinted before, there are many options, paths and characters to explore.

I originally intended to make this game in four stages, then changed the plan to three. Due to the sheer size and complexity of the game and the various options in the story, I’m back to thinking that four stages would work better structurally.

I’m over 90% finished with the remainder of the overall ‘Date with Bridgette’ game. Around 95% of what will be stage three is done and about 85% of what will be stage four finished.

This means that I expect to be able to release stage three early in 2019, with stage four completed and ready to release not too long after that.

The size of each part will comfortably exceed anything I’ve created before, partly due to the variety of story paths and partly due to how extensive some scenes are.

Again due to the complexity of ‘A Date with Bridgette’ and it’s role as a critical part of the Academy series, I have already started work on ‘The Academy : Part Five’. I’m kind of having to work backwards from a projected end points in order to make things all connect properly and make sense.

Looking forwards, ‘The Academy : Part Five’ may well be the most complicated part to produce of all of them. But that’s for the future. For now I’m hard a work on just moving forward.

I’ll update with more information in the new year.

In the meantime all the best to you all.

4.80 star(s) 5 Votes