I’ve been getting a lot of angry posts that I’ve made NTR too much of a focus in my game. So I’ll just repeat my thoughts on the subject.
This game is harem building type game. There are women presented, and your objectives are to bring them into your harem. Every good story/game needs to have conflict. Without conflict, a story has no purpose or point. I mean this is creative writing 101.
So what is the most obvious conflict in a game where you are trying to win a girl into your harem? The answer is that you lose them to somebody else. I mean what kind of reality are you trying to create in your mind, if you think that if you make a bad decision and you fail to win over the girl you’re pursuing, she decides to become completely celibate because no other man could take your place.
I know this is a game, and not reality, but a story needs to have some sort of reality, and follow the rules in this alternate reality. Stories are more relatable when this reality is close to our own. In the real world, just like any animal, we have to compete for our mates. I understand having an aversion to NTR, and for those people, I present the loyalty path. Where your good decisions result in The positive outcome, of joining another girl to your harem. For those of you that are outwardly angered to the point of trolling a developer, because there exists an alternative story line where you could possibly fail, and see real world consequences, I can’t help but wonder if this is too close to reality for you, and maybe you’ve been NTR’d too many times in reality. For those of you in this camp, I would recommend that you make good decisions when you play this game. Most of those decisions are very obvious, and the rest have actual NTR warnings when you are making the choice. Or, you could just choose not to play the game, and not troll the developer for trying really hard to write a story that has at least the basic elements of story writing.
And for this reason, NTR will continue to have a place in my game. Eventually, as the story develops, you will be able to conquer each threat you face with every girl, and won’t that victory be more sweet because you had to actually fight for her?
So now you have a glimpse of my thought process as I write out this story. I am curious though, how others would introduce conflict into this story, if not by NTR. If you have any really good ideas, I might ask your permission to steal them.