
Aug 17, 2019

I love this game. And I am very happy for what you've given and done so far. So please don't get upset for what i'm saying either.

But we're now in 7 months since the last release. There's legitimate reasons we know, covid etc. but it's hard to fault people, especially ones who might have paid monthly for questioning the release and whether it's abandoned.

I am very excited for the next patch (I wasn't the biggest fan of "moms" focus last one, but thats' a me problem). but 7 months on and I'm afraid that this is starting to feel like "innocent witches" and other games that just keep extending time between patches inexplicity. longer and longer each time.

Hoping this is a one off due to covid and other factors. And truly excited for the next release. I just hope that we get them a little more frequently than one a year


Jan 10, 2018
Good game, reasonable writing, self aware. Some nice kinks.

I've completed all the events per the phone list (except 22, because Sidney moved out of Laurens room I think before it triggered, and you can't go back). But I have a number of scenes missing from the Gallery, for example:

What's the best way to get back to those? Are they Loyalty/NTR versions?
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Creating "A Family Venture"
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
I love this game. And I am very happy for what you've given and done so far. So please don't get upset for what i'm saying either.
Please don't get upset... Don't get upset!?... I am enraged!! :mad:
Just kidding...
I was actually talking about this the other day on the Discord with some of the moderators, and we were talking about how patient everyone was being, but especially remarkable, are the folks here at F95, who are not usually known for their patience. So to all of you, I just want to say thank you!

I hate that the update has taken me this long. When everyone is so patient and supportive, I hate to let you all down. I do want to assure you all that I have not been dragging my feet, or being a lazy ass. I literally work on this game every moment I can spare. Unfortunately, it has just taken me this long to get the update to where I feel like it should be for this release.

As an avid fan, and not just developer of adult games, I understand the frustration of having to wait for the release of a game you're really excited about. I try to keep this in mind every day as I work on the update.

The good news:
The biggest bottle neck that holds up my updates more than anything, is the time it takes to render 3d images and animations. To help this bottle neck Xirbeus has very generously volunteered to run my renders. We've tried a number of renders, and Xirbeus has sent them all back looking very good. This will allow me to spend all my time setting up the renders, and not having to wait for each one of them to cook. I anticipate that this will dramatically decrease the time between updates.

Going forward, I'm also going to try and make the updates a bit smaller.

I've also committed myself to be better about keeping everyone informed about where we are in the update process. I've enlisted the help of a few peeps to help me out with this as well.

0.07 is very close, I know it's been very close for a while now, but these last steps always take longer than I think they will. Right now Lapdragon is finishing up with editing the script, and while he's doing that, I'm trying to finish up a few scripting items, as well as doing playtesting, searching for continuity problems, and dividing the script so that an incest patch will no longer be necessary. My goal is to be finished with my end at about the same time it takes Lapdragon to finish editing.

I love the content/images/animations of the new update. I can't wait to get it into all your hands. The future of AFV still looks very good! I love making this game, I'm not feeling burnout, or any desire to rush it to an unsatisfactory conclusion. Thank you all again for your patience. I really hope you'll all enjoy what I've been working on for over 7 months.


Creating "A Family Venture"
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
Good game, reasonable writing, self aware. Some nice kinks.

I've completed all the events per the phone list (except 22, because Sidney moved out of Laurens room I think before it triggered, and you can't go back). But I have a number of scenes missing from the Gallery, for example:
View attachment 1188470
View attachment 1188471

What's the best way to get back to those? Are they Loyalty/NTR versions?
Since this game has several ways through it, one playthrough won't unlock all the scenes. You'll have to do multiple playthroughs, or some save skimming to unlock all the image galleries.


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
Good game, reasonable writing, self aware. Some nice kinks.

I've completed all the events per the phone list (except 22, because Sidney moved out of Laurens room I think before it triggered, and you can't go back). But I have a number of scenes missing from the Gallery, for example:
View attachment 1188470
View attachment 1188471

What's the best way to get back to those? Are they Loyalty/NTR versions?
There is a gallery unlocker in the OP but be warned if you unren the game it breaks the unlocker mod.


Aug 24, 2020
I love the content/images/animations of the new update. I can't wait to get it into all your hands. The future of AFV still looks very good! I love making this game, I'm not feeling burnout, or any desire to rush it to an unsatisfactory conclusion. Thank you all again for your patience. I really hope you'll all enjoy what I've been working on for over 7 months.
These are the words I want to read from a developer...


May 19, 2019
If you bothered to read the forum, LITERALLY 5 replies above yours is the developer saying that it'll be here very soon - & why it has taken so long... *Facepalm*

I hate people that don't bother to read.
Well, to be fair, he simply stated a fact. And that fact wouldn't change regardless of whether he read up about what the Dev said or not. If he asked something like "when is the new update?", then I would agree with the point you made.

That said, patience is a virtue. And Will Taylor is a bad ass Dev who puts in quality work so I'm happy to wait.


New Member
May 9, 2019
Well, to be fair, he simply stated a fact. And that fact wouldn't change regardless of whether he read up about what the Dev said or not. If he asked something like "when is the new update?", then I would agree with the point you made.

That said, patience is a virtue. And Will Taylor is a bad ass Dev who puts in quality work so I'm happy to wait.
you are definitely right about the quality of his games. I know of no game whose animations or images look nearly as good. IMO the wait just makes the day of release even better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
... the folks here at F95, who are not usually known for their patience. So to all of you, I just want to say thank you!
*blinks*.. :WutFace:If anything, we should be the ones gratefully saying thank you! There aren't too many devs that consistently make quality goods AND stay the course even with the rowdy vocal bashing that happen on certain threads.

Bonus kudos for quality communication from dev, donors and uh potential donors. :KEK:

Still, can and always appreciate a dev that has thick skin and can take the good with the bad. Nature of the beast, can't please everyone all the time nor should that be the aim.

p.s. uh yeah thank you! :giggle:


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
I really hope you'll all enjoy what I've been working on for over 7 months.
Hot dang! I read AAA release DLC coming up. Wait.. will that include day-one patch? ;)

Scratch that.. pretty sure most games here have day-one patch to serve certain kinks. Over thinking things again. :unsure:


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
To clarify.

.07 will have some Jackie in it but will be focused on Lauren according to the dev.
.08 will be focused on Jackie.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
right, that's what i meant. The update after the one that is coming out soon is Jackie focused. i should have been more clear.


Mar 1, 2019
Moving on. Here's what you can look forward to in .07

The 0.07 release of A Family Venture will focus on Lauren and the up coming school counsel elections.

That's right! While Ryan has been busy dealing with the mob Lauren has decided to get into politics!

What could go wrong with that combination of skill sets?

So look forward

View attachment AFV Progress3-20-21.webp
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