Bringing up difficult patch techniques for such a game would be like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.
The game is already working with a "progressive update pattern" philosophy; you need to download the game once, then simply download the updates I publish for each new release (provided you keep the game on your HDD).
Many released passed already and I noticed people prefer to download each time the entire game. That's why I produced also a link for the entire game (all chapters in). I really don't think the majority of people here bothers to have an efficient distribution pattern of any game: get a link, download, unzip, play! That's all!
Plus, considering that to include Internet access into any game mechanics is considered "negative" from the majority of the people on this community (although I don't clearly understand why, nowadays), it's really hard to build up a solid "update" workflow for a game.
Perhaps, for the next game I'll try again to create something more intelligent and efficient in terms of game updates... although everything is still on paper.