
Sep 30, 2017
After finish part 14 I have to share my opinion on the story so far.

Ever since the release of Part 13, I feel like her character and personality have change 360. Before the release of part 13, Marilyn have always been playful with the MC. Teasing here and there. We know she had a small feeling for MC which is why her character is very playful toward the MC. Start of part 13 her character and personality seem to feel like it took a 360. The way her interaction toward the MC doesn't feel playful anymore and more like she just being mean cause she can and attack MC with every comments he made. Before she would go out of her way to help MC with his problem and now she would happily give him the cold shoulders or only help if there a benefit for her. We know as a fact she fancy Nicole and never give MC bad feeling about MC getting laid with Nicole but now Marilyn act out on MC having so much sex with Nicole and comments on MC cheating on Chloe every chance get to tell MC. I don't know why the Dev decide to give Marilyn a personality change but for me I don't like it.

2-NTR & Magic
Let start with I don't have problem with NTR as it make the story so people don't suddenly attack me with comments on it. The NTR make sense in the story since MC is as a fact Cheating on Chloe with her mother so no defend on that as to why Chloe would Cheat on MC with Beeman. Also seem like Chloe may have a secret fetish for old man and rough sex even if she doesn't admit it. But as of release part 14 and learning Mr Heaven have offer a job for MC mother, with that scene alone it make me wonder if the Dev decide to Aim for one of people to marketing the game. Why did I think the Dev just throwing NTR for marketing? Cause it make no sense in the story. Which come down to the Magic in the story. Did part of the story with magic been remove to make this scene come truth? There were scenes in the past story I can remember with MC Parents and Marilyn known about Mr Heaven and I know the magic part of the story haven't completely been remove as it show Marilyn can still read MC mind. So would MC parents accept Mr Heaven offer knowing what they know about him. I like to believe not. But as I read the comments page a few people feel the same with how MC mother story going to turn out. Which is why I believe the remove of parents magic scenes been remove to make up for this part of the story to Aim for more people to play the game which it fine even if it seem a little desperate.

Overall it does feel like the story just move a bit forward like we only halfway, removing Beeman, Nicole affair with MC and how will Chloe romance with MC remain going forward. So far it feel like Mr Heaven have control of everything since MC start working for him with no way of winning even with How MC and Silvia trying to find Evidences against him or I believe Mr Heaven letting them find them as part of his bigger plan. What not in Mr Heaven plan is there seem to be someone else looking into Mr Heaven business to get back at him which I find interesting. Anyway let end with how I'm happy the game haven't been Abandoned. Thanks.

With The

Jul 25, 2021
btw in part12 dev said he is not gonna making fan dissapointed let jhon sex with nicole but dude still making scene jhon have sex with nicole even tho it just mc though. my point is dev want to make this game hard ntr as possible but pull down and now he is targeting mc mom to become victim. orb is ntr lover for sure


Aug 16, 2017
I just played it after some difficulties with saves, and that cliffhanger is huge, this is going to be bad, it's a Silvia situation all over again


Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
Man, I see NTR as a more comprehensive issue, like the MC may not be interested in his mother, but she is a person he loves and wants to protect and the antagonist wants to corrupt and degrade the MC's loved ones. I never complained about other characters because they weren't important to the MC, but the mother is another story, doesn't always need to be a sexual relationship or a romantic relationship, but any important person in the MC's life is what I consider NTR, let's think along this path, your mother who is married to your father and you love you mom is kidnapped by someone and corrupted to become a sexual object or someting else, you wouldn't be mad about that? or you'd be fine with them doing that to your mother? NTR was very condensed into a single style where the MC's love interest is stolen, but I think the term NTR should be more comprehensive and add family members as well, like you may not be romantically interested in a loved one but you love that person and don't want that this happens to her. I know it's just a game, but you start to have an attachment to the characters you play with over time that what hepen to me i don't nw if you is the same or any other.
NTR could be family members(in non incest stories), even childhood friend trope as well. The one time definition retards scholars in this forum don't look to Japan is coincidently when it doesn't fit their biases. Not that it fucking matters how you call it when it has the same narrative purpose, it targets the same audience and is designed to elicit the same type of emotions.
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Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
He graduated, he's an adult can't force him to do anything but it'll be interesting to see what happens next. At least we're one update closer to kicking rat face's teeth down his throat.
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