Well... A place where there is the highest age of consent in the world, beaten only by Islamic theocracies; a place where most people define themselves as religious; a place where you see apparently-normal girls putting bible quotes on their Instagram profiles; a place founded by Puritans, whose mentality is so ingrained in the country's culture that the supposed-to-be-left-wing are, in fact, a bunch of fanatics of the Woke credo and end up being worse than the traditional right-wing... Just take a look around you and see the world as it is...
I know it's a place full of contradictions... The same apparently-normal girls putting bible quotes on their Instagram profiles are also showing their asses in bikinis in there... It's also the biggest producer of porn in the world because it's still the richest and most capitalist country in the world. They're the biggest producers of everything cultural: movies, video games, music, and so on... Nothing new under the sun. It's also a country full of hypocrisy (probably because I never knew a moralist who wasn't also a hypocrite).
Of course, "most puritanical places in the world" was a rhetorical amplification, but if you take the 1st/civilized world, it tops 'em all.