I'd like to take a stab at a some constructive criticism for
Found this game not long after the initial release and have played each one since and have been enjoying my time in this universe you've created. Considering you do many things very well, these critiques are quite small, however they've been reoccurring since the first release and it's become an itch for me that needs scratching. Not sure if others have felt the same on these issues or not, but hopefully you can find some value in this post. If not, all good. It's just your style so keep doing you.
I'll start with
Eye contact for the females during face to face convos...
Many times it really feels as though the gals are looking everywhere but the MC during chats. Like their eyes can't help but aimlessly wander up to stare at the ceiling, or the ground, people walking by, etc. I can't help but relate this to a real world scenario and think how odd/rude it would be if I was having a chat with someone and they kept avoiding eye contact for the majority of it. I realize there are moments where it's necessary for the girls to avert their eyes for the sake of uncertainty, being shy or flirtation purposes... But it's reached the point where I'm often wondering what it is they're looking at instead of losing myself in the dialogue - kind of an immersion killer.
Second thing is
the overuse of the phrase "I see"...
One of MC's favorite phrases, no doubt. Not really a problem in of itself, but he says it so frequently that a few of the girls have become infected and now they're following in his footsteps

Having multiple characters repeatedly sharing a single phrase dulls their individual personalities, imo. Swapping this out with different phrases or perhaps even some inner monologue instead might help define each character a lil more, and it could also help to diversify the tail end of the many convos we experience throughout each release (the 'I see' occurs at the end of sentences usually).
Anyways, thanks in advance for reading through my nitpicks and I wish you the best of luck moving forward. It's nice to see a hard working creator gain the patreon support they've earned.