Wicked Garden

May 9, 2018
Long ass post:

This whole Cartel storyline with Valery makes me wanna protect her even more, but at the same time gives me fear for the Mc. Naturally he’s going to want to save Valery in this situation, the problem is he’s not just dealing with some creepy old guy, we’re talking about the freaking cartel. Still no matter what Valery did she’s to be protected at all costs. Thankfully there’s the Hampshire cartel that seems to be the main opposition of the Dalias Cartel.

The presence of Marie helped tremendously because there’s no way Clint would’ve survived, and Mc, Jenny and Crew most likely wouldn’t have made it out of that hotel alive. But back to Clint, if he is indeed Valery’s father then he’s a piece of shit in my book. Had he claimed responsibility like a man Valery wouldn't be in this predicament and would’ve avoided those traumatic experiences. Learning that there was more than one predator sexually abusing her made me even more sick to my stomach about the situation then I already am. Jade mentioned the word "Broken" when describing Valery, which is probably accurate, it's just a horrible backstory.

The Mc in my opinion hasn’t properly grieved for his father yet, I hope he opens up more about his passing eventually, they was obviously close and you don't get over that kinda lost that quickly. But taking on others trauma, such as Valery, while dealing with your own issues is gonna be difficult in my opinion, from my experience all he can do is try to be there for Valery and support her as a friend for now.

With Jade’s character I’m even more torn because I like her personality, she’s fun to be around and is open and honest with herself and feelings, but sex can’t be the only thing your relationship is predicated on. She’s clearly falling in love with Mc, and they have chemistry, but even in serious moments such as the honest talk they had even that led to her being on top of him. I just hope there's more to her character than being a nympho who's an easy fuck, but I'm not seeing it so far.

Jenny is an amazing character to me, always caring for others and their needs. Even putting herself in harms way for Val like a true mama bear. The Dev did a great job this update capturing her true beauty, I enjoyed her content the most. The night time scene in the hotel with Mc was beautifully done, great renders and angles of her in the skylight, she’s one hell of a woman. Even though the sex scene with Mc was short lived, if that's a sign of what's to come then I can't wait.

Any scene to me with Ashley is enjoyable, but I find Sung Ji to be a bit annoying. Yeah, her intentions are good, but it’s pestering how she’s always interfering in Ashley and Mc affairs. She doesn’t need to always force the issue on things all the time, sometimes it’s easy just to mind your own business. I would’ve like if Mc actually asked Ashley out to continue their date versus Sung Ji just blurting it out. Maybe doing so would somewhat ease Ashley’s mind on if she’s enough for Mc. It’s still mind boggling that a beauty like Ashley would feel insecure about any other woman, but that’s what makes me love her character that much more.

On a more serious note, I’ll be so glad when this Adam prick finally gets what’s coming to him. If I had it my may it would end in blood. That hotel scene could’ve ended in a bloodbath and he didn’t even care. He didn't care who would've gotten hurt in this situation and that's telling on what kind of a person he is. So yeah, no redemption arc for me I want him either dead or in jail. On the flip side because of this incident we learned news about the Richards family having their hands dirty and being involved in some shady business, this could be used to Jenny’s advantage. I still believe Jessica is gonna play a role in Adam's downfall as well and I can't wait.

Hats off to the TLG.

Joyce Harding

Aug 30, 2020
Long ass post:

This whole Cartel storyline with Valery makes me wanna protect her even more, but at the same time gives me fear for the Mc. Naturally he’s going to want to save Valery in this situation, the problem is he’s not just dealing with some creepy old guy, we’re talking about the freaking cartel. Still no matter what Valery did she’s to be protected at all costs. Thankfully there’s the Hampshire cartel that seems to be the main opposition of the Dalias Cartel.

The presence of Marie helped tremendously because there’s no way Clint would’ve survived, and Mc, Jenny and Crew most likely wouldn’t have made it out of that hotel alive. But back to Clint, if he is indeed Valery’s father then he’s a piece of shit in my book. Had he claimed responsibility like a man Valery wouldn't be in this predicament and would’ve avoided those traumatic experiences. Learning that there was more than one predator sexually abusing her made me even more sick to my stomach about the situation then I already am. Jade mentioned the word "Broken" when describing Valery, which is probably accurate, it's just a horrible backstory.

The Mc in my opinion hasn’t properly grieved for his father yet, I hope he opens up more about his passing eventually, they was obviously close and you don't get over that kinda lost that quickly. But taking on others trauma, such as Valery, while dealing with your own issues is gonna be difficult in my opinion, from my experience all he can do is try to be there for Valery and support her as a friend for now.

With Jade’s character I’m even more torn because I like her personality, she’s fun to be around and is open and honest with herself and feelings, but sex can’t be the only thing your relationship is predicated on. She’s clearly falling in love with Mc, and they have chemistry, but even in serious moments such as the honest talk they had even that led to her being on top of him. I just hope there's more to her character than being a nympho who's an easy fuck, but I'm not seeing it so far.

Jenny is an amazing character to me, always caring for others and their needs. Even putting herself in harms way for Val like a true mama bear. The Dev did a great job this update capturing her true beauty, I enjoyed her content the most. The night time scene in the hotel with Mc was beautifully done, great renders and angles of her in the skylight, she’s one hell of a woman. Even though the sex scene with Mc was short lived, if that's a sign of what's to come then I can't wait.

Any scene to me with Ashley is enjoyable, but I find Sung Ji to be a bit annoying. Yeah, her intentions are good, but it’s pestering how she’s always interfering in Ashley and Mc affairs. She doesn’t need to always force the issue on things all the time, sometimes it’s easy just to mind your own business. I would’ve like if Mc actually asked Ashley out to continue their date versus Sung Ji just blurting it out. Maybe doing so would somewhat ease Ashley’s mind on if she’s enough for Mc. It’s still mind boggling that a beauty like Ashley would feel insecure about any other woman, but that’s what makes me love her character that much more.

On a more serious note, I’ll be so glad when this Adam prick finally gets what’s coming to him. If I had it my may it would end in blood. That hotel scene could’ve ended in a bloodbath and he didn’t even care. He didn't care who would've gotten hurt in this situation and that's telling on what kind of a person he is. So yeah, no redemption arc for me I want him either dead or in jail. On the flip side because of this incident we learned news about the Richards family having their hands dirty and being involved in some shady business, this could be used to Jenny’s advantage. I still believe Jessica is gonna play a role in Adam's downfall as well and I can't wait.

Hats off to the TLG.
Every game needs a good antagonist and Adam fits the bill, that being said he can fuck off permanently, excuse my language.


Jul 21, 2021
I finaly finished that chapter 3 and well.... all i can say is that io lost any interest for that game anymore.
I have absolutely no interest for a cheap crime/mafia story with "superheroes" like in a bad comic book!
There could have been a good moment with Ashley in the park if she was not that shy and hesitating, otherwise all that story about Valery, Clint, Marie, Jill, Adam was so cringe that i felt ashamed for having playing it!
As you said some characters are so over the top and the story so full of clichés that it spoils everything for me.
It's a shame, i love those girls so much, but i just can't go on with this unfortunately.
Give the game a second chance. Wait a couple of updates and play it again. The dev said in a comment here that he's not going to turn this game into a policial drama, so I suppose (or hope) that the nonsense of the "Cartel of New Hampshire" will be resolved and Valery salved, and the game will be again like the previous chapters, roleplaying like a guy in college with several attractive (although overdramatized) girls and women to hang around and romance.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Drainbamager


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Not finished with my first run though of episode 3 but had to come here for a few spoilers. This game exist in the DIK universe (loosely), which is a creature of Pinkcake... Acting Lessons did a number on me honestly and this VN has that eerie Al vibe..... Really hoping it stays (loosely) connected and he does not go full Pinkcake at the end... Beautiful graphics, story line is very well done, the characters individual personalities are (to me) executed flawlessly.... This is most likely ending as one of the top 5 all time best VN's for me.
Sep 3, 2020
Not finished with my first run though of episode 3 but had to come here for a few spoilers. This game exist in the DIK universe (loosely), which is a creature of Pinkcake... Acting Lessons did a number on me honestly and this VN has that eerie Al vibe..... Really hoping it stays (loosely) connected and he does not go full Pinkcake at the end... Beautiful graphics, story line is very well done, the characters individual personalities are (to me) executed flawlessly.... This is most likely ending as one of the top 5 all time best VN's for me.
Exactly my brother exactly acting lessons broke me absolutely hate that game, it sends me into a severe depression

absolutely love the story, I don't know why everybody makes a big deal about Valery part of the story I'm enjoying it's so much better than the typical guy goes to college and fuck every girl in sight, and besides

every girl will get their own story arc, but this is Valery part of the story for now

but you know what this time I will be honest and tell you exactly what everybody's problem with the story is they want the same old guy goes to college and fucking every girl in sight story well I got news for them

the game they want, and they are so desperate for it already fucking exist it's every game on this site with a college setting

yes this game takes place in college but does that mean the developer is only allowed to make one type of story he's not allowed to try anything different

oh and Jenny is best girl


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
I'm between a rock and a hard place sitting above hot coals, with spikes over my head between Jenny, Ashley, Rebecca and Valery (was always a Valery fan). Thank God its just a game cause in real life I'd loose it heheheh. They all have the get to me and I really will hace to play though this a few times to see the storylines. Hoping Vicky can get some training time in with him so he's not a punching bag after a while. Not expecting him to be Rocky but for the element of danger introduced he should be able to brawl a little.
Would not mind seeing Adam KO'd either
And your right sex scenes are great in any setting and there are many VN's with almost no storyline but allot of scenes succeeding on this site. But to me the true master pieces (Depraved Awakening excluded) don't have as many sex scenes. One of the absolute best has not had one yet (Deluca Family) and is out shining 99% of the VN's here.
Jun 11, 2020
This was a great update I get feels throughout the playthrough. Feeling anxiety and nervous about this cartel business and hoping no one is abducted or killed. Spending time with both Ashley and Jenny makes it harder to choose between the two, it really sucks that some routes are closed off. I'm not a big harem person but in this instance I wish it was a true harem.


Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
Absolutely, and that traitorous bitch Jill is just as guilty. Smiling in Jenny's face, while stabbing her in the back.
What she did was inexcusable, her marriage to a rich guy shouldn’t be more important than peoples lives, but that says a lot about people’s priorities.
Sadly I agree. Wanted to like her as a close friend and only family member Jenny could trust.... and for her to be the traitorous bitch/informant to potentially see innocent people murdered just so she can marry some off screen dude into her rich family is beyond inexcusable. She really played her part well, and while I believe she betrayed Jenny without malice, it still does not justify ANY reason Adam would have to force her cooperation. That sadly tells me she has no conscious and is willing to put her needs above anyone else for an entirely selfish, unrealistic reason just to marry some rando.

At the very least, her character could have seen some redemption if she in turn contacted Jenny to give her the heads up that scary people were after them, lied about the Dalias cartel questioning/threatening her and forcing her to hand over her camera footage from the store. That way she could still be a realistic double agent cooperating with Adam's wishes while screwing him over working with Jenny. From her acquiescence to Adam's demands and not even trying to fight him on it, to her choosing how to deliver that info to the cartel members without any sort of guilt or attempt to hold back some info (if only to buy them extra time to get away) has just really left me with a bitter taste with her character and has me now wishing her plans turn to shit and she gets the bad karma she selfishly put out there by not at least giving Jenny a chance to help her or at least try to understand why she did what she did.

Crusader of Romance

Active Member
Dec 14, 2019
So I just restarted the game from scratch since I was told that I had to because I used a mod to fix the bug that kept you from entering Valery's path in chapter 2, and see that he still hasn't fixed the suddenly missing hair on Vicky's brothers head in the beginning. :FacePalm::ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
I'm between a rock and a hard place sitting above hot coals, with spikes over my head between Jenny, Ashley, Rebecca and Valery (was always a Valery fan). Thank God its just a game cause in real life I'd loose it heheheh. They all have the get to me and I really will hace to play though this a few times to see the storylines. Hoping Vicky can get some training time in with him so he's not a punching bag after a while. Not expecting him to be Rocky but for the element of danger introduced he should be able to brawl a little.
Would not mind seeing Adam KO'd either
And your right sex scenes are great in any setting and there are many VN's with almost no storyline but allot of scenes succeeding on this site. But to me the true master pieces (Depraved Awakening excluded) don't have as many sex scenes. One of the absolute best has not had one yet (Deluca Family) and is out shining 99% of the VN's here.
Just finished my first play through (strictly Ashley). Had to become a patron it is worth it. Starting my Jenny play through now.
4.10 star(s) 232 Votes