LOL, I so do love it when people from a country who can not even spell mum properly criticizes spelling and grammar.
Pick up a dictionary from England where English comes from and show me, mom, armor color.
Or people nitpicking, but sure as hell don't offer to help the dev.
First off. Whatever the "correct" version of a language is - that's not decided by a dictionary but by the users as a whole.
If enough people decide that something is false or correct - that's that. Grammar rules are observations about the language in development. Rule books and Dictionaries are secondary to the literal "word on the street". They are not like the word of god etched on stone tablets brought down from the mountain by Moses. Which is proven by the fact that they have to be updated every now and then to reflect the recent changes. Language is an organic, evolving thing made by people. It's not something that exists independently of people.
Secondly. I think it's insane how people invest so much of their identity in games (porn games, at that!) that they feel like any criticism is an attack on them, personally. Just chill out, man. This is not about you, it doesn't concern you and unless you have a counter-argument to my "nitpick", you can just keep your fingers off the keyboard, because you have nothing of value to contribute here.
Finally, any creative person knows that criticism ("nitpicking") is in and of itself helpful - provided that makes a valid point. What's not helpful are stans who will aggressively attack anyone who - in their mind - dares to insult their favorite product.
It's thanks to behavior like that, that so many spaces on the web feel less like a community where people can exchange ideas freely and more like a cult, with witch hunts and blind adoration for their "leaders" (developers, in this case).