And than it goes like this for example... you faceplam yourself, get annoyed and throw everything in the bin cause you cant manage all that anymore.
On top of that, TLG was mentally unstable, he told this in discord a while ago and made a patreon post about it too... if your mental health isnt the best, and you face a problem you cant solve as you whish, most people in this state just "quit" and vanish.
Iam one of those who did just that more than once, and i know a bunch of others too (met them through therapy)
And TLG is one of those people i assume to more likely runaway from the problem instead of solving it. No offense, as i said, iam like that myself.
We are many more in that boat.
Past 8 years, I've been 100% disabled mostly cuz of mental disabilities(and some physical)
Mental health goes hand in hand with physical health.. If one at a time is "shit", the other follows suit.
And it's all back and forth. A evil circle, if will!
It's crippling!
First of all. Everyone with mental disabilities react, and behave differently. There are only "key" components that are similar.
Trying to avoid dumping too much details, I'll try get out the point of "my story". Since this thread is now more about "theories", rather than the VN at this point.
Late 2018, there were some unforseen circumstances, out of my control, that made me have to pick up a "fight" in legal systems. It consumed nearly all my time, and energy.
By beginning 2019, I couldn't handle telling my girlfriend what is going on without releasing details, cuz NDA, etc.
So for me, it got to the point it was "easier" for me to dump her.
I started disconnecting myself from "friends" the next months, towards April.
When I ran out of funds, and couldn't continue.
I then started alienating myself from relatives, and stopped even going outside. "I needed a break" from everything.
Ordered groceries, etc over the web, and got delivered at my door. I started regretting "pushing people away".
And What did I do? I pushed even more people away.
Fast forward.
A certain pandemic enters.. It made it even easier for myself not to try go outside.
And I started alienating myself from closer family. (I actually from that point, hadn't talked with my own brother, before until today just 3 hours ago. Ignored phone calls. etc)
I only spoke once, maybe twice with my mother over phone per month.
And a tiny handful of my "remaing" friends over discord by typing, and even then sometimes over a month between.
I started drinking.. A LOT. I was drunk more days than not.
Fast forward.
4 months ago, I decided I'm finally done. Been slowly getting back into "including" myself in the surroundings.
I now go to weekly Speech therapy(yes, I started loosing control over my speech, and developed a stutter in this time).
Weekly consultation with my GP, and weekly consultation with a "integration consultant", to "get used to people again".
It's easy sitting behind a computer screen and "feel safe". And to someone that struggles with mental health that hits a wall, one way or another, it's easy to "self sabotage", "throw everything in the bin", and just give up.
In my case, it took over 3 years to slap myself in the face, and do something about it!
How is this relative?
Well.. if the Dev have generalized depression and or anxiety disorders, and dealing with that shit mostly on their own, it's easy to just throw everything away over night! WAY too easy!
I hope ya'll doing good!
Try take care of those around you!
And if they have any mental issues. Be there for them, but without "drowning them"(that's what made me dump my GF).
Take care,
And Happy Holidays!