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Hey Supporters,
I was debating on telling you guys about this, or just releasing it when it was all completed. I've decided to just let you all know. I'm working on something I'm calling Project Petal. I deleted the rogue morph that was deforming my characters. With my second computer, I've queued up all the renders for A Petal Among Thorns, and they're re-rendering without being able to load in that rogue morph.
I don't actually have to do anything. I'm just letting my second computer generate the images. However, when the images are all done, I'll have to do some editing and combine them into a working build.
This is not for a re-release of A Petal Among Thorns though. This is for a beginning to end Rose Garden game that will be complete with the final episode of Over the Moon. I'm going to put A Petal Among Thorns, A Moment of Bliss, and Over the Moon together into one game called The Rose Garden, and I'm going to release it as one big game. This will definitely take some time to create, but I won't work on it until after Over the Moon is done.
^ This was the Before. ^
^ This is the After. ^
You'll all still have access to the original if you prefer. The reason I'm doing this is because the rogue morph makes Petal look too young, and has gotten me into a lot of hot water. This will also make the entire combined collection more fluid.
Again, this is just something I'm doing in the background and it's almost entirely hands off so it won't take away any time from The Judas Ghost or Over the Moon.
Thanks for your support, and stay hydrated!