
Lesbian incest the best!
Aug 26, 2017
Why is everyone hating on poor Liam . He is the one whose wife we are all taking down a corruption path. He should be the one hating us. We don't even know for sure if by the end of this he will have his wife with him or not.
I don't hate him, the game has enough hated characters. He just interfered with Sophia when her daughter showed her as much as she is sexy and desirable for her.
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Conversation Conqueror
May 10, 2017
Why is everyone hating on poor Liam . He is the one whose wife we are all taking down a corruption path. He should be the one hating us. We don't even know for sure if by the end of this he will have his wife with him or not.
he is ok.just a boring character.
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