
Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
This is a great point. Corruption games would do well to better balance the female protagonist because we're not all hopelessly naive. It's bad enough when the game's end point is not set, but in a game like AWAM where the end point is a "short" 30 days later, it makes it really hard to achieve the corruption in a believable way. Sophia is basically being asked to go from a sexually conservative (not prude) woman to some level of slut, over the course of 30 days. It would be a nice change of pace to start with a woman who is already on the threshold of going over the edge into slut territory, or can choose to reign herself in.
L&P could make it somewhat realistic with time if he was to put in some timelapse of more than a week, like two or three, throughout the novel. He could have some narration in there as he did with the first lapse he did for one week. This would allow him to extend the gamedays and maintain the thirty playable game day. The problem with this is it can create plot holes, but on the other hand, like you said, keeping the thirty days intact with no time-lapse makes it unrealistic, which from a fictional standpoint, some realism needs to take place.

Some of the novel's women are at a good pace with the corruption, like Sophia/Ellie/Patricia/, to have a "comfortable" outcome with some "realistic" issues in the story. Still, the males on the other side have too much of a gap. I fear there will be some unrealistic/unbelievable events to take place just so certain characters can play catch up now, mostly the males.

I agree it would have been easier for her to start on her borderline of sexuality as there are far too many emotional and sexual walls to hurdle over in thirty days (Playable day), But how would that have affected the GW side of the story since both stories, GW and Filth, run parallel with each other. His story is about breaking Sophia's will of being a GW (Sexually Conservative) to exploring her sexuality vs. keeping it intact for her spouse only.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
I tested different options for Sam concert.
It doesn’t matter if Sophia is in a relationship with Ellie and Patricia or not at all . Or if Ellie is in a relationship with Julia or Logan or with nobody. The dialogues stays the same.
Sophia still talk about bringing Patricia, Ellie and a friend of Ellie.

So either, they won’t change anything and in that case I don’t know why L&p is putting that upon himself when the event promises to be a lot of work already.

Or Sam route will split. You can continue his relationship with Sophia or you can hook him with Ellie. Or Patricia. Because why not. I think it’s time to put some branching on the Sam path. The 25 different options on the Dylan route are not enough and it would be really cool to have even more events for each playable day . Like that we could have each day split in 5 or 6 . And maybe 2 years of waiting for each playable days. ( sarcasm)

Or maybe it’s not the Sam route that will be split but the event. One version where Sophia will continue her relationship with Patricia or Ellie. And one where you don’t have any points with Ellie and Patricia and you just continue the Sophia/Sam relationship and the girls will just be there doing nothing.

Whatever the case might be, and unless the other events are really small, we can consider ourselves lucky if this update come before November.
You only get day18_Sam_invites_Sophia_to_his_performance if during the pool event Sophia accepts the idea that in a parallel world she would be dating Sam.
So if you don't have that there will be no concert or maybe a very short version of that.

Concerning Patricia and Ellie, I think they will be just "supporting" characters for that night, not matter how many points or what happened with them before.
They are needed because it would be realistically weird for Sophia going to a concert alone.
They will be there to support Sophia, there will be some dialogues for sure but no particular progression in the story with them.

Personally, I don't see this splitting problem, just because they are there it doesn't mean that their respective paths will affect the event.
Even more, I don't think that neither of them (Patricia and Ellie) will play any role in Sophia's interaction with Sam.
Taking the car scenario as just an example, I think that if by any chance there is a kiss between Sophia and Sam, Ellie and Patricia won't see any of it.
For the simple reason that it will mess up the story with too many branches.

That being said, everything is possible. We have a lot of time to speculate about this! ;)
Last edited:
May 2, 2020
Does it come with half an updates worth of instructions? That bike had better be worth adding it to the story, and not end up being a disappointment.
Just heard that we will have to fix it. The frame is supposedly intact but the tires are done for and we will need to replace both.

Cold brew

Jul 20, 2020
Folks, when will the new version?! Will there be a new version?!
I think you forgot the pigeons, sure enough they always manage to find a way in ;)
Jokes aside, yeah from a mere development point of view it can be nightmarish knowing his care for details, potentially so many characters/extras, lights, fog/smoke... He's gonna have fun doing it, we... we will wait. ;)
Oh god you’re right!! The pigeons!

What about this:
They exit the back door of the club, cross the parking lot engaging in flirty conversation, Sophia giggles more than usual - Sam is on form but also noticeably nervous and excited. They get to Sam’s car and find it peppered with pigeon poo. Sophia laughs but instead of getting embarrassed or flustered or angry (like Liam probably would) Sam steps up: "I need to take care of this right away." He and Sophia get in, he drives it to a 24-hour car wash.

Their actions mirror the car wash cycle: The water and soap and suds build up. The gentle scrubbing brushes do their magic, washing away the built up grit and grime. The wraparound scrubbers make sure the front, underside and rear all get proper attention. Next is the rinse cycle followed by the hot wax cycle. Finally the drying pads gently and rhythmically mop away the excess moisture and buff everything to a perfect shine.

The car, like Sophia, emerges refreshed and reinvigorated, just like new.

Now that, IMHO, would be thematically and narratively and metaphorically sound, and something I could totally buy into.

And it reinforces the significance of all those damned pigeons.
Almost 2/3 is done.

Let's hope he don't waste the time to make the bike as real as possible.
,80 percent after 3months. for the remaining 20 percent less than 1 month. for art and translation 1 month. update mittle juni. halleluja.
When this game is update. I'm still waiting for this update
progress move 5% per week, still 245% to go so somewhere next year
Heard you'll also be able to disassemble the bike
Just heard that we will have to fix it. The frame is supposedly intact but the tires are done for and we will need to replace both.
... Blame Dylan.


Co-Developer of Elite Garden
Game Developer
Feb 22, 2019
So I just replayed and sent Dylan to bording school to see the Amber/Dylan content, Is this story line only ever going to happen if he gets sent away or do you think he may end up having scenes with her if he stays home? They seem to get along quite well and seeing Sam get pissed at his "buddy" getting close to his mom is great for me as a Dylan fan and Sam disliker (hater?).

That last Sam event was the final nail in the coffin for me as regard to his character, groping Sophia telling her that a womans body is like a cello and describing his dreams to her while a day or two earlier during the chicken figh he is hitting Dylan in the head for something he was trying to do aswell.

I seem to read a lot about how Sam is much more mature than Dylan and yes he seems to have more expericence and confidance with women but he is still just as immature as Dylan as shown during the trampoline and gaming events where he felt the need to show off by doing backfilps and fight for a controller like a child would.

In conclusion do we know if there will be any chance of an alternative Dylan/Amber story and Sam's a dick.

Also when is the next Patricia event supposed to take place?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
While I think this idea is hot, the fact that L&P has said that Liam is not cheating pretty much makes this idea a fantasy. Until/unless we get some actual evidence that Liam is cheating, I'm going to assume that L&P was telling the truth.
And my memory on this may be faulty, but I seem to remember that there some dialogue from Nathalie in the throes of her building climax that she was thinking of Sophia?

I can't remember Liam even meeting Nathalie.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
And my memory on this may be faulty, but I seem to remember that there some dialogue from Nathalie in the throes of her building climax that she was thinking of Sophia?

I can't remember Liam even meeting Nathalie.
Yes she met the whole family on day 13, Liam included, followed by some jealousy scene by Sophia ;)

And yes for the climax:
Also, she is actually thinking about Mrs. Parker
"{color=#ffffff}Nathalie's fingers were rubbing her pussy with a bit more urgency now, parting her lips, running up and down her slit."
"{color=#ffffff}Her moaning was quiet but Sophia could still hear it."
nat "*Moan* {size=-2}Oh yeah, Mrs. Parker, right there! Keep on licking me! Don't stop!"

s "{color=#f2ff66}(What was that again???)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(Oh my God, is she thinking about me while doing that??? What does it mean? Is she... into me? Is she a lesbian?)"
But maybe Liam was also there in her mind ;)
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