
Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I'm anxiously awaiting this community's deep dive into the nuances, sexual subtext, classical literature references, and downright naughtiness of the Dylan/Julia/Emma/Ellie foursome event scheduled for playable day 22. But since that is about a decade away I will fill my time providing L&P and anyone else who reads this thread my suggestions for how the development could be improved/accelerated.

BTW and FYI: In English the expression is "Never look a gift horse in the mouth" (with no ellipses) and while it may be a commonly used proverb in your country, it is very unlikely to be from your country. According to theidioms.com, [emphasis added]
"It is an ancient expression and the exact origin is unknown. However, the first print occurrence in English is found in 1546 in John Heywood’s “A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue” (middle English). The phrase can be traced further back to the Latin text of St Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, in AD 400.

Furthermore, I would say the application of this particular proverb to bolster your argument is a complete and utter failure of logic, Aristotelean or otherwise, or at minimum a misunderstanding of the scenario. I think an allegory is more apt:

I was dehydrated, starving, and near death on a deserted stretch of road outside San Alejo. I landed at the airport more than a two weeks prior. While trying to find my rental car on the ninth floor of the parking garage, some asshole in a very expensive looking sports coup - which I'm sure had at least six people in it despite being a five-seater - driving manically fast nearly runs me over. I lunged out of the way, dropping everything I was carrying, obviously, and somehow stumbled over the barrier, eventually tumbling 3,000 meters downhill, breaking my leg and several ribs in the process. I can't get up, I can't move, I can't help myself. My luggage and personal effects, including my cell phone, are either still up in that parking garage or strewn about the cliffs above, but either way are irretrievable. I'm fucked, right?

Crippled, lost, directionless, and with little hope of realizing the bright future I'd been looking forward to for years, I begin walking, limping and crawling as best I can. As I said, this goes on for more than two weeks, I'm living off dew collected in leaves and bugs I can catch and keep down without vomiting. I saw what looked like a deer, which would have been good protein but it was too rancid for me to consider it edible. The maggots gestating inside did provide enough sustenance for me to carry on, though.

I hear the sound of a car in the distance - a road! I lumber towards the sound and collapse on the side of a highway - I'm going to make it, I'm going to be ok!

Eventually, a man and woman on a motorcycle drive by and stop to ask me what's wrong (the woman is quite beautiful and her cheeks are flushed, I notice, and the man has a very confident and knowing smirk on his face). I tell them I haven't had a sip of water in nearly three days and I'm near death and ask if they could please help me out. They say they have nothing on them but they will be back with help. They ride off, and all I can think is that I will soon have food and water and another look at that sumptuous woman, her massive boobs and that incredibly tight black leather riding kit. I'm happy.

I wait. And I wait. Night falls. Nothing. I pass out. I awake to sunlight. Time passes, still no help arrives. I start crawling in the direction they were riding. I crawl all day, and by late afternoon I can see off in the distance a gas station on the side of the road with a minimart. There's a public pay phone and a shop full of bottled water, juices, and snacks. Did they just abandon me to die there knowing my plight? Why didn't they just call for help and bring me some water?! How cruel and selfish of them.

As my anger builds I hear what sounds like an armada of vehicles, including a motorcycle, coming up the road. It's him! He did come back - but what took so long?

He explains:
"Hey man, I know you've been hurting for a long time living on the scraps you could find, but I couldn't resist the notion that you might want more than water and a trip to the hospital. So I arranged a gourmet buffet meal for you! And a mariachi band to keep the mood up! But then I thought you'd also want a snake charmer, which I don't have to tell you takes some time to find, especially around here! And what party would be complete without a dance floor, which of course needs proper disco hall lighting. I had to build the portable dance floor all by myself because, you know, I couldn't find any carpenters that were better than me on short notice willing to work for cheap, so what's the point, right? And a dance party needs a DJ, which means a sound system and a portable power generator. And then I was sure you'd want to parade into town accompanied by the bumping beats of the local high school marching band, so I had to round them up, get the parental permission slips, arrange for transportation, and then the rehearsals. You know, it has to sound perfect right? Can't have sub-standard music for this event, right?"

I am stunned. But you know what the real kicker in all that is, he didn't even bring that hot sexy woman with him...
Sorry, Please summarize. I can't get past "sumptuous woman, her massive boobs and that incredibly tight black leather riding kit. ":);)


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
5%a day!!! Really? He had stated before the first 2 parts were longest and hardest. And they were 10% a day!!
OK he took like 5 months (30 x5 = 150 days) {and please don't no one get all Julian} to do the 1st 2 parts and less that 2 weeks for the 3rd. And you are complaining about this part. He even predicted a mid June release (recently however). This is nearly exactly in line with that. :coffee:


Oct 14, 2019
Decisions of Life. The Patreon-friendly official version of AWAM. Ellie is a "friend", Patricia is Sophia's "best friend", and Dylan/Sam/Julia/Marie/Zac etc are lodgers. Most of the scenes with underage or possible incest are removed, for example if you're doing the second side job, you don't get the option to give the sex-ed classes.
Damn! Another promising game ruined by draconian shitreon policies....:mad::mad::cautious::cautious:


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
People complaining about other posters pollute this thread more than people who show dissatisfaction with the game/development of the game which titles the thread.

Pointing flaws to the game and its development is actually in line with the topic (and any game topic out there) but trying to shut people up or constantly crying everytime someone says something about the development of the game isn't and adds 0 to discussion, zero.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are right in some points in your criticism of the developer. They just confuse contradiction in their opinion with their feeling that their opinion would be forbidden. If they mislead in the tone or in the claim when describing their frustration, it doesn't matter, I sometimes do that too. But it's annoying when you keep coming up with the same topic, always bringing the same arguments, sometimes as pictures, sometimes as a poem and sometimes as a pure text contribution. You are not adding anything new to the discussion here either also.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2019
L&P wrote: "to save time to me".

This sentence scares me a little because every time he's done something that supposedly saves him time, it's been worse.

"To save time to me", ok but don't use this saved time to do something else and take advantage of it to "improve" other things otherwise it is absolutely useless.

I hope I am wrong.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
L&P wrote: "to save time to me".

This sentence scares me a little because every time he's done something that supposedly saves him time, it's been worse.

"To save time to me", ok but don't use this saved time to do something else and take advantage of it to "improve" other things otherwise it is absolutely useless.

I hope I am wrong.
I think he already has a lot of offers on the table, but the chosen person needs to get a lot of material before updating. They will use the same text and images for the chosen scenes. He can save a few days :unsure:


Jul 29, 2020
Decisions of Life. The Patreon-friendly official version of AWAM. Ellie is a "friend", Patricia is Sophia's "best friend", and Dylan/Sam/Julia/Marie/Zac etc are lodgers. Most of the scenes with underage or possible incest are removed, for example if you're doing the second side job, you don't get the option to give the sex-ed classes.
okay, but are both game on same pace?
like sophia hasn't slept with anyone except her husband?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
okay, but are both game on same pace?
like sophia hasn't slept with anyone except her husband?
Yes. DoL v.130 will be playable day 12 noon events. It just wont have the sex ed classes, and chuncks of the Sophia/Dylan event will probably be left out.
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Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
I downloaded and played DoL, by mistake :ROFLMAO: , and at a certain point I didn't understand anything, jumping from scene to scene without logic.
So, if the chosen person gets something wrong it's no big deal. What I don't remember is if son/daughter were changed to something else.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I downloaded and played DoL, by mistake :ROFLMAO: , and at a certain point I didn't understand anything, jumping from scene to scene without logic.
So, if the chosen person gets something wrong it's no big deal. What I don't remember is if son/daughter were changed to something else.
Ellie is "friend", Patricia is "best friend", and Dylan/Sam/Julia/Marie, etc, etc are lodgers
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
L&P wrote: "to save time to me".

This sentence scares me a little because every time he's done something that supposedly saves him time, it's been worse.
"To save time to me", ok but don't use this saved time to do something else and take advantage of it to "improve" other things otherwise it is absolutely useless.
I hope I am wrong.
Considering L&P´s track record with "saving time" over the years and the obvious multiple times he deliberately slowed down things, you can be near certain to be right! And do you see the "little" to me? English might be a second language for me, but I understand "to me" as something that is for me personally, not for your lunch or project or so.
It seems he wants to prove @bayrischman´s prediction (whom L&P insulted) wrong by going for a July release, just not obviously.
Mar 25, 2021
If there won't be any lesbian sense in the update i won't play it cause i'm curious on what will happen at the horse ranch because i think Patricia became Sophia lover but we don't know that yet plus i think Ellie started having thoughts about Sophia when they was at pool side with Julia oh Decisions of a Life is that a game
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
If there won't be any lesbian sense in the update i won't play it cause i'm curious on what will happen at the horse ranch because i think Patricia became Sophia lover but we don't know that yet plus i think Ellie started having thoughts about Sophia when they was at pool side with Julia oh by the way what is DOL
DoL is Decisions of Life, the game L&P is officially making on Patreon, which is AWAM with the underage and incest references changed, and some scenes removed. I originally looked into it to see if there were any hints as to who would have relationships with who - for example, if Claire and Marie were written in DoL as mother and daughter, that would mean that they were not going to have a sexual relationship, but since all parent/child relationships in the game are lodger/Landlady (with the exception of Ellie, who is Sophia's friend, Patricia is best friend, and Amber and Neil are Sam and Julia's Landlords), it doesn't really indicate anything interesting.

DoL isn't worth playing. So be careful if the update comes out and it says "Decisions of Life" instead of "A Wife and Mother" like what happened a while back and really confused a lot of people.
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