Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
Things are going nicely for Sam right now. You could even say he's riding on the crest of a wave. The night after his band's first successful gig, making inroads with Ellie, a new car. Finally a sexy encounter with the attractive married woman next door in her hot tub, better still, gaining the advantage over her husband and getting away with it. All profoundly important things for a teenager to boast to his friends. Starting with practically no experience, he's suddenly full of boyish confidence with little to lose and all to gain.
Consequently, the meeting between Sam and Sophia tomorrow should be interesting. It would be good to read more speculations from other readers, particularly from a woman's perspective.
It's likely Sophia will be sensible and stand-offish at first, but arriving fresh from Aiden's 4th task and the side job may well have aroused her to the point of weakness should Sam make a strong enough pass, or is able to charm her without the seductive effects of alcohol during daytime. His best move might be to play on Sophia's natural sense of curiosity regards Ellie, creating a sense of rivalry between Sophia and her daughter to capture Sophia's attention and envy against the unattainable youth of a girl half her age. As in,
"Sam, what's Ellie got that I haven't?".
Looking at Sophia's expression as she pulled up in the car with Liam at the close of the evening, Sam shouldn't have to work too hard. Next, how likely is it that Amber will catch or spy on Sophia and Sam together during this scene?
Depending on which route is taken (with Dylan returning from boarding school) this could also be a very important day in Dylan's coming of age. Be patient if you can, I'm sure L&P has much planned for this next update.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Things are going nicely for Sam right now. You could even say he's riding on the crest of a wave. The night after his band's first successful gig, making inroads with Ellie, a new car. Finally a sexy encounter with the attractive married woman next door in her hot tub, better still, gaining the advantage over her husband and getting away with it. All profoundly important things for a teenager to boast to his friends. Starting with practically no experience, he's suddenly full of boyish confidence with little to lose and all to gain.
Consequently, the meeting between Sam and Sophia tomorrow should be interesting. It would be good to read more speculations from other readers, particularly from a woman's perspective.
It's likely Sophia will be sensible and stand-offish at first, but arriving fresh from Aiden's 4th task and the side job may well have aroused her to the point of weakness should Sam make a strong enough pass, or is able to charm her without the seductive effects of alcohol during daytime. His best move might be to play on Sophia's natural sense of curiosity regards Ellie, creating a sense of rivalry between Sophia and her daughter to capture Sophia's attention and envy against the unattainable youth of a girl half her age. As in,
"Sam, what's Ellie got that I haven't?".
Looking at Sophia's expression as she pulled up in the car with Liam at the close of the evening, Sam shouldn't have to work too hard. Next, how likely is it that Amber will catch or spy on Sophia and Sam together during this scene?
Depending on which route is taken (with Dylan returning from boarding school) this could also be a very important day in Dylan's coming of age. Be patient if you can, I'm sure L&P has much planned for this next update.
I would enjoy it if things unfolded broadly as you suggested. I like your sense of optimism. I hope it is not misplaced.


Dec 29, 2021
Things are going nicely for Sam right now. You could even say he's riding on the crest of a wave. The night after his band's first successful gig, making inroads with Ellie, a new car. Finally a sexy encounter with the attractive married woman next door in her hot tub, better still, gaining the advantage over her husband and getting away with it. All profoundly important things for a teenager to boast to his friends. Starting with practically no experience, he's suddenly full of boyish confidence with little to lose and all to gain.
Consequently, the meeting between Sam and Sophia tomorrow should be interesting. It would be good to read more speculations from other readers, particularly from a woman's perspective.
It's likely Sophia will be sensible and stand-offish at first, but arriving fresh from Aiden's 4th task and the side job may well have aroused her to the point of weakness should Sam make a strong enough pass, or is able to charm her without the seductive effects of alcohol during daytime. His best move might be to play on Sophia's natural sense of curiosity regards Ellie, creating a sense of rivalry between Sophia and her daughter to capture Sophia's attention and envy against the unattainable youth of a girl half her age. As in,
"Sam, what's Ellie got that I haven't?".
Looking at Sophia's expression as she pulled up in the car with Liam at the close of the evening, Sam shouldn't have to work too hard. Next, how likely is it that Amber will catch or spy on Sophia and Sam together during this scene?
Depending on which route is taken (with Dylan returning from boarding school) this could also be a very important day in Dylan's coming of age. Be patient if you can, I'm sure L&P has much planned for this next update.

Sophia is a woman like most of the others. In her head she already knows that she is fucking Sam but she still has to play a bit and kill time (like L&P) and then she fucks Sam :sleep::sleep:
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
Yes, I'm quoting myself, sue me. I just wanted to double back to this to emphasize that I followed up on a bet. Since the announcement on December 18th- the one that gave us no details about anything but delayed the project- the allotted time has passed and nothing concrete has been announcing relating to this next update. I wanted to draw attention to this in order to give some context to the passage of time. Three weeks ago we got the notification that the update was delayed and that L&P was working on something big. That "something big" would be essential to the next update. Here we are, three weeks later and we don't have any details- only a short post on the Forum asking for help with Blender. The next update is still due at the end of the month, but time is ticking.

Considering that three weeks has passed without a substantial update, I think it's safe to say that the update is either slipping to February, or the new feature won't be included in it. Considering that he just reached out to the F95 community for help a couple of days ago, I think it's safe to assume that progress on Blender is only just beginning. Meanwhile, have we heard anything more about his outreach to other devs? Do we know if any offered to help?
What feels a big missed opportunity is looking at that thread he started and see how, if he were just *a little bit* more open, the interaction with the other talented people of the forum could be a precious resource for him, like nexer did in that case. It won't solve the problem of the development rate but it could help him in delivering his product and with time even find maybe the person that he can go along and trust to delegate some part of the story. And, maybe (?), removing some of the drama in this thread ;)

And while the render quality is a big part if not the only one he is interested in, it would be a great news if he found someone for the writing part too. We are getting closer and closer (well, relatively ;) ) to the "good stuff" and, as he admitted himself, maybe he's starting to feel the tiredness of the task or even running out of ideas (in terms of writing, assuming he has at least the outline of the events). Having someone bringing in new and fresh ideas and a more coherent writing could be very beneficial for the story and even for him, as he can focus more on what he likes the most. I'm not saying that so far it's badly written, overall he did a great job IMO, with ups and downs, also considering it's not his mother tongue.
But take the Cathy&Andy event, many here on the forum (me included) felt it was rushed, especially for an event that dropped a big bomb for the future events. He didn't need many more renders, just a better development of the dialogues to transition into the request in a more "natural" way and making the reader feel more part of the conversation. He might have cut it short for other reasons than hitting the wall of the writer's block but, if anything, this is an example in which a writer could really help him.

We may probably forgive you for quoting yourself, but that change of avatar is a no-no! :p You stepped over the line there, young lady! :D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Game comes recommended. Wow 6Gb. Thanks for creating.
If you want slow erotic build up, then you will love this game.
If you want to see Sophia having sex with anyone beside her husband, then you WILL be disappointed!!
As it has nt happened yet.....

In the next couple of years in real time / next 2-3 days in game time, then likely to start having sexual scenes, e.g. Sophia's pussy being fingered / Sophia giving handjobs. Oral sex might be three years in real time, penetrative sex estimated as anything up to a decade in real time.....

And no, I am not joking. So this game is nt for those that just want quick progression to sex scenes as they will be upset.
But if you are ok with a slow in-game corruption, and slow real time development of the game (i.e. also play a lot of other VN / games in between AWAM updates), then you can enjoy what at it's highpoints is an erotic masterpiece, and just as importantly, AT ITS LOWPOINTS STILL A CUT ABOVE MOST PORN VN/GAMES.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
By the way - forgive a little mockery - did you run out of selfies for your avatar ?
We may probably forgive you for quoting yourself, but that change of avatar is a no-no! :p You stepped over the line there, young lady! :D
LoL, no I have not run out of selfies. To be honest, I didn't think anyone would notice if I changed my avatar. It's a model I've been playing with in Daz and I really liked how the render came out, so I figured I'd use it as an avatar. But clearly I struck a nerve lol.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
LoL, no I have not run out of selfies. To be honest, I didn't think anyone would notice if I changed my avatar. It's a model I've been playing with in Daz and I really liked how the render came out, so I figured I'd use it as an avatar. But clearly I struck a nerve lol.
Well for one... the avatar ain't a ginger! We are so disappoint!:)


Apr 26, 2020
First of all sorry for my english typing Im Big Fan of Sam And Sophia...And I Eagerly Waiting For There Update.But unfortunately there is no update between Them...and i hoping in upcoming update while sophia changing her dress sam watch her in telescope..;)


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
What feels a big missed opportunity is looking at that thread he started and see how, if he were just *a little bit* more open, the interaction with the other talented people of the forum could be a precious resource for him, like nexer did in that case. It won't solve the problem of the development rate but it could help him in delivering his product and with time even find maybe the person that he can go along and trust to delegate some part of the story. And, maybe (?), removing some of the drama in this thread ;)

And while the render quality is a big part if not the only one he is interested in, it would be a great news if he found someone for the writing part too. We are getting closer and closer (well, relatively ;) ) to the "good stuff" and, as he admitted himself, maybe he's starting to feel the tiredness of the task or even running out of ideas (in terms of writing, assuming he has at least the outline of the events). Having someone bringing in new and fresh ideas and a more coherent writing could be very beneficial for the story and even for him, as he can focus more on what he likes the most. I'm not saying that so far it's badly written, overall he did a great job IMO, with ups and downs, also considering it's not his mother tongue.
But take the Cathy&Andy event, many here on the forum (me included) felt it was rushed, especially for an event that dropped a big bomb for the future events. He didn't need many more renders, just a better development of the dialogues to transition into the request in a more "natural" way and making the reader feel more part of the conversation. He might have cut it short for other reasons than hitting the wall of the writer's block but, if anything, this is an example in which a writer could really help him.

We may probably forgive you for quoting yourself, but that change of avatar is a no-no! :p You stepped over the line there, young lady! :D
Sorry to jump in here but i have to dissapoint you on that one. He wrote himself in a corner. I talk from experience!

There is no way out of this situation for him without a ton of effort, skill and an astounding amount of luck.

Let's look at the issue. As you said it felt rushed. And it felt rushed because he makes 2 big mistakes.

1. He underestimates the power of the written word. Instead of using less renders and write more stuff characters say, feel or think the uses way more renders as most devs combined in finished games. That leads to shallow dialouges and shallow characters. Even if a character is fleshed out deeply you can screw this part up pretty fast if you rush a dialouge or scene.

Always imagine the entire scene in your head before you write and when u write. What do they say? What do they feel? What to they think? What does their body do? Arms, legs, head etc. Especially in a game about love or desire this is very important as the reader/player wants to know the reasons why characters behave a certain way. Do they feel bad or good? Annoyed or intrigued etc.

Sure renders can take alot of that work away. But if you rely to much on renders the audience starts to see stuff in a way you did not intend. And if you do that alot you basically give alot of narrative power away and let the audience decide. Thats a double edged sword that if handled incorrectly can turn against you pretty fast.

2. While a build up is good and important the amount of build up is so much that no matter how long a scene or how detailed or fleshed out it is it will always feel rushed. We do not play such games or read erotic novels to experience 5 minutes of pleasure but to feel an immersion of passion and love or desire and lust whatever you prefer.

As you said a professional writer could work wonders on this game but if you want a good writer for erotic stuff there are not many places to actually find one unless you hire them from some place and that is expensive as hell.

I gave up on the game years ago but if he can pull it off i stand corrected. So far i sadly see nothing that would change my mind..


Active Member
Apr 4, 2019
Another game that started out great and has derailed into miniscule updates every once in a while. This is a CHRONIC pattern in games now. While making it worse, nothing happening with the mom and kids, you know the thing most people WANT to happen?
This game has the highest quality renders and story development. So this project gets a pass (from me at least)
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